The dog days of summer are coming quietly, so much so that one of the hot topics during this period recently is the high temperature across the country. Many netizens have begun to fry eggs in the sun. On these hot days, the happy time of the day is to go out and drink with frien

2024/07/0301:03:33 regimen 1683

The dog days of summer are coming quietly, so that one of the hot spots during this period recently is the high temperature all over the country

Many netizens have begun to fry eggs in the sun

The dog days of summer are coming quietly, so much so that one of the hot topics during this period recently is the high temperature across the country. Many netizens have begun to fry eggs in the sun. On these hot days, the happy time of the day is to go out and drink with frien - DayDayNews

In these hot days, the happy time of the day is to be able to spend time with others at night. Friends have gone out to have a few drinks.

Then some people are curious. On this hot day, is it better to drink white wine or beer?

In fact, the most important thing about whether to drink white wine or beer depends on your own hobbies, but No matter what kind of wine you drink, it is best to keep in mind these "4 don't drink" principles.

First, after drinking liquor, do not drink beer.

The dog days of summer are coming quietly, so much so that one of the hot topics during this period recently is the high temperature across the country. Many netizens have begun to fry eggs in the sun. On these hot days, the happy time of the day is to go out and drink with frien - DayDayNews

I saw in the news that an old man likes to drink three ounces of liquor before drinking it. A few bottles of cold beer feel very good.

Some experts later said that this is actually wrong. On the one hand, after drinking liquor and then drinking beer, the two will be mixed together in the stomach, which makes people very easy to get drunk. On the other hand, the two together will also cause a lot of burden to the body.

Secondly, after drinking, do not drink cold drinks

The dog days of summer are coming quietly, so much so that one of the hot topics during this period recently is the high temperature across the country. Many netizens have begun to fry eggs in the sun. On these hot days, the happy time of the day is to go out and drink with frien - DayDayNews

This means that no matter whether it is liquor or beer, as long as you drink alcohol, experts say you should not Drink refrigerated drinks, which will put a heavy burden on the body.

After drinking, try to drink warm water, and you can also go for a walk in the park for half an hour, but remember not to rest immediately after drinking.

Third, no Drink blended bulk wine

Although there are many regular brands of wine with tight packaging on the market, there are still many bulk wines

The dog days of summer are coming quietly, so much so that one of the hot topics during this period recently is the high temperature across the country. Many netizens have begun to fry eggs in the sun. On these hot days, the happy time of the day is to go out and drink with frien - DayDayNews

First of all, at the production end, this type of bulk wine is not as good as regular brands in terms of hygienic conditions and equipment and technology, and then in normal times Frequent transactions will also cause the wine to evaporate and lose its flavor.

More importantly, due to cost constraints, many bulk wines are directly added with alcohol, flavor and other additives that affect people's health.

Therefore, it is best to choose high-quality wine. Pure grain liquor, and there are many liquor brands on the market now. Not only are there precious pure grain liquors like Moutai, but there are also many high-quality pure grain liquors like Lai Zhengheng with high quality and cost-effectiveness

The dog days of summer are coming quietly, so much so that one of the hot topics during this period recently is the high temperature across the country. Many netizens have begun to fry eggs in the sun. On these hot days, the happy time of the day is to go out and drink with frien - DayDayNews

. Fourth, try not to drink it ice-cold. Liquor and beer

The dog days of summer are coming quietly, so much so that one of the hot topics during this period recently is the high temperature across the country. Many netizens have begun to fry eggs in the sun. On these hot days, the happy time of the day is to go out and drink with frien - DayDayNews

Many people will give priority to iced wine in summer to drink cool, but experts still recommend not to drink iced wine

Especially white wine. Many people who have drank iced white wine said that the chilled wine The taste will become very bad, and many substances in the wine will be seriously imbalanced, causing the original taste to be completely lost.

Of course, these are just suggestions. For many people, drinking it can provide a pleasant relief in this summer. To relieve summer heat, what else does it matter?

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