Ingredients: 50g fried jujube kernels, 50g lily, 50g poria, 50g wolfberry, 100g dried mulberry, 50g longan, 50g polygonatum, 500g honey.

2024/07/0200:34:33 regimen 1625

Legend has it that in ancient times there was a filial girl named Jujube. In order to cure her mother's insomnia , she often braved the dangers and went into the mountains to collect medicines. The sweat and blood shed by the jujube girl on the way turned into some hard branches. , a small red tree with thorns.

Later, the jujube girl cut down these branches and took them home to use as firewood. When these branches burned, they made a crackling sound and emitted a refreshing fruity fragrance. It turned out that the small red fruit on the branches was scorched by the fire, and the black and red smooth-skinned nuts popped out of the fruit.

After my mother ate these fragrant nuts, she slept sweetly, and her years of insomnia was completely cured. Later, in gratitude for the filial piety of the jujube girl, the villagers named this fruit tree with jujube-shaped fruit and a strong sour taste after her.

Ingredients: 50g fried jujube kernels, 50g lily, 50g poria, 50g wolfberry, 100g dried mulberry, 50g longan, 50g polygonatum, 500g honey. - DayDayNews

Zizyphus kernel

The composition and efficacy of Ziziphus kernel

Ziziphus kernel comes from the dried mature seeds of Zizyphus plants of the family Rhamnaceae Zizyphus .

Harvest mature fruits in late autumn and early winter, remove the pulp and core shell, collect the seeds, and dry them in the sun.

is mild in nature, sweet and sour in taste. Return, spleen, liver, gallbladder meridian.

Mainly contains a large amount of fatty oil and protein, and contains sterols , triterpenes, jujube kernel saponins, vitamin C, potassium, sodium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, selenium and other trace elements.

"Compendium of Materia Medica": Ziziphus jujube kernel is sweet and moist, so it can be used cooked to treat gallbladder deficiency, insomnia, polydipsia and sweating; raw use can treat gallbladder heat good sleep. They are all medicines for Jueyin and Shaoyang. Nowadays, people only think of them as medicines from the heart family, but they don’t understand this principle.

"Compendium of Materia Medica": Ziziphus jujuba kernel is sour and flat in nature, while the kernel is sweet. Specially nourishes the liver and gallbladder, and also rejuvenates the spleen. When cooked, it is fragrant, and the aroma enters the spleen, so it can return to the spleen. It can replenish gallbladder energy, so it can warm the gallbladder.

The qi of mother and child are connected, so it also controls deficiency and troubles and insomnia. It mainly refers to cold and heat in the heart and abdomen, accumulation of evil Qi, and soreness of limbs dampness and numbness. These are all diseases caused by spleen deficiency and evil reception, because the spleen governs the limbs.

is the first of all the internal organs. The eleven internal organs all depend on the gallbladder. The essence of the five internal organs is all endowed with the spleen. Therefore, if you take it for a long time, its function is to calm the five internal organs.

"Compendium of Materia Medica": Ziziphus jujube kernels can supplement the five Tibetans, such as lack of heart qi , palpitation, loss of consciousness, or loose body muscles, spontaneous sweating and night sweats;

lack of lung qi , shortness of breath, timidity, and dry cough. Phlegm; Insufficient liver qi, spasm of muscles and bones, withered claws and nails;

Insufficient kidney qi, nocturnal emissions, wet urine; Insufficient spleen, accumulation of cold and heat, muscle weakness;

Insufficient courage, palpitations, fear, and fatigue Symptoms such as insomnia and the like are all diseases caused by the deviation of the five Tibetan organs. The sour, sweet and warming Ziziphus jujube kernel can calm the blood and Qi, astringent and improve transportation.

"Ben Jing Feng Yuan": Ziziphus jujube kernel, when cooked, can astringe semen, so it can treat symptoms of gallbladder deficiency, insomnia, polydipsia, and sweating;

raw food can induce deficiency heat , so it can treat gallbladder heat, good sleep, and coma and fatigue. According to Ziziphus jujube, it is sour in nature and has an astringent nature. Its kernels are sweet and moist in nature, and can dispel stagnation in the liver and gallbladder meridians. Therefore, the Herbal Classic is used to treat cold and heat in the heart and abdomen, aggregation of evil qi, soreness, blood numbness and other syndromes. It also benefits the blood vessels of the liver and spleen.

If the liver is deficient, the yin will be injured and you will be troubled, unable to hide your soul, and will not be able to sleep. For those with typhoid fever, dysphoria, excessive sweating, and night sweats in people with deficiency, stir-fry it and use it to astringe the body fluids of the liver and spleen.

[Effects of jujube kernels]  

1. nourish the heart and calm the mind.

Ziziphus jujube kernel has a mild acidic taste, nourishes the heart and liver, and is an important medicine for treating deficiency, restlessness and insomnia. It is used for symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, palpitations, and severe anxiety.

Ziziphus jujuba kernel nourishes yin and blood, benefits the heart and liver, and calms the mind. It is mainly used for palpitations and insomnia caused by blood deficiency unable to nourish the heart or deficiency of fire and inflammation . It is often combined with Poria , Bai Ziren , Salvia , and rehmannia can be used equally.

2. replenishes yin and reduces sweat . is used for and .

Ziziphus jujube kernel has the function of astringent and antiperspirant. It can be used with oysters and floating wheat to treat constipation.


should be used with caution if there are real evils, stagnation of fire, kidney deficiency, slippery discharge and nocturnal emissions.

The health-preserving dietary prescription of wild jujube kernel

Ingredients: 50g fried jujube kernels, 50g lily, 50g poria, 50g wolfberry, 100g dried mulberry, 50g longan, 50g polygonatum, 500g honey. - DayDayNews

1. wild jujube kernel tea

Ingredients: Appropriate amount of wild jujube kernel.

Production method: First fry the jujube kernels and process them into powder. Take an appropriate amount and brew it with boiled water to make tea before going to bed every day.

2. Wild jujube kernel porridge

Ingredients: 30 grams of wild jujube kernel, 50 to 100 grams of japonica rice, and appropriate amount of salt.

Preparation method: Fry jujube kernel in water, filter and retain the juice, add japonica rice, cook porridge, and add appropriate amount of salt when cooked. A course of treatment is 7 to 10 days..

3. Wild jujube kernel and loach soup

Ingredients: 50 grams of wild jujube kernel, 50 grams of wild jujube kernel, and appropriate amounts of ginger, green onion, and cooking wine.

Preparation method: Remove the internal organs of the loach, cut it into sections, boil it with jujube kernels over high heat for 3 minutes, remove the foam, then switch to low heat and cook for 15 minutes.

4. Wild jujube kernel paste

Ingredients: Fried jujube kernel 50g, lily 50g, Poria 50g, wolfberry 50g, dried mulberries100g, longan 50g, Polygonatum 50g, honey 500g.

Production method: Pour the ingredients except honey into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then simmer over low heat for about 1 hour, filter the residue, add honey and continue to simmer, stir clockwise until the paste is collected when drawing.

Take 1 scoop each time in the morning and evening, or drink it with warm water. It can nourish the heart, soothe the mind, aid sleep, nourish yin, and nourish blood.

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