Women all have a relative who comes to them at regular intervals to give them stomachaches. Every time they come, they get some blood, which is really tiring. Although it is called menstruation, the cycle of menstruation is different for every girl. Some girls may have it once ev

2024/07/0113:58:32 regimen 1292

Women all have a relative who comes to them at regular intervals to give them stomachaches. Every time they come, they get some blood, which is really tiring. This is naturally talking about girls' " aunt " menstruation. Although it is called menstruation, the cycle of menstruation is different for every girl. Some girls may have it once every twenty days, some girls have it every thirty days, and some special women have it every three months. It is not menstruation but changes. It became the "Quarterly Book".

Many women feel that if their menstruation is infrequent, does it mean that they are unhealthy and aging faster? But some women feel that menstruation is too frequent, which is not only tiring but also hurtful, and definitely not good for the body. Is this correct?

Women all have a relative who comes to them at regular intervals to give them stomachaches. Every time they come, they get some blood, which is really tiring. Although it is called menstruation, the cycle of menstruation is different for every girl. Some girls may have it once ev - DayDayNews

Frequent menstruation has nothing to do with health, nor will it accelerate aging.

The reason why women have menstruation is mainly related to the development of follicles. Normally, when a woman's follicles begin to develop, the female body's estrogen will gradually increase, causing the endometrium to thicken, and then the woman will begin to ovulate normally.

After ovulation, estrogen will continue to rise, the endometrium will continue to thicken, but if the woman does not get pregnant during this period, the endometrium will fall off and be accompanied by bleeding. This is the woman's menstruation. If a woman conceives normally, she will not have the problem of endometrial shedding, and she will generally not have menstruation again. Menstruation will gradually resume after normal delivery. Generally, as long as the ovaries are normal, this physiological phenomenon will always occur. Menstruation will not occur again until a woman passes menopause.

Some women believe that menstruation is detoxification, and it is better to have frequent menstruation. But in fact, menstruation only contains endometrial fragments, blood, vaginal epithelial cells, etc. There are no so-called toxins, and it has nothing to do with whether the body is detoxifying. There is no saying that frequent or infrequent menstruation will lead to aging.

Women all have a relative who comes to them at regular intervals to give them stomachaches. Every time they come, they get some blood, which is really tiring. Although it is called menstruation, the cycle of menstruation is different for every girl. Some girls may have it once ev - DayDayNews

Under normal circumstances, as long as a woman's menstrual cycle is normal and not disordered, menstruation on time is a normal physiological phenomenon. The reason for the difference is mainly due to different personal physiques. Some women may menstruate once a year, or even have dark menstruation if they never menstruate for life (women who never menstruate for life, or have very little menstruation, but can have normal children). This is a rare condition, but generally it will not affect healthy. However, if menstruation is infrequent, it may have some impact on fertility. Therefore, if such women want to have children, they must have sex during their ovulation period, otherwise it may take longer to get pregnant.

A stable menstrual cycle and a stable menstrual volume (20-60ml) are normal physical conditions. Women should not worry about aging because of this. However, if menstruation suddenly stops, it may be related to women's aging.

Women all have a relative who comes to them at regular intervals to give them stomachaches. Every time they come, they get some blood, which is really tiring. Although it is called menstruation, the cycle of menstruation is different for every girl. Some girls may have it once ev - DayDayNews

If you don’t menstruate at this age, you may age faster

Under normal circumstances, normal women experience menopause around around the age of 50. Menopause is a physiological change caused by ovarian aging, reduced estrogen secretion, and other issues. If a woman's menopause comes relatively late, it generally means that the woman is in good physical condition, younger and aging slowly. On the other hand, if a woman suffers from premature menopause, it may be premature ovarian failure .

If a woman reaches menopause before the age of 0, she can be considered to have premature ovarian failure. When premature ovarian failure occurs, women may lose their fertility , and due to hormonal changes in the body the loss of muscle mass and bone mass will be accelerated, and the decline in physical condition will lead to premature aging.

There are many possible causes of premature ovarian failure, which may be related to heredity, immune diseases, metabolic diseases, mental state, bad habits (smoking), drug side effects and other issues. In theory, premature ovarian failure is difficult to cure once it occurs, so prevention must be done. You can go to the hospital for blood and hormone tests during menstruation, which can achieve early screening for premature ovarian failure. If you want to avoid premature ovarian failure in life, you need to maintain healthy living habits, avoid smoking, drinking and staying up late, have a balanced diet, strengthen exercise, etc. Maintaining good health and keeping a good mood will all be helpful in preventing premature ovarian failure.

Women all have a relative who comes to them at regular intervals to give them stomachaches. Every time they come, they get some blood, which is really tiring. Although it is called menstruation, the cycle of menstruation is different for every girl. Some girls may have it once ev - DayDayNews

Three issues need to be paid attention to when menstruation

Women all have a relative who comes to them at regular intervals to give them stomachaches. Every time they come, they get some blood, which is really tiring. Although it is called menstruation, the cycle of menstruation is different for every girl. Some girls may have it once ev - DayDayNews. Pay attention to menstrual volume and menstrual cycle

Generally speaking, it is normal for women to have 20-60ml of menstrual volume. If increased menstrual volume occurs, it may be related to gynecological inflammation. You should also pay attention to the menstrual cycle. Menstrual cycle disorders may be related to gynecological diseases, psychological state, etc. If menstrual disorders are irregular for three consecutive months, you need to go to the hospital immediately for treatment. It is a sign of good health.

Women all have a relative who comes to them at regular intervals to give them stomachaches. Every time they come, they get some blood, which is really tiring. Although it is called menstruation, the cycle of menstruation is different for every girl. Some girls may have it once ev - DayDayNews. You can take a bath, but you need to keep warm.

Women are weak during menstruation, so they need to keep warm from the cold. Cold during menstruation may cause physical discomfort such as dysmenorrhea. Drinking more hot water promotes blood circulation and can also reduce physical discomfort during menstruation. Women can also take a normal bath during their menstruation period . With modern facilities such as water heaters and air conditioners, women do not have to dare to take a bath during their menstrual period as before, but they should pay attention to keeping warm and hygienic during the bath.

. During menstruation, do a good job of personal hygiene

During menstruation, women’s reproductive system immunity is poor, and they are also prone to the risk of infection at this time. Therefore, during menstruation, women's intimate clothing must be washed frequently, changed frequently, and dried in the sun. Underwear stained with menstrual blood is more likely to cause bacteria to breed . Failure to pay attention to cleaning may lead to the onset of gynecological inflammation.

Women all have a relative who comes to them at regular intervals to give them stomachaches. Every time they come, they get some blood, which is really tiring. Although it is called menstruation, the cycle of menstruation is different for every girl. Some girls may have it once ev - DayDayNews

Women’s menstruation is actually a barometer of women’s health. If the menstrual cycle and menstrual flow are stable, it means that women are in good physical condition. Erratic menstruation requires consideration of disease. Of course, pregnancy can also cause the absence of menstruation in women, so be careful in your daily life.


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