Many people have the habit of picking out their ears in life. They feel that after picking out their ears, they feel more transparent and even their heads feel relaxed. However, sometimes their ears are itchy and nothing comes out when they pick out their ears. Nowadays, many peo

2024/07/0203:17:33 regimen 1251

Many people have the habit of picking out their ears in life. They feel that after picking out their ears, they feel more transparent and even their heads feel relaxed. However, sometimes their ears are itchy and nothing comes out when they are picked out. , now many people have joined the ranks of health preservation. With the development of society, in order to cater to people's health habits, there is now an industry of ear picking .

Many people have the habit of picking out their ears in life. They feel that after picking out their ears, they feel more transparent and even their heads feel relaxed. However, sometimes their ears are itchy and nothing comes out when they pick out their ears. Nowadays, many peo - DayDayNews

Nowadays, the ear-picking industry can be said to be more and more popular. Some people even regularly pick ear pine. More importantly, it can completely clean the dirt in the ears.

But during the process of cleaning the ears, I found that the insides of the ears were very clean. Why do the ears sometimes feel unbearably itchy even though they are very clean? Letā€™s take a look at your questions below. Itchy ears are not necessarily caused by dirt in the ears, but may also be caused by other bacterial infections.

Many people have the habit of picking out their ears in life. They feel that after picking out their ears, they feel more transparent and even their heads feel relaxed. However, sometimes their ears are itchy and nothing comes out when they pick out their ears. Nowadays, many peo - DayDayNews

Many people have the habit of picking out their ears in life. They feel that after picking out their ears, they feel more transparent and even their heads feel relaxed. However, sometimes their ears are itchy and nothing comes out when they pick out their ears. Nowadays, many peo - DayDayNews1

First of all, letā€™s understand the functions and functions of the ear.

Our ears include three parts: the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. The middle ear is the appendage of the hearing aid , and the outer ear includes the auricle and the external auditory canal.

In addition, there are ear hairs and some glands on the skin of the external auditory canal. The secretions of the glands and ear hairs have a certain blocking effect on the entry of foreign matter such as external dust.

Many people have the habit of picking out their ears in life. They feel that after picking out their ears, they feel more transparent and even their heads feel relaxed. However, sometimes their ears are itchy and nothing comes out when they pick out their ears. Nowadays, many peo - DayDayNews

Many people have the habit of picking out their ears in life. They feel that after picking out their ears, they feel more transparent and even their heads feel relaxed. However, sometimes their ears are itchy and nothing comes out when they pick out their ears. Nowadays, many peo - DayDayNews. The outer ear includes the pinna and the ear canal, which has the function of collecting sound.

Many people have the habit of picking out their ears in life. They feel that after picking out their ears, they feel more transparent and even their heads feel relaxed. However, sometimes their ears are itchy and nothing comes out when they pick out their ears. Nowadays, many peo - DayDayNews. The middle ear has tympanic membrane , ossicles, Eustachian tube plays the role of sound transmission and amplification, collecting the sound through the outer ear, amplifying the middle ear and transmitting it to the inner ear.

Many people have the habit of picking out their ears in life. They feel that after picking out their ears, they feel more transparent and even their heads feel relaxed. However, sometimes their ears are itchy and nothing comes out when they pick out their ears. Nowadays, many peo - DayDayNews. The inner ear has cochlea , vestibule, semicircular canal , which plays the role of transmitting sound. Sound is transmitted to the cochlea through the auditory nerve to the auditory center. Secondly, the semicircular canal plays the role of balance regulation. When semicircular canal problems occur, May cause dizziness in patient.

Many people have the habit of picking out their ears in life. They feel that after picking out their ears, they feel more transparent and even their heads feel relaxed. However, sometimes their ears are itchy and nothing comes out when they pick out their ears. Nowadays, many peo - DayDayNews

The ears have the function of hearing sounds. All the sounds we hear from the outside world pass through the ears. In addition, the ears are also the most important balance organ. If there is a problem with the ears, then we will have balance dysfunction, dizziness, and difficulty walking. It is so stable that you will feel like you are floating in water while lying on the bed.

So the ears not only pay attention to your hearing, but also pay attention to your balance. feel that if it becomes diseased, our balance function will be seriously affected.

Many people have the habit of picking out their ears in life. They feel that after picking out their ears, they feel more transparent and even their heads feel relaxed. However, sometimes their ears are itchy and nothing comes out when they pick out their ears. Nowadays, many peo - DayDayNews

Many people have the habit of picking out their ears in life. They feel that after picking out their ears, they feel more transparent and even their heads feel relaxed. However, sometimes their ears are itchy and nothing comes out when they pick out their ears. Nowadays, many peo - DayDayNews2

The ears often itch, but nothing can be removed? why is that? The doctor reveals the answer

There are many common causes of ear canal itching, including bacterial infection, fungal infection , earwax or foreign body irritation in the external auditory canal, allergic reaction , etc. Some people are affected by streptococcus , golden yellow in the external auditory canal. Grape, cocci and other bacterial infections may cause itching, pain, pus and other symptoms.

Some people itchy ears are related to fungal infection. Because the structure of the external auditory canal is a slightly curved tube, once the area is moist, secondary fungal infection may easily occur over time.

Many people have the habit of picking out their ears in life. They feel that after picking out their ears, they feel more transparent and even their heads feel relaxed. However, sometimes their ears are itchy and nothing comes out when they pick out their ears. Nowadays, many peo - DayDayNews

Some peopleā€™s ears are itchy because earwax accumulates into hard lumps or there are foreign objects in the external auditory canal , which can easily irritate the skin of the external auditory canal, causing inflammation and causing itching of the ear canal. Some peopleā€™s ears are itchy because of local skin eczema in the ear , allergic rhinitis, and other allergic reactions.

Many people have the habit of picking out their ears in life. They feel that after picking out their ears, they feel more transparent and even their heads feel relaxed. However, sometimes their ears are itchy and nothing comes out when they pick out their ears. Nowadays, many peo - DayDayNews. Skin allergies: Some people have allergies. Once they come into contact with allergens or have an unhealthy diet, the skin of their ears will easily become allergic and cause itchiness. When skin allergies occur, in addition to itching symptoms.

Many people have the habit of picking out their ears in life. They feel that after picking out their ears, they feel more transparent and even their heads feel relaxed. However, sometimes their ears are itchy and nothing comes out when they pick out their ears. Nowadays, many peo - DayDayNews

Many people have the habit of picking out their ears in life. They feel that after picking out their ears, they feel more transparent and even their heads feel relaxed. However, sometimes their ears are itchy and nothing comes out when they pick out their ears. Nowadays, many peo - DayDayNews. Eczema of the external auditory canal: If the ears are inexplicably itchy, you need to consider whether there is local eczema in the external auditory canal. Eczema of the external auditory canal may be related to allergic reactions and personal hygiene. . Some people are caused by using ear drops, shampoo, etc. , some people are caused by inflammation of the middle ear or external ear.

If you are sensitive and do not pay attention to personal hygiene, the skin condition of the ears will easily deteriorate and eczema , external auditory canal, the common manifestations of eczema are itching of the external auditory canal and the appearance of small red rash , which is light yellow or Watery exudate, skin erosion or thickening and scaling, yellow scabs, etc.

Many people have the habit of picking out their ears in life. They feel that after picking out their ears, they feel more transparent and even their heads feel relaxed. However, sometimes their ears are itchy and nothing comes out when they pick out their ears. Nowadays, many peo - DayDayNews

Many people have the habit of picking out their ears in life. They feel that after picking out their ears, they feel more transparent and even their heads feel relaxed. However, sometimes their ears are itchy and nothing comes out when they pick out their ears. Nowadays, many peo - DayDayNews. Fungal otitis externa: Fungal otitis externa refers to inflammation of the external auditory canal caused by Aspergillus , Mucor , Candida, Penicillium and other fungi. It is usually caused by moisture, damage or improper use of antibiotics and drops in the external auditory canal. Caused by ear medicine.

Common symptoms include itching or swelling in the external auditory canal, external auditory canal skin congestion, swelling or oozing, excessive scabs that block the external auditory canal or cover the tympanic membrane, and moldy coating in the deep part of the external auditory canal.

Many people have the habit of picking out their ears in life. They feel that after picking out their ears, they feel more transparent and even their heads feel relaxed. However, sometimes their ears are itchy and nothing comes out when they pick out their ears. Nowadays, many peo - DayDayNews. Senile diabetes: If patients with senile diabetes do not pay attention to their diet, eat too many sweet and spicy foods, allergic foods, often stay up late , and have unreasonable work and rest, it will lead to poor blood sugar control and prone to symptoms. Symptoms of itchy skin, including itchy ears.

Many people have the habit of picking out their ears in life. They feel that after picking out their ears, they feel more transparent and even their heads feel relaxed. However, sometimes their ears are itchy and nothing comes out when they pick out their ears. Nowadays, many peo - DayDayNews

Many people have the habit of picking out their ears in life. They feel that after picking out their ears, they feel more transparent and even their heads feel relaxed. However, sometimes their ears are itchy and nothing comes out when they pick out their ears. Nowadays, many peo - DayDayNews3

What are the harms to the ears from frequent ear picking?

Many people have the habit of picking out their ears in life. They feel that after picking out their ears, they feel more transparent and even their heads feel relaxed. However, sometimes their ears are itchy and nothing comes out when they pick out their ears. Nowadays, many peo - DayDayNews. Causes damage to the skin of the external auditory canal and bacterial infection. Damage to the skin causes acute otitis externa , with symptoms such as obvious external ear traction pain, inner ear pain, and ear obstruction.

Many people have the habit of picking out their ears in life. They feel that after picking out their ears, they feel more transparent and even their heads feel relaxed. However, sometimes their ears are itchy and nothing comes out when they pick out their ears. Nowadays, many peo - DayDayNews. Repeated ear picking increases the possibility of skin infection with papilloma virus. Papilloma-like hyperplasia is prone to occur, and timely surgery is required to prevent malignant transformation.

Many people have the habit of picking out their ears in life. They feel that after picking out their ears, they feel more transparent and even their heads feel relaxed. However, sometimes their ears are itchy and nothing comes out when they pick out their ears. Nowadays, many peo - DayDayNews. Repeated ear picking will cause the skin of the external auditory canal to become normal, and the pH will be destroyed, making it easy for fungi to invade, leading to mycosis of the external auditory canal.

Many people have the habit of picking out their ears in life. They feel that after picking out their ears, they feel more transparent and even their heads feel relaxed. However, sometimes their ears are itchy and nothing comes out when they pick out their ears. Nowadays, many peo - DayDayNews. Frequently picking your ears increases the chance of accidental impact, causing external auditory canal bleeding or eardrum perforation.

Many people have the habit of picking out their ears in life. They feel that after picking out their ears, they feel more transparent and even their heads feel relaxed. However, sometimes their ears are itchy and nothing comes out when they pick out their ears. Nowadays, many peo - DayDayNews

Many people have the habit of picking out their ears in life. They feel that after picking out their ears, they feel more transparent and even their heads feel relaxed. However, sometimes their ears are itchy and nothing comes out when they pick out their ears. Nowadays, many peo - DayDayNews4

Why does picking out the ears make people more relaxed?

Our ear canal is filled with many nerve endings, and because there is very little subcutaneous tissue, when we have direct contact, we will have a pleasant feeling, and this feeling is transmitted to the brain , which will make us It feels very comfortable and high. If we take out the earwax, we will feel that the unclean things in the body have been cleaned out, so we feel smooth physically and mentally.

Because this feeling is so comfortable, an ear-picking industry has even developed to make customers feel relaxed. There is also ASMR (spontaneous sensory meridian response), which is achieved through the sounds of chewing, ear-picking, combing hair, etc. The feeling of intracranial orgasm is more likely to be heard by people with insomnia.

Many people have the habit of picking out their ears in life. They feel that after picking out their ears, they feel more transparent and even their heads feel relaxed. However, sometimes their ears are itchy and nothing comes out when they pick out their ears. Nowadays, many peo - DayDayNews

Although ear picking brings us a certain amount of pleasure, it also has certain risks.Some people suffer from otitis media because of Cai'er, so they must go to a regular institution when choosing. In addition, ASMR is not recommended for long-term listening. , some people will become immune after listening to it for a long time, and the specific adverse reactions need to be studied.

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