The ancients said: "Beef replenishes qi and has the same effect as astragalus." Beef is specifically for replenishing the spleen and stomach. Therefore, beef is a meat that appears frequently on the dinner table. It is high in protein and low in fat. It is a high-quality meat wit

2024/07/0222:12:33 regimen 1517

The ancients said: "Beef nourishes qi, and it has the same function as astragalus ." Beef is specifically for nourishing the spleen and stomach, so beef is a meat that appears very frequently on the dinner table. It is high in protein and low in fat. It is a high-quality meat. It is a delicacy that can invigorate qi and strengthen the spleen.

The ancients said:

Normally, people with spleen deficiency often drool, especially when sleeping. Such people are very suitable for eating beef.

In addition, beef can also nourish the kidneys. People with soreness in the waist and knees, kidney deficiency and backache are also suitable to eat beef. Therefore, beef has a very good tonic effect on , spleen, stomach, , and kidneys.

The ancients said:

To avoid the situation of not being able to replenish your body, you should pay attention to the following aspects when taking supplements:

The first point is to proceed step by step: as the old saying goes, haste makes waste. Because deficiency syndrome is not formed in one or two days, it cannot be solved by taking supplements in one or two days. When taking supplements, it is best to start with a small dose to allow the body to adapt, so as to achieve better results.

The ancients said:

Second point, peaceful tonic: Digestion and absorption of the spleen and stomach are the source of the production of qi and blood in the human body, so when replenishing deficiency, attention should be paid to tonifying the spleen and stomach. For people with deficiency syndrome, when taking supplements in the early stage, they should first replenish the spleen and stomach. Use some sweet and mild medicines, such as lotus seeds, Huaishan , Gorgon fruit , lentils, and Codonopsis pilosula, to restore the spleen and stomach qi. Do not use harsh tonics. and excessive dosage.

The ancients said:

The third point is the compatibility of multiple medicinal materials: when replenishing deficiency, using several medicines in small amounts is more effective than using a single medicine in large doses, and can well avoid the situation of not replenishing the deficiency.

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