Some friends like to exercise in the morning because they feel more energetic after exercise, while others prefer to exercise in the evening because they think this is more beneficial to weight loss and sleep. When is the best time to exercise for your body? A recent study found

2024/07/0203:18:32 regimen 1960

Some friends like to exercise in the morning because they feel more energetic after exercise. Others prefer to exercise in the evening because they think this is more beneficial to weight loss and sleep.

When is the best time to exercise for the body?

Some friends like to exercise in the morning because they feel more energetic after exercise, while others prefer to exercise in the evening because they think this is more beneficial to weight loss and sleep. When is the best time to exercise for your body? A recent study found  - DayDayNews

A recent study found that exercise at different times has different effects on the body. The effect of exercise is not only different in the morning and evening, but also different between men and women.

Scholars in the United States recruited 56 volunteers (26 men and 30 women) for a 12-week study, and 47 people eventually completed the trial.

Some friends like to exercise in the morning because they feel more energetic after exercise, while others prefer to exercise in the evening because they think this is more beneficial to weight loss and sleep. When is the best time to exercise for your body? A recent study found  - DayDayNews

In the study, volunteers were randomly divided into 2 groups:

group exercised in the morning (6:00-8:00) and had breakfast after exercise;

group exercised in the evening (18:30-20:30) , have dinner after exercise.

( Note: People with blood sugar problems or other health problems should follow the doctor's advice on how to exercise to avoid exercise accidents.)

The volunteers in this study exercised 4 days a week, receiving one form of exercise at a time. , the exercise forms include resistance training , intermittent training , stretching training and endurance training , with the same amount of training each time. During this period, researchers will measure some physiological and biochemical indicators of the volunteers.

Research results show that people of different genders exercise at different times have different effects on the body.

Some friends like to exercise in the morning because they feel more energetic after exercise, while others prefer to exercise in the evening because they think this is more beneficial to weight loss and sleep. When is the best time to exercise for your body? A recent study found  - DayDayNews

For men:

· Training at night can reduce blood pressure, heart disease risk and fatigue, and help burn more fat.

Therefore, for men who want to improve their heart and physical condition, it is more ideal to exercise at night.

For women:

· Exercising in the morning will consume 7% more abdominal fat than exercising in the evening, and it also has the effect of lowering blood pressure.

·Exercising at night will make your upper body muscles stronger, 29% higher than exercising in the morning, and can improve your overall mood.

So female friends who want to improve their mood and increase muscle strength can choose to do it at night. And if you want to slim down your waist and reduce abdominal fat, you can choose to exercise in the morning.

Some friends like to exercise in the morning because they feel more energetic after exercise, while others prefer to exercise in the evening because they think this is more beneficial to weight loss and sleep. When is the best time to exercise for your body? A recent study found  - DayDayNews

Many female friends are apple-shaped body , abdominal obesity , mostly due to sitting often and less exercise. If you want to control belly fat, you must find an energy "sewer", and this sewer is exercise.

In addition to consciously choosing to exercise in the morning, if you want to reduce your belly, you can also do some "waist-thinning special exercises". If there are no special exercise taboos, for example, you can do some waist twisting turning movements. Young people can do Sit-ups, planks , etc. can effectively exercise abdominal muscles. The waist and abdominal muscles are tightened, which can have a "binding" effect on abdominal fat.

Department of Clinical Nutrition, Peking Union Medical College Hospital

Professor Yu Kang

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