In order to accurately grasp whether you are healthy, the editor has compiled some characteristics of a healthy female body, which you can compare. The more conditions you meet, the healthier you are. Let’s take a look!

2024/07/0305:04:32 regimen 1508

In order to accurately grasp whether you are healthy, the editor has compiled some characteristics of a healthy female body, which you can compare. The more conditions you meet, the healthier you are. Let’s take a look! - DayDayNews

"Longevity" is everyone's wish. Although not everyone can realize it, even if you can't live a long life, you still have to be healthy. In order to accurately grasp whether you are healthy, the editor has compiled some tips for women's health. Characteristics, you can compare them. If you meet more conditions, it means the healthier you are. Let’s take a look below!

1. Red and ruddy nails without edges

The inside of the finger is directly connected to the organs and meridians of the human body. The fingernails can fully reflect the health changes of the human body. The health of the nails, the nutritional status of the body, the intake of vitamins, and the stability of detoxification. The nails are ruddy and ridged, indicating strong qi and blood, and also indicating normal endocrine.

2 . Strong teeth

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "kidney governs bones" and "teeth are the remainder of bones." Teeth are part of the bone and have the same origin as the bone, so the teeth also rely on the kidney essence for nourishment. If the kidney essence is sufficient, the teeth will be healthy. Strong and complete. If the essence is insufficient, the teeth may become loose or even fall off.

In order to accurately grasp whether you are healthy, the editor has compiled some characteristics of a healthy female body, which you can compare. The more conditions you meet, the healthier you are. Let’s take a look! - DayDayNews

3. People with thick hands and feet

have strong kidney, spleen and stomach functions. People with a relatively good foundation and stronger resistance to diseases are stronger than those who look weak.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "people with kidneys have their best health". "Hair comes from blood." The growth and shedding of hair, as well as moisture and dryness, depend not only on the nourishment of essence in the kidneys, but also on the nourishment of blood. The healthier the person, the more abundant the essence and blood will be, and the better the hair will be. Naturally, the moister it is.

In order to accurately grasp whether you are healthy, the editor has compiled some characteristics of a healthy female body, which you can compare. The more conditions you meet, the healthier you are. Let’s take a look! - DayDayNews

6. Regular defecation

If the stool does not contain iron, is not too loose and not too hard, has regular defecation time, and can expel waste from the body quickly and effectively, it means that there is enough fiber in your diet. , the digestive system is also in good condition

In order to accurately grasp whether you are healthy, the editor has compiled some characteristics of a healthy female body, which you can compare. The more conditions you meet, the healthier you are. Let’s take a look! - DayDayNews


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