Dr. Luo Ying from the Nanshan District Medical Group Headquarters has been carrying out assistance work at Ziyuan Town Health Center for more than two months. He has developed a number of appropriate traditional Chinese medicine techniques and has gradually become famous, with ma

2024/07/0109:12:33 regimen 1758

Dr. Luo Ying from Nanshan District Medical Group Headquarters has been working in the Ziyuan Town Health Center for more than two months. He has carried out a number of appropriate traditional Chinese medicine techniques and has gradually become famous, with many patients coming here. Sister Wu who suffers from shingles is one of them.

Sister Wu came to see a doctor because of tingling pain in the right side of her waist and right abdomen and clustered herpes. Dr. Luo examined Sister Wu and saw a patch of clustered herpes covering an area of ​​about 1cm x 4cm on the right side of her back and an area of ​​about 1.5cm x 4.5cm on the right abdomen. There were also many scattered small herpes on the right waist and abdomen. , stinging pain, unable to sleep at night, tastes bitter in the mouth . Dr. Luo combines four diagnosis methods with ginseng, mainly using fire dragon method plus acupuncture and circumferential needle method, combined with cupping and red light irradiation treatment, and takes oral Chinese medicine to clear away heat, detoxify and remove dampness.

Dr. Luo Ying from the Nanshan District Medical Group Headquarters has been carrying out assistance work at Ziyuan Town Health Center for more than two months. He has developed a number of appropriate traditional Chinese medicine techniques and has gradually become famous, with ma - DayDayNews

Dr. Luo Ying from the Nanshan District Medical Group Headquarters has been carrying out assistance work at Ziyuan Town Health Center for more than two months. He has developed a number of appropriate traditional Chinese medicine techniques and has gradually become famous, with ma - DayDayNews

After treatment, Sister Wu returned for a follow-up visit the next day and said that the stinging pain was significantly relieved, she had a good sleep at night, and some of the herpes had scabbed. By the sixth day, all the scabs on the herpes were gone and there was no pain. After recovering, Sister Wu smiled happily and thanked Dr. Luo.

During the treatment process, Dr. Luo explained the operating techniques and precautions to the medical staff, allowing the medical staff at the health center to master the skills of treating herpes zoster, and also gave them a deeper understanding of traditional Chinese medicine, giving full play to the role of a supportive medicine doctor The role of "passing, helping and leading".

Not forgetting his original intention and striving to fulfill his mission of relieving patients from pain, Dr. Luo uses clinical cases to make the medical staff of the health center more sophisticated, and also allows traditional Chinese medicine to benefit more people, and contributes to the creation of health resources. Adding luster to Guangdong-Guangxi medical cooperation. (Luo Ying)

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