As the hot weather continues, cases of medical treatment and even death due to heat stroke have appeared in many places. Recently, the topic #heatstroke# has become the first hot search topic, and related terms have also dominated the hot search list. So, what is heat stroke? Wha

2024/07/0106:02:33 regimen 1872
As the hot weather continues, cases of medical treatment and even death due to heat stroke have appeared in many places. Recently, the topic #heatstroke# has become the first hot search topic, and related terms have also dominated the hot search list. So, what is heat stroke? Wha - DayDayNews

As the hot weather continues

cases of heat stroke seek medical treatment or even die due to heat stroke have appeared in many places

Recently, the topic #heatstroke# has topped the hot search list

Related terms also dominate the hot search list

As the hot weather continues, cases of medical treatment and even death due to heat stroke have appeared in many places. Recently, the topic #heatstroke# has become the first hot search topic, and related terms have also dominated the hot search list. So, what is heat stroke? Wha - DayDayNews

So, what exactly is heat stroke? What is the relationship between

and heat stroke? How to prevent and treat


Let’s take a look↓

What is heat stroke?

Heat stroke, also known as severe heat stroke, is a very dangerous emergency with a mortality rate of 40% to 50%. For people over 50 years old, the mortality rate even reaches about 70%.

What we often call heatstroke is a relatively broad concept. From the clinical manifestations, heatstroke can be divided into three categories according to its severity: premonitory heatstroke, mild heatstroke, and severe heatstroke.

As the hot weather continues, cases of medical treatment and even death due to heat stroke have appeared in many places. Recently, the topic #heatstroke# has become the first hot search topic, and related terms have also dominated the hot search list. So, what is heat stroke? Wha - DayDayNews

Heat stroke is caused by the rapid accumulation of heat in the body. Patients often experience symptoms such as local muscle spasm, high fever, no sweat, dry mouth, coma, difficulty breathing, and even respiratory failure, which is the most fatal form of heatstroke.

Heat stroke is generally mild, with the body temperature often exceeding 38°C, accompanied by facial flushing, profuse sweating, burning skin, nausea and vomiting, or cold limbs, pale face, decreased blood pressure, and rapid pulse.

The difference between heat stroke and heatstroke is that it manifests as a rapid rise in body temperature, often no sweating, and even coma and shock.

Who should pay special attention to?

As the hot weather continues, cases of medical treatment and even death due to heat stroke have appeared in many places. Recently, the topic #heatstroke# has become the first hot search topic, and related terms have also dominated the hot search list. So, what is heat stroke? Wha - DayDayNews

Exertional heat stroke is mainly caused by the imbalance of heat production and heat dissipation in the body caused by high-intensity physical activity. It is common in healthy young people who exercise strenuously in summer.

Classic heat stroke is common in young people, pregnant women, the elderly and infirm, or individuals with chronic underlying diseases or compromised immune function. It is usually caused by passive exposure to the thermal environment, causing an imbalance between the body's heat production and heat dissipation. .

High temperature and high humidity climate and high-intensity physical activity are the main risk factors for heat stroke. How to correctly rescue


◆ Help the patient lie down in a cool and ventilated place, raise the head at the same time, and untie the clothes and pants to facilitate the patient's breathing and heat dissipation;

◆ Replenish the water needed by the body, preferably light salt water;

◆ Use a wet towel, Ice packs, ice cubes, and fans help the patient cool down;

◆ Elevate the patient's feet to help venous return and relieve the shock state;

◆ Call 120 in time and send the patient to the emergency department of the hospital as soon as possible.

How to prevent heat stroke?

If the daily average temperature is >30°C and the relative humidity is >73%, the probability of heat stroke will show a significant upward trend. If the maximum temperature is ≥37°C, the number of heat strokes will increase sharply, so you need to pay more attention.

As the hot weather continues, cases of medical treatment and even death due to heat stroke have appeared in many places. Recently, the topic #heatstroke# has become the first hot search topic, and related terms have also dominated the hot search list. So, what is heat stroke? Wha - DayDayNews

In addition, it should also be noted that the alternation of hot and cold can also easily cause heat stroke, which may lead to body temperature regulation disorders, water and electrolyte balance disorders, and heat stroke neurological disorders.

For people who need to work outside for a long time or whose working environment is hot and airtight, prepare some salt water, ice cubes, etc. in advance.

In addition, symptoms of heatstroke generally include headache, dizziness, thirst, excessive sweating, weakness of limbs, and other symptoms. It needs to be moved to a cool and ventilated place in time, physically cooled down and replenished with water (salt water is best), and it can be recovered in a short time. Make sure to get enough sleep and drink plenty of water. When there is a high temperature warning, go out as little as possible.

Information: Oriental Network, Popular Science China, CCTV Network

Editor: Wu Xingting

As the hot weather continues, cases of medical treatment and even death due to heat stroke have appeared in many places. Recently, the topic #heatstroke# has become the first hot search topic, and related terms have also dominated the hot search list. So, what is heat stroke? Wha - DayDayNews

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