"The most taboo thing for doctors is to only focus on the disease when treating diseases. They should communicate more with patients. Even if it is just a few 'gossips', they can also observe the patient's subtle changes in the chat and use heart-warming words to open the door of

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"The most taboo thing for doctors is to only focus on the disease when treating diseases. They should communicate more with patients. Even if it is just a few 'gossips', they can also observe the patient's subtle changes in the chat and use heart-warming words to open the door of trust between doctors and patients." Ma Wei, a 91-year-old tuberculosis expert at the Beijing Chest Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, said this. To this day, she is still working on the clinical frontline and is an outstanding representative of science and technology workers in the capital.

Source: Beijing Daily

In the 66 years from 1955 to 2021, Ma Wei witnessed the establishment and development of tuberculosis prevention and treatment in China, made great contributions to tuberculosis prevention and talent training, and used superb medical skills to solve patients' problems. Pain, but also warms every patient with sincerity, and perseveres in interpreting the original intention of "serving patients throughout one's life".

In 2021, six departments including the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China awarded Ma Wei the title of "The Most Beautiful Scientific and Technological Worker".

versus "White Plague" Contest

In 1955, 23-year-old Ma Wei graduated from the Medical Department of Jiangsu Medical College (now Nanjing Medical University) and came to the Central Tuberculosis Research Institute to become a real doctor and start a Her journey to cure illnesses and save lives.

When he first came into contact with tuberculosis, Ma Wei thought it was very simple. The diagnosis could be made based on clinical symptoms, chest X-ray examination and sputum smear or culture; the treatment included streptomycin, isoniazid, and p-aminohydride. The three magic weapons of cylic acid. However, she was soon stumped by the reality - severe tuberculous pleurisy, peritonitis, meningitis, lymphatic tuberculosis, and blood disseminated tuberculosis sometimes left her helpless. But these did not discourage Ma Wei. Instead, she fought against this "white century plague".

Picture source: Beiqing.com

Ma Wei firmly believes that a doctor must have superb medical skills, so as to gain the trust of patients and become a doctor in the true sense. Therefore, she persisted in studying every day. Even when she went to the countryside in the 1960s and 1970s, she carried a copy of "Practical Internal Medicine" with her, and finally mastered the basic knowledge of internal medicine in one year. In order to be able to read relevant foreign literature, she taught herself the English version of "Quotations of Chairman Mao" and overcame the language difficulty. Over the years, she has been involved in no matter whether it is clinical or basic, whether it is this major or other majors.

From 1980 to 1982, Ma Wei studied as a visiting scholar at Case Western Reserve Medical College in Cleveland, Ohio, for two years. After that, he returned to China and began to conduct immunological research on tuberculosis. He successively carried out serological diagnosis of tuberculosis and tuberculosis bacteria. Isolation and identification of and other mycobacterial-specific antigens, research on monoclonal antibody , research on the immune function of lung cancer patients and immunotherapy of , etc. Since 1990, with the development of molecular biology , she has done a lot of work on the molecular biology of tuberculosis, including research on drug resistance gene and DNA fingerprint technology, and completed a project funded by the Beijing Natural Science Foundation One project, and 9 Science and Technology Progress Awards from the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission and the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau.

Even in his twenties, Ma Wei often attended domestic academic conferences to learn about cutting-edge information. She said: "Although we are specialist doctors, patients may be accompanied by various other diseases, so we must continue to learn so that we can better serve patients."

Over the years, Ma Wei has published 185 papers in Chinese and English. He participated in the writing of relevant chapters in 19 monographs including "Tuberculosis", and edited "Practical Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Lung Cancer" and "Tuberculosis". Since 1992, he has enjoyed special allowances from the State Council; in 1993, he was rated as an expert with outstanding contributions in Beijing. In the face of honors, Ma Wei is very indifferent and often encourages himself by saying, "The old cow knows that the sunset is late, so there is no need to raise his whip."

She has been on the frontline of tuberculosis medical treatment all her life and continues to carry out relevant basic research. However, she is not satisfied with this. Instead, she hopes to "make up for one more lesson" while she is still strong - to deepen her understanding of the epidemiology of tuberculosis. understanding. Ma Wei said that what drives her to continue moving forward is not the honor and title, but the responsibility of a medical expert for the prevention and control of tuberculosis in our country.

Love is the best medicine

When talking about how long he plans to work, Ma Wei said: "I will stop working until my physical strength is exhausted and I can no longer serve patients."

Source: Beiqing网

Because I know that Ma Wei has rich experience in diagnosis and treatment, many patients who come to the outpatient clinic often have complicated conditions. Many tuberculosis diseases, including tuberculosis , have no typical symptoms and may be diagnosed as chronic bronchitis and other lung inflammations of different origins, or even lung tumors and other diseases. Ma Wei believes that special attention needs to be paid to the identification of tuberculosis from other diseases.

A breast cancer patient always suspected that she had lung metastasis of cancer cells after surgery. After Ma Wei diagnosed it, it was just new pulmonary tuberculosis. Ma Wei not only made an accurate diagnosis for this patient, but also provided her with psychological counseling. The patient wrote a special letter to express his gratitude: "I am unlucky, my family is unlucky, my body is unlucky, but I am the luckiest because I have received care and treatment from doctors like you. You not only cured my physical problems, The disease also cured the disease in my heart."

Ma Wei often said that patients are vulnerable groups and should be patient and careful with them. "A doctor's biggest enemy is indifference, and the most effective prescription is love." In addition to caring for the patient's psychology. In terms of health, Ma Wei will also take care of patients in other details. To this day, Ma Wei's case writing is still standardized and neat. She said: "Many of the patients who come to me come from other places. They may only see me once, and they will go to other hospitals in the future. I write down the cases." By being neater, patients can understand their own conditions and make it easier for doctors to consult next time. "

Since the founding of New China, our country has made great achievements in the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis. However, it is undeniable that the problem of tuberculosis drug resistance has become prominent in recent years, and my country is still one of the high-burden countries in the world. According to the "Global Tuberculosis Report 2020" released by the World Health Organization, in 2019, my country's new tuberculosis patients The number of tuberculosis patients in China accounts for 8.4% of the world, ranking third in the world; the burden of rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis in my country accounts for 14% of the world, ranking second in the world; the number of deaths of tuberculosis patients in my country is 31,000, falling to the bottom of the 30 high-burden countries for the first time Bit. Ending tuberculosis still requires many "anti-tuberculosis people" like Ma Wei who have been committed to this for a long time.

The progress of medicine is inseparable from the inheritance and exploration of generations of doctors. Over the years, Ma Wei has trained 210 master's degree students and 4 doctoral students. He has also jointly trained many master's and doctoral students with other tutors. Today, many of her students have become the backbone and subject leaders in the tuberculosis professional field in major hospitals across the country, and the young doctors seem to have learned her true legacy of being meticulous and patient with patients. Whenever he talks about these things, Ma Wei always feels happy and happy.


Source: "Beijing Youth Daily", "Beijing Daily"

Author: Liu Jianhua

Editor: Zhao Dina

Reviewer: Gong Zimo

Visual: Long Hao

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