Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the formation of stroke is based on internal deficiency of qi and blood. When fatigue, internal injuries, worry, anger, craving for rich food, tobacco and alcohol, etc. cause the imbalance of yin and yang in the internal organs, the qi a

2024/07/0106:17:33 regimen 1031

Introduction: This recipe is a summary of Mr. Chen Susheng’s clinical experience. It enriches the treatment methods of Chai Mu Sanjiao Decoction and is worthy of study and reference by our generation.

" Stroke " is actually the name of a disease in traditional Chinese medicine, which is what modern medicine calls cerebrovascular disease. Its clinical practice mainly includes two major types: ischemic encephalopathy and hemorrhagic encephalopathy. Vascular stasis forms after the onset of the disease, and most patients have sequelae, which has a certain impact on the patient's normal life in the future. In recent years, the incidence of stroke has increased significantly. Patients can be treated with traditional Chinese medicine to provide rehabilitation guidance for patients with stroke sequelae .

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the formation of stroke is based on internal deficiency of qi and blood. When fatigue, internal injuries, worry, anger, craving for rich food, tobacco and alcohol, etc. cause the imbalance of yin and yang in the internal organs, the qi a - DayDayNews

Cause and pathogenesis: Deficiency in origin and excess in excess, focusing on the deficiency in origin

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the formation of stroke is based on internal deficiency of Qi and blood, and is caused by fatigue and internal injuries, worry and anger, craving for rich food, tobacco and alcohol, etc. It is caused by imbalance of yin and yang in the organs, qi and blood flowing out of the brain, blocked cerebral arteries or bleeding outside the cerebral arteries. Traditional Chinese medicine classifies the sequelae of ischemic encephalopathy and hemorrhagic encephalopathy into the category of stroke sequelae. The main manifestations are hemiplegia, , crooked mouth and eyes, and speech difficulties. Either ischemic stroke or hemorrhagic stroke can cause blood stasis. Ischemic stroke is caused by Qi deficiency and is unable to promote blood, and the blood does not nourish the meridians. Due to the deficiency, blood stasis occurs, and blood stasis blocks the meridians, resulting in a stroke. Hemorrhagic stroke occurs when blood overflows from the meridians, and blood stasis from the meridians blocks the meridians, resulting in a stroke. For patients with stroke sequelae, the pathogenesis of blood stasis still exists due to the protracted course of the disease and the complexity and stubbornness of the condition. Moreover, there is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine that "long-term illness results from blood stasis."

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the formation of stroke is based on internal deficiency of qi and blood. When fatigue, internal injuries, worry, anger, craving for rich food, tobacco and alcohol, etc. cause the imbalance of yin and yang in the internal organs, the qi a - DayDayNews

The sequelae of stroke are mostly classified as “primary deficiency” and “substantial deficiency”, and the deficiency can be seen as Qi deficiency and Yin deficiency , but Qi deficiency is more common. Symptoms of hemiplegia, numbness on one side of the body, and difficulty speaking are the symptoms, which are caused by blood stasis, phlegm and dampness blocking the collaterals, and blocked blood vessels. According to the principle of treating the root cause, the main method should be to replenish qi and strengthen the body, while also promoting blood circulation and reducing phlegm.

Today I am sharing a clinical prescription of Mr. Chen Susheng - Chaimu Triangle Decoction
. It consists of: Bupleurum , raw oysters , goat horns, buffalo horns , raw deer antlers .

Chaimu Sanjiao Decoction

Northern Bupleurum can unblock qi and blood, promote metabolism and promote the new; raw oyster can subdue yang and soften hardness, eliminate phlegm and promote water circulation. When used together with Chai and Mu, there is no risk of Yang Yang hyperactivity and reversal. It has the effect of lowering and dredging diarrhea. It not only connects the blood channels, but also flows through the water channels, so it is regarded as the king; Goat Horn Generation Antelope Horn can calm the liver and calm wind, and is good at detoxifying the brain. Spasm of blood vessels; buffalo horn th generation rhinoceros horn, can clear the heart and stop bleeding, cure drowsiness, and can refresh the brain and detoxify; raw deer antlers is different from deer antlers and deer antler glue , it can eliminate hematoma. The ancients used raw deer antlers ground into powder and mixed with vinegar for application, and the mastitis was eliminated immediately. Therefore, it can be used to treat coagulation and blood stasis in the brain, and has a subtle effect of eliminating it.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the formation of stroke is based on internal deficiency of qi and blood. When fatigue, internal injuries, worry, anger, craving for rich food, tobacco and alcohol, etc. cause the imbalance of yin and yang in the internal organs, the qi a - DayDayNews

Five herbs are combined into a prescription, which has a positive effect on relieving qi and blood stasis and water retention in the brain. I will give an example to prove this based on my personal experience.

Mr. Chen Susheng's clinical medical record

In 1989, his father's blood pressure rose due to overwork, but he still insisted on attending classes and consulting outpatient clinics. Later, he suddenly suffered from hemiplegia and his speech was astringent.
suffered from coronary atrial fibrillation. At first, Western medicine thought it was cerebral thrombosis . After intravenous infusion of a large amount of Salvia miltiorrhiza , he became delirious again in the evening and became sleepy and speechless.
A doctor believed that this was a mild cerebral hemorrhage and ordered him to stop taking Salvia miltiorrhiza and switch to intravenous infusion of mannitol, regular oral administration of triamterene and vitamin K. It was prohibited to shake the head, and he was advised to take diazepam to calm his nerves. The next day, he was clear and his hemiplegia was as astringent.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the formation of stroke is based on internal deficiency of qi and blood. When fatigue, internal injuries, worry, anger, craving for rich food, tobacco and alcohol, etc. cause the imbalance of yin and yang in the internal organs, the qi a - DayDayNews

Immediately take Chaimu Triangle Decoction by yourself with the following flavors:
Bupleurum , raw oysters (fried first), goat horns (fried first), buffalo horns (fried first), raw deer antlers (fried first) Fried), Ziweizi , Cassia , Ligustrum lucidum , Atractylodes, Sichuan Pu , Yujin , Calamus , Nocturna , Albizia bark , White peony root , raw licorice , albizia bark, white peony root, raw licorice.After taking

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the formation of stroke is based on internal deficiency of qi and blood. When fatigue, internal injuries, worry, anger, craving for rich food, tobacco and alcohol, etc. cause the imbalance of yin and yang in the internal organs, the qi a - DayDayNews

for 1 month, I can get out of bed and move around. My speech is somewhat astringent, but I can’t help but laugh when I talk too much. After taking it for 2 months, the symptoms disappeared. My energy has improved, my complexion is rosy, my purple lips have completely subsided, and I can go downstairs for a walk every day. Continue to take 1 dose every other day, and the condition is basically cured for 2 consecutive months.
After many times of practice, Chaimu Sanjiang Decoction has a good effect on various encephalopathy caused by hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke, or brain blood circulation disorders. Especially for people with excessive upper and lower levels, the use of Xuanqi and blood can clear blood stasis and fluid retention in the brain, thus adjusting the blood circulation disorder in the brain, which has a good effect on gradually restoring brain function and improving sequelae.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the formation of stroke is based on internal deficiency of qi and blood. When fatigue, internal injuries, worry, anger, craving for rich food, tobacco and alcohol, etc. cause the imbalance of yin and yang in the internal organs, the qi a - DayDayNews

Rehabilitation nursing: focus on psychological and functional exercises

Stroke patients are often nervous, fearful, anxious, depressed, pessimistic and disappointed. This mentality will affect the patient's physical recovery and may even cause them to lose confidence in life. Therefore, we must pay attention to psychological care, enlighten patients, stabilize their emotions, and build confidence in overcoming the disease.

encourages patients to do more outdoor activities, strengthen active and passive movements of the affected limbs, massage the affected limbs on their own, and perform functional exercises consistently. In order to promote blood circulation and prevent disuse atrophy of the limbs, passive movement involves moving the shoulders, elbows, wrists, finger joints, knees, ankles, and toes in sequence. Each joint should be fully straightened and then bent as much as possible. Each joint should move for 15 minutes. ~20 times, the movements are slow, gentle and rhythmic. When muscle strength is restored, the patient should be encouraged to do active limb movements, and family members should be instructed to help with training. People with language impairment develop different methods according to the degree of the disorder and the patient's social and cultural background, using gestures, physical objects, and follow-me training methods.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the formation of stroke is based on internal deficiency of qi and blood. When fatigue, internal injuries, worry, anger, craving for rich food, tobacco and alcohol, etc. cause the imbalance of yin and yang in the internal organs, the qi a - DayDayNews

Okay, that’s all for today. If you have any related questions, you can leave them in the comment area!

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