Facing the scorching heat of the Dog Days, we must take appropriate supplements to supplement the nutrients our body needs, eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, and spend the Dog Days healthily.

2024/07/0213:22:33 regimen 1043

July 16th is the first day of the dog days, and the scorching sun is coming. In addition to taking precautions against heatstroke, you must also adjust your diet.

Faced with the scorching heat of the Dog Days, we must take appropriate supplements to supplement the nutrients our body needs. Eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits to spend the Dog Days healthily. In the dog days of summer, avoid spicy food first! It is recommended to eat more "1 white and 2 green" to survive the cold weather.

Facing the scorching heat of the Dog Days, we must take appropriate supplements to supplement the nutrients our body needs, eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, and spend the Dog Days healthily. - DayDayNews


Lotus root

Old people often say: "Eating lotus root during the dog days of summer will make you energetic." Lotus root has the functions of strengthening the spleen, appetizing, nourishing the heart and calming the mind. It is a good food for relieving the heat in the dog days of summer. It’s hot in the dog days of summer and you have no appetite, so you might as well eat some lotus root to whet your appetite.

Recommended recipe: [ Cold Lotus Root Slices ]

1. Prepare a section of lotus root, peel off the skin, wash it with water, cut it in half and then cut it into slices. After cutting, soak it in water and add 3 grams of white vinegar. Further prevent the lotus root slices from oxidation and discoloration.

Facing the scorching heat of the Dog Days, we must take appropriate supplements to supplement the nutrients our body needs, eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, and spend the Dog Days healthily. - DayDayNews

2. Flatten the garlic and cut it into minced garlic, cut the ginger into minced ginger, wash the shallots and cut them into chopped green onions, cut two millet peppers into pepper rings, and put them all together for later use.

Facing the scorching heat of the Dog Days, we must take appropriate supplements to supplement the nutrients our body needs, eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, and spend the Dog Days healthily. - DayDayNews

3. Heat the oil in the pot. When the oil is 70% hot, pour the hot oil into the prepared ingredients to bring out the aroma of onions, ginger and garlic.

Facing the scorching heat of the Dog Days, we must take appropriate supplements to supplement the nutrients our body needs, eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, and spend the Dog Days healthily. - DayDayNews

4. Boil water in a pot and add a little white vinegar. After the water boils, pour in the lotus root slices. Stir constantly to allow them to heat evenly. Cook for about 1 minute and pour out the lotus root slices. Quickly rinse with cold water to cool down to maintain a crisp taste. Drain the lotus root slices and put them in a basin, pour in the oil-stirred ingredients, add 2 grams of salt, 2 grams of chicken powder, 5 grams of white vinegar, 5 grams of sesame oil, and stir evenly with chopsticks.

Facing the scorching heat of the Dog Days, we must take appropriate supplements to supplement the nutrients our body needs, eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, and spend the Dog Days healthily. - DayDayNews

5.Okay, a refreshing and appetizing cold lotus root slices is ready.

Facing the scorching heat of the Dog Days, we must take appropriate supplements to supplement the nutrients our body needs, eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, and spend the Dog Days healthily. - DayDayNews


Mung bean sprouts

Mung bean sprouts are common vegetables. "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "All bean sprouts are fishy and tough, but the sprouts of this bean are white and beautiful." Mung bean sprouts are cool in nature and sweet in taste. Eating some mung bean sprouts during the dog days of summer has the effect of clearing away heat and relieving heat. It is a very suitable food during the dog days of summer.

Recommended practice: [Refreshing Mung Bean Sprouts]

1. Prepare half a carrot and cut it into even thin slices, then arrange them in a row and cut them into thin strips. Break up a few garlic sprouts and cut them into small sections with a diagonal knife. Put them together with the carrots. To match the color, put 200 grams of mung bean sprouts into a basin and set aside, a few garlic cloves, pat them apart and cut into minced garlic for later use.

Facing the scorching heat of the Dog Days, we must take appropriate supplements to supplement the nutrients our body needs, eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, and spend the Dog Days healthily. - DayDayNews

2. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, add a little salt, turn up the heat to boil the water, put the cut carrots and garlic sprouts into the pot, turn to medium heat and blanch the water for 10 seconds. Pour in the mung bean sprouts and blanch them for 30 seconds. Pour out the carrots, garlic sprouts, and mung bean sprouts and rinse them with clean water.

Facing the scorching heat of the Dog Days, we must take appropriate supplements to supplement the nutrients our body needs, eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, and spend the Dog Days healthily. - DayDayNews

3. Pour carrots, garlic sprouts and mung bean sprouts into a basin, add minced garlic, 2 grams of salt, 1 gram of MSG, 5 grams of light soy sauce, and 2 grams of mature vinegar. Stir evenly and serve.

Facing the scorching heat of the Dog Days, we must take appropriate supplements to supplement the nutrients our body needs, eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, and spend the Dog Days healthily. - DayDayNews

4.Okay, a nutritious and appetizing mung bean sprouts are ready.

Facing the scorching heat of the Dog Days, we must take appropriate supplements to supplement the nutrients our body needs, eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, and spend the Dog Days healthily. - DayDayNews


Gourd is a seasonal vegetable in summer. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that gourd is neutral in nature and sweet in taste, and has certain functions of reducing swelling and troubles, diluting water and infiltrating dampness. It is humid in the dog days of summer, so eating more gourd can help to dehumidify the body. gas.

Recommended practice: [vinegar gourd ]

1. Prepare a gourd, peel the outer skin and cut it into half for later use. Break the gourd into four halves, remove the pulp and cut into slices with a diagonal knife. For a red pepper, cut off the stem first and then split it in the middle. Cut it into diamond-shaped slices and put it together with the gourd for color matching.

Facing the scorching heat of the Dog Days, we must take appropriate supplements to supplement the nutrients our body needs, eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, and spend the Dog Days healthily. - DayDayNews

2. Prepare a tomato and cut it into evenly sized hob pieces. Cut a few garlic cloves into slices and put them together with the tomatoes.

Facing the scorching heat of the Dog Days, we must take appropriate supplements to supplement the nutrients our body needs, eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, and spend the Dog Days healthily. - DayDayNews

3. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, bring the water to a boil over high heat, pour in the cut gourds and red peppers, and blanch them for about 40 seconds. Pour out the gourds after breaking them, rinse them with water and let them cool for later use. Rinsing with water can make the gourds taste better. More crispy.

Facing the scorching heat of the Dog Days, we must take appropriate supplements to supplement the nutrients our body needs, eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, and spend the Dog Days healthily. - DayDayNews

4. Heat oil in a pot. When the oil is hot, add a few dried chili peppers to bring out the aroma. Pour in sliced ​​tomatoes and garlic. Stir-fry quickly to get the red juice from the tomatoes. Pour in a gourd that has been drained of water. Stir-fry. After it is evenly mixed, pour in 5 grams of white vinegar to highlight the sour taste. Add the white vinegar earlier. Add 2 grams of salt and 1 gram of chicken powder. Stir well and serve.

Facing the scorching heat of the Dog Days, we must take appropriate supplements to supplement the nutrients our body needs, eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, and spend the Dog Days healthily. - DayDayNews

5. Okay, a spleen-appetizing beef shank gourd with vinegar is ready.

Facing the scorching heat of the Dog Days, we must take appropriate supplements to supplement the nutrients our body needs, eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, and spend the Dog Days healthily. - DayDayNews

3 Avoid

Dog Days is the hottest time of the year. Many people have no appetite. Cold drinks and barbecues have become hot sellers. However, if you drink more cold drinks and eat spicy and greasy food, it is easy to cause internal heat. For gastrointestinal and other symptoms , for the sake of your own health, eat more vegetables, fruits, and mung bean porridge, which is rich in nutrients and relieves heat.

(First Food Editor: Summer)

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