What to do if acute diarrhea occurs? Entering July, Fuzhou continues to experience sunny and hot weather, and high temperature warnings are online throughout the city. In such an environment, it is extremely easy to cause intestinal infectious diseases and food-borne diseases. wh

2024/06/3008:13:33 regimen 1324

What should I do if acute diarrhea


Entering July, Fuzhou continues to have sunny and hot weather, and high temperature warnings are online throughout the city. In such an environment, it is very easy to cause intestinal infectious diseases and food-borne diseases . What to do with

? Regarding the issue of

, Fuzhou CDC provides online science popularization all year round. Some have reviewed and cholera in film and television works. Some have explained to everyone what the "intestinal clinic" in the hospital does. There are also some warm reminders to be wary of intestinal infectious diseases in hot weather. of.

Let’s listen to what disease control experts say...

The weather in Fuzhou is so hot, we need to be wary of intestinal infectious diseases!

Cholera: The "senior boss" in the field of infectious diseases

Fuzhou Disease Control: Taking stock of the "old drama star" in film and television works - cholera

There is a group of vomiting and diarrhea, is it food poisoning or an intestinal infectious disease, you Can you tell the difference clearly?

There is a clinic in the hospital called the intestinal clinic. Do you know what diseases it treats?

What to do if acute diarrhea occurs? Entering July, Fuzhou continues to experience sunny and hot weather, and high temperature warnings are online throughout the city. In such an environment, it is extremely easy to cause intestinal infectious diseases and food-borne diseases. wh - DayDayNews1 What to do if you have diarrhea

What to do if acute diarrhea occurs? Entering July, Fuzhou continues to experience sunny and hot weather, and high temperature warnings are online throughout the city. In such an environment, it is extremely easy to cause intestinal infectious diseases and food-borne diseases. wh - DayDayNews

1. Fasting and water fasting are not recommended. It is advisable to eat light, easily digestible liquid or semi-liquid food . After the symptoms improve, gradually transition to a normal diet.

What to do if acute diarrhea occurs? Entering July, Fuzhou continues to experience sunny and hot weather, and high temperature warnings are online throughout the city. In such an environment, it is extremely easy to cause intestinal infectious diseases and food-borne diseases. wh - DayDayNews

2. If the diarrhea is not severe, the symptoms can usually be improved within 2-3 days by adjusting the diet, rest, and symptomatic treatment. If the diarrhea is severe, especially if dehydration occurs, should go to the intestinal clinic of the hospital for medical treatment in time..

What to do if acute diarrhea occurs? Entering July, Fuzhou continues to experience sunny and hot weather, and high temperature warnings are online throughout the city. In such an environment, it is extremely easy to cause intestinal infectious diseases and food-borne diseases. wh - DayDayNews

3. Dehydration is a common complication of diarrhea , which is characterized by thirst, oliguria, dry and wrinkled skin, and sunken eyes; to prevent dehydration, should drink more sugar and salt water; dehydration or severe vomiting has occurred Patients who cannot drink water need to go to the hospital for treatment and take intravenous rehydration and other treatment measures according to the doctor's instructions.

What to do if acute diarrhea occurs? Entering July, Fuzhou continues to experience sunny and hot weather, and high temperature warnings are online throughout the city. In such an environment, it is extremely easy to cause intestinal infectious diseases and food-borne diseases. wh - DayDayNews

4. Many patients use antibiotics as soon as they have diarrhea. This is wrong. Because most diarrhea does not require antibiotic treatment, abuse of antibiotics may lead to imbalance of normal intestinal flora , which is not conducive to the recovery of diarrhea . If you are not sure whether you should take antibiotics, see a bowel clinic.

What to do if acute diarrhea occurs? Entering July, Fuzhou continues to experience sunny and hot weather, and high temperature warnings are online throughout the city. In such an environment, it is extremely easy to cause intestinal infectious diseases and food-borne diseases. wh - DayDayNews

5. Patients who go to the gastrointestinal clinic can use a clean small box or fresh-keeping bag to collect fresh stool specimens and send them to the hospital for testing in a timely manner so that doctors can provide targeted treatment.

What to do if acute diarrhea occurs? Entering July, Fuzhou continues to experience sunny and hot weather, and high temperature warnings are online throughout the city. In such an environment, it is extremely easy to cause intestinal infectious diseases and food-borne diseases. wh - DayDayNews2 What to do if acute diarrhea occurs in a family member

What to do if acute diarrhea occurs? Entering July, Fuzhou continues to experience sunny and hot weather, and high temperature warnings are online throughout the city. In such an environment, it is extremely easy to cause intestinal infectious diseases and food-borne diseases. wh - DayDayNews

Since many diarrhea are contagious, non-professionals cannot judge whether diarrhea in a family member is contagious, so we recommend that all diarrhea encountered in life be treated as contagious. To deal with diseases, especially families with infants or elderly people, it is more necessary to do daily cleaning, disinfection, etc.

What to do if acute diarrhea occurs? Entering July, Fuzhou continues to experience sunny and hot weather, and high temperature warnings are online throughout the city. In such an environment, it is extremely easy to cause intestinal infectious diseases and food-borne diseases. wh - DayDayNews

To prevent family transmission, we must first improve household hygiene and disinfect tableware, toilets, bedding and other items used by patients that may be contaminated by patient feces and vomit; disinfection measures include boiling, chlorine-containing Disinfectant soaking, exposure to sunlight, ultraviolet irradiation, etc.

Secondly, pay attention to the personal protection of nursing staff . After caring for the patient, you need to use running water and soap to clean your hands according to the seven-step hand washing method .

Finally, patients should also wash their hands carefully after accidentally coming into contact with feces or vomit, to prevent pathogens from contaminating other items through their hands.

What to do if acute diarrhea occurs? Entering July, Fuzhou continues to experience sunny and hot weather, and high temperature warnings are online throughout the city. In such an environment, it is extremely easy to cause intestinal infectious diseases and food-borne diseases. wh - DayDayNews3 How to avoid acute diarrhea

What to do if acute diarrhea occurs? Entering July, Fuzhou continues to experience sunny and hot weather, and high temperature warnings are online throughout the city. In such an environment, it is extremely easy to cause intestinal infectious diseases and food-borne diseases. wh - DayDayNews

In many cases, diarrhea is which can be prevented through simple personal hygiene and food safety measures, including:

What to do if acute diarrhea occurs? Entering July, Fuzhou continues to experience sunny and hot weather, and high temperature warnings are online throughout the city. In such an environment, it is extremely easy to cause intestinal infectious diseases and food-borne diseases. wh - DayDayNews1 Pay attention to drinking water hygiene

What to do if acute diarrhea occurs? Entering July, Fuzhou continues to experience sunny and hot weather, and high temperature warnings are online throughout the city. In such an environment, it is extremely easy to cause intestinal infectious diseases and food-borne diseases. wh - DayDayNews

High temperature can kill pathogenic microorganisms Drinking water needs to be boiled before drinking, or choose hygienic qualified bottled water or bottled water.

What to do if acute diarrhea occurs? Entering July, Fuzhou continues to experience sunny and hot weather, and high temperature warnings are online throughout the city. In such an environment, it is extremely easy to cause intestinal infectious diseases and food-borne diseases. wh - DayDayNews2 Pay attention to food hygiene

What to do if acute diarrhea occurs? Entering July, Fuzhou continues to experience sunny and hot weather, and high temperature warnings are online throughout the city. In such an environment, it is extremely easy to cause intestinal infectious diseases and food-borne diseases. wh - DayDayNews

(1) Food should be separated from raw and cooked food to avoid cross contamination;

(2) Leftover food should be stored in the refrigerator in time, and the storage time should not be too long before eating again. It needs to be heated thoroughly; because the low temperature of the refrigerator can only delay the growth of bacteria and cannot sterilize it.

(3) Try to eat as little food as possible that is likely to carry pathogenic bacteria , such as screws, shells, crabs and other seafood; if eaten, they need to be cooked and steamed thoroughly, and do not eat them raw, half-raw, or soaked in wine or vinegar. Or eat it directly after being soaked in salt;

(4) Various sauce products or cooked meat products should be reheated before eating;

(5) Some vinegar and garlic can be added to cold dishes.

What to do if acute diarrhea occurs? Entering July, Fuzhou continues to experience sunny and hot weather, and high temperature warnings are online throughout the city. In such an environment, it is extremely easy to cause intestinal infectious diseases and food-borne diseases. wh - DayDayNews3 Develop good eating hygiene habits

What to do if acute diarrhea occurs? Entering July, Fuzhou continues to experience sunny and hot weather, and high temperature warnings are online throughout the city. In such an environment, it is extremely easy to cause intestinal infectious diseases and food-borne diseases. wh - DayDayNews

(1) Pay attention to hand hygiene, wash hands frequently, before meals and after using the toilet;

(2) Do not overeat, do not eat rotten or spoiled food, and eat raw food Be sure to wash them and try to reduce the intake of raw and cold food ;

(3) For families with pets, they must improve the hygiene of their pets. At the same time, children must be warned not to feed their pets while eating.

What to do if acute diarrhea occurs? Entering July, Fuzhou continues to experience sunny and hot weather, and high temperature warnings are online throughout the city. In such an environment, it is extremely easy to cause intestinal infectious diseases and food-borne diseases. wh - DayDayNews4 Minimize contact with patients with diarrhea

What to do if acute diarrhea occurs? Entering July, Fuzhou continues to experience sunny and hot weather, and high temperature warnings are online throughout the city. In such an environment, it is extremely easy to cause intestinal infectious diseases and food-borne diseases. wh - DayDayNews

Tableware, toilets, and bedding used by patients should be disinfected to avoid the spread and prevalence of diseases.

What to do if acute diarrhea occurs? Entering July, Fuzhou continues to experience sunny and hot weather, and high temperature warnings are online throughout the city. In such an environment, it is extremely easy to cause intestinal infectious diseases and food-borne diseases. wh - DayDayNews5 Improve immunity

What to do if acute diarrhea occurs? Entering July, Fuzhou continues to experience sunny and hot weather, and high temperature warnings are online throughout the city. In such an environment, it is extremely easy to cause intestinal infectious diseases and food-borne diseases. wh - DayDayNews

Adjust dietary structure, balanced diet, reasonable nutrition, Improve body immunity . Strengthen physical exercise to enhance the ability to resist diseases, pay attention to the balance between work and rest . According to climate changes, add or remove clothes in time to avoid catching colds.

What to do if acute diarrhea occurs? Entering July, Fuzhou continues to experience sunny and hot weather, and high temperature warnings are online throughout the city. In such an environment, it is extremely easy to cause intestinal infectious diseases and food-borne diseases. wh - DayDayNews6 Ventilation and breathability

What to do if acute diarrhea occurs? Entering July, Fuzhou continues to experience sunny and hot weather, and high temperature warnings are online throughout the city. In such an environment, it is extremely easy to cause intestinal infectious diseases and food-borne diseases. wh - DayDayNews

Clothes, quilts, and utensils should be washed and changed frequently. Pay attention to ventilation in the room to keep the indoor air fresh. Ventilation and ventilation are an effective way to reduce pathogenic microorganisms.

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Source: Beijing CDC Wuhan CDC Micro Health

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