However, Chinese people’s awareness of myopia surgery is far lower than that in European and American countries—in 2021, only 0.7 people per 1,000 people in China will receive myopia surgery, compared with 2.6 people in the United States, 1.3 people in Europe, and 3.8 people in S

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Currently, there are about 2.5 billion people with myopia in the world, and as many as 600 million people in China. According to predictions from authoritative organizations, by 2050, the number of myopic people worldwide will reach 4.949 billion, with a prevalence rate of 52%.

data shows that the incidence of myopia in Asia is higher than that in Europe and the United States, and the incidence of myopia in China ranks first in Asia, reaching 48.5%. However, Chinese people’s awareness of myopia surgery is far lower than that in European and American countries—in 2021, only 0.7 people per 1,000 people in China will receive myopia surgery, compared with 2.6 people in the United States, 1.3 people in Europe, and 3.8 people in South Korea.

At present, myopia surgery in my country is mainly divided into two categories, one is corneal myopia laser correction surgery, and the other is lens implantation surgery. Corneal myopia laser correction surgery uses laser to cut the cornea to thin it to achieve the effect of correcting myopia and improving vision. It is divided into three categories according to different laser types, namely full femtosecond surgery, half femtosecond surgery and superficial surgery. ; Lens implant surgery is an intraocular surgery, which involves implanting an artificial lens into the eye to correct myopia and improve vision.

At present, as far as Chongqing Aier Eye General Hospital is concerned, the myopia correction surgeries that can be performed include SMILE full femtosecond laser surgery, Jingdiao myopia surgery, Jingyi traceless superficial surgery, and FLAP half femtosecond laser surgery. Laser surgery, Z-LASIK excimer laser surgery; crystal types include ICL lens implantation, femtosecond bladeless ICL, etc. At present, the hospital has rich specialties and mature surgical techniques, and is highly recognized by patients.

However, Chinese people’s awareness of myopia surgery is far lower than that in European and American countries—in 2021, only 0.7 people per 1,000 people in China will receive myopia surgery, compared with 2.6 people in the United States, 1.3 people in Europe, and 3.8 people in S - DayDayNews

Peng Yanli and other team members conducted preoperative discussions

It is understood that in 2021, the proportion of people with moderate to low myopia in my country who will undergo lens implantation (ICL) will nearly triple compared with 2018. In the past four years, the number of surgeries has grown steadily, with first- and second-tier cities accounting for a higher proportion of 27.05%; third- and fourth-tier cities have grown faster, with a compound growth rate of 57.69%. It can be seen that ICL surgery is becoming more and more popular Favored by patients with severe myopia.

In June 2022, Aier Eye Hospital’s first EVO+VisianICL (V5) surgery, a new surgical procedure, was successfully carried out at Hainan Boao Lecheng Aier Eye Hospital. Peng Yanli, deputy director of the hospital, served as the chief surgeon. The successful operation demonstrated the ability to "share global ophthalmology wisdom" and was also a powerful manifestation of the "first-in-first-out" policy benefiting more myopia patients in China.

However, Chinese people’s awareness of myopia surgery is far lower than that in European and American countries—in 2021, only 0.7 people per 1,000 people in China will receive myopia surgery, compared with 2.6 people in the United States, 1.3 people in Europe, and 3.8 people in S - DayDayNews

Peng Yanli performs EVO+VisianICL (V5) surgery on a patient

The first EVO+VisianICL (V5) surgery patient is from Chongqing. She is moderately and highly myopic. Before the operation, she wore frame glasses and her corrected visual acuity was only 1.0 and 0.9, but due to work reasons, this patient has higher requirements for visual quality. With the sincere cooperation of Peng Yanli and other members of the surgical team, after the successful implantation of the licensed EVO+ VisianICL (V5) lens, the patient's binocular vision reached 1.5 clear vision on the first day after surgery. "It's such a surprise. It completely exceeded my expectations. Thank you Dr. Peng." said the patient in the operating room.

However, Chinese people’s awareness of myopia surgery is far lower than that in European and American countries—in 2021, only 0.7 people per 1,000 people in China will receive myopia surgery, compared with 2.6 people in the United States, 1.3 people in Europe, and 3.8 people in S - DayDayNews

Performing postoperative examinations for patients

"This time the EVO+ VisianICL (V5) lens has greater advantages and further improvements compared with the models currently on the market in China. It has a larger light area, which is better for patients It can not only provide a better clear vision but also improve the patient's visual quality and night vision. We hope that this operation can show this advantage more vividly," said expert Peng Yanli.

However, Chinese people’s awareness of myopia surgery is far lower than that in European and American countries—in 2021, only 0.7 people per 1,000 people in China will receive myopia surgery, compared with 2.6 people in the United States, 1.3 people in Europe, and 3.8 people in S - DayDayNews

Expert Peng Yanli spoke at the press conference

It is reported that after the successful EVO+ VisianICL (V5) operation of AIER Ophthalmology, at the first project press conference held in the Hainan Free Trade Port Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone, experts such as Peng Yanli They were awarded the title of "Surgery Master" for the first EVO+ VisianICL project of Aier Eye Hospital, and the expert studio of Boao Lecheng Aier Eye Hospital was officially established for them. Peng Yanli said that EVO+ VisianICL (V5) surgery, as the leading technology in refractive correction surgery in China, can only be implemented under license in the Lecheng Pioneer Zone. It is good news for Chinese myopia patients and is also a very big step in technological progress in the field of myopia surgery. show.

As the expert in charge of this surgery, Peng Yanli has been engaged in ophthalmic medical work for more than 20 years. She is good at diagnosing and treating difficult refractive errors, laser and ICL lens correction of high myopia, and has rich experience in intraocular myopia correction. Although currently EVO+VisianICL (V5) surgery can only be performed at Boao Lecheng Aier Eye Hospital, if the majority of patients have higher requirements for vision, they can go to the Refractive Department of Chongqing Aier Eye Hospital (General Hospital) and sign for surgery after inspection. Qualifications, make an appointment in advance with Vice President Peng Yanli to perform the surgery in person.

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