Many people have always thought that the summer solstice, when the sun shines directly on the Tropic of Cancer, should be the hottest time of the year, but in fact, the "three volts" are the hottest stage. This is because after summer, the surface absorbs more heat and dissipates

2024/07/0308:03:33 regimen 1876

Many people have always thought that the summer solstice, when the sun shines directly on the Tropic of Cancer, should be the hottest time of the year, but in fact, the "three volts" are the hottest stage. This is because after summer, the surface absorbs more heat and dissipates less heat. The heat accumulates to three volts, and the surface is steaming like a steam oven.

Many people have always thought that the summer solstice, when the sun shines directly on the Tropic of Cancer, should be the hottest time of the year, but in fact, the

The meaning of Sanfu "volt" can be understood as "yin energy is forced by yang energy and hides underground", which also tells us that we should be quiet at this time and should not move. The "three" of Sanfu refers to the three stages, which are divided into the first, middle and last periods.

Among them, the first and last days are both 10 days. Only the middle day is not fixed. It may be 10 days or 20 days, making a total of thirty or forty days. And the time of Dog Day is different every year. Let’s take a look at this year’s timetable for Day Day!

"First fall" 10 days: July 16 ~ July 25

"Middle fall" 20 days: July 26 ~ August 14

"Last fall" 10 days: August 15 ~ August 24 It can be seen from

that this year's mid-term period lasts for 20 days. Coupled with the recent abnormally high temperatures in many places in my country, these 40 days will be very difficult. "Sauna days" with high temperatures, heat, and humidity will occur frequently, and various health problems will follow, such as heat stroke, cardiovascular disease, heart failure, etc.

is in ambush! What would the ancients eat

The hottest summer day was called "Futian", which originated from the Qin State during the Spring and Autumn Period. "Historical Records of the Qin Dynasty" says: "In the second year of Qin Degong's year (676 BC), Futian began to fall." In ancient times, Futian was just like other festivals, and many folk food customs were passed down.

The folk custom of eating noodles during the Three Kingdoms period has been around since the Three Kingdoms period. "Wei Style Spring and Autumn" records: "During the Dog Day eclipse soup cakes , I take a towel to wipe my sweat, and my face is bright and clear." The hot weather is already unbearably hot, and I can't wait to stay in the air conditioner. We were eating ice cream and drinking cold drinks in the room. Why did the ancients foolishly choose to eat hot noodles?

This is actually related to the "June volt solar eclipse soup cake, which is called to ward off evil". In ancient times, people believed that the fifth month of the lunar calendar was the evil month . In June, evil should be warded off, and "heating with heat" also means It happens to be a good way to maintain health during the summer heat.

In addition, the dog days of summer also happen to be the time for wheat harvest. Every house is full of grain, and people who have worked hard for half a year also want to take advantage of this opportunity to have a tooth ceremony and eat a meal of white flour, which will satisfy their appetite and drive away the evil spirits of the plague.

God-given replenishing time, I made this bowl of old duck soup !

" Dog Days " is also what the common people call "bitter summer". At this time, in order to adapt to the weather, the body's internal organs are released and sweat increases, which not only brings us physical discomfort, but also easily increases anger and causes emotional problems. Therefore, "clearing away heat and removing internal heat" is also a must-have for summer dietary supplements.

The Futian Healthy Old Duck Soup shared with you today is light and not greasy, nourishing and not irritating! It is recommended that you choose old ducks that are more than one year old, which can replenish deficiency, disinfect heat, and benefit water channels. The stew not only tastes good, but is also heat-clearing and nourishing! Paired with rake teeth dried radish and Xinhui tangerine peel , it is fresher and more attractive in color. It is truly a bowl of soup with full color, flavor and flavor.

Many people have always thought that the summer solstice, when the sun shines directly on the Tropic of Cancer, should be the hottest time of the year, but in fact, the


Dried radish, tangerine peel, lotus seeds, and an old duck.

[Cooking method] 1. Clean the old duck in advance, add green onions and ginger slices and blanch them;

2. Put an appropriate amount of water in the pot and bring to a boil, then add all the soup ingredients;

3. Boil it on high heat for half an hour. Turn to low heat and continue simmering for 1.5 hours;

4. Add appropriate amount of salt to taste before drinking. Drinking a bowl of soup in summer can not only dispel the heat, but also has a good nourishing effect on the body.

Many people have always thought that the summer solstice, when the sun shines directly on the Tropic of Cancer, should be the hottest time of the year, but in fact, the

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