In recent years, with the popularization of knowledge about cervical cancer, people are paying more and more attention to this "beauty killer". The need for HPV vaccination is becoming more and more widely known, which lays a solid foundation for us to defeat and eliminate this d

2024/07/0303:03:32 regimen 1408
In recent years, with the popularization of knowledge about cervical cancer, people are paying more and more attention to this

In recent years, with the popularization of knowledge about cervical cancer , people are paying more and more attention to this "beautiful killer". The necessity of vaccinating HPV vaccine is becoming more and more widely known, which lays a solid foundation for us to defeat and eliminate this disease!

But many sisters have said that they have passed the best age for vaccination with HPV vaccine, or have exceeded the age limit for vaccination . Is it still necessary to receive HPV vaccine at this time? Is the protective effect still high?

After reading this article, I believe you can find the answer!

Not infected with HPV virus

The effect of over-age vaccination is just as good

The optimal age of vaccination recommended by the World Health Organization is between 9 and 13 years old. The effect is better if women complete the vaccination before their first sexual intercourse.

But in fact, was not infected with the HPV virus when vaccinated, and the protective effect of the vaccine is also very good.

Back in 2011, the British Journal of Cancer published a study on the HPV vaccine.

In recent years, with the popularization of knowledge about cervical cancer, people are paying more and more attention to this

Image source: "Nature" official website screenshot

The study recruited 3819 women aged 24 to 45 years old who had no cervical disease or genital warts within 5 years, vaccinated them with the 4-valent HPV vaccine, and observed their response to HPV 6 and 8 , 16, 18 types of persistent infection, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and external genital lesions (EGL), found that the overall incidence rate decreased by 88.7%. [1]

For vaccine recipients who had a history of HPV infection, but who later relied on their own immunity to clear the virus (convert negative), the incidence of the above-mentioned infectious lesions decreased by 66.9%. [1]

It can be seen that in terms of vaccination benefits, also has excellent protective effects for adult women who have not been infected with HPV. Even if you have a history of infection, the vaccine can still provide good protection.

In recent years, with the popularization of knowledge about cervical cancer, people are paying more and more attention to this

Picture source: Visual China

Maybe you waited hard because you couldn’t get the 9-price vaccine , and missed the best age for vaccination.

After reading the above research results, in fact, there is no need to be too anxious. It is not too late to vaccinate as early as possible. If you have exceeded the 9-valent vaccination age, the 2/4-valent vaccine is also a good choice.

Early vaccination, early prevention

25 Spot vaccine at 4/9 city price is available in

In recent years, with the popularization of knowledge about cervical cancer, people are paying more and more attention to this

or above cities, scan the code to join the group to make an appointment immediately

No cancellation after the appointment, refund at any time, no handling fee

Return time is 1 to 3 working days


[1] Castellsagué, adult women 24–45 years of age. Br J Cancer 105, 28–37 (2011).

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Planning: Qiuqiu

Producer: Shui Yi

Typesetting: Sunflower

In recent years, with the popularization of knowledge about cervical cancer, people are paying more and more attention to this

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