The north is "baking" and the south is "sauna". The hottest "dog days" of the year are here. This year's Dog Days are an "extended version". From July 16th to August 25th, it lasts for 40 days. The most difficult "middle dog days" last for 20 days, which is the time to really pre

2024/07/0307:51:32 regimen 1768

"Roast" in the north, "Sauna" in the south, the hottest " Dog Days " of the year is coming. The Dog Days of Summer this year are an "extended version". From July 16th to August 25th, it lasts for 40 days. The most difficult "middle dog days" last for 20 days, which is the time to really prevent heatstroke. Time to cool down.

The north is

The sultry dog ​​days of summer are actually very dangerous. The most common reaction is heat stroke. For example, the "heat stroke " we often hear recently is the most serious type of heat stroke. The body temperature is close to 40 degrees or above. If not treated in time, dirty symptoms will appear. Organ failure, data show that the mortality rate of "heat stroke" can reach 70-80%!

To prevent heat stroke, you must first remember to reduce or avoid working and exercising in high temperature environments. If you feel weak or dizzy, stop working immediately, move to a cool and ventilated place to relieve yourself, or seek medical treatment in time.

The authoritative media CCTV News also gave 6 "taboos" in the dog days of summer. Many people are unaware of these taboos. It is recommended to fully understand them. Health issues are not a joke.

The north is

The first taboo: Not opening windows for ventilation

Indoors with poor ventilation are the most likely to cause heatstroke, and indoors with poor air quality are also more likely to cause illness. Many people find it difficult to open windows for ventilation during the dog days of summer, and ignore the indoor air quality. The closed environment also reduces people’s perception of temperature, especially middle-aged and elderly people who don’t like to turn on the air conditioner and are resistant to heat and cold. An important cause of heat stroke. recommends: open windows for ventilation more than 2 times a day, 15-30 minutes each time.

The north is

Second bogey: If the air conditioner blows directly at

the air conditioner will blow directly at the neck and back muscles, causing cervical vertebra problems. Many people have been using the air conditioner for a long time, especially when they are sleeping at night, and their bodies will suffer from various discomforts. recommends: The air conditioner temperature should not be lower than 26 degrees, and it is best to wear a shawl when blowing the air conditioner.

The north is

The third taboo: Drinking water quickly in large gulps

People sweat a lot in summer. Drinking water in large gulps will quickly dilute the blood and increase the burden on the heart. This situation is most likely to occur in the dog days of summer, especially among teenagers. They drink water uncontrollably when they are thirsty, and can drink a large glass of cold water in one breath. These are relatively dangerous behaviors. recommends: Drink about 200 ml of water each time, and replenish water in small amounts multiple times.

The north is

The fourth taboo: Excessive consumption of cold drinks

Excessive consumption of cold drinks can cause gastric submucosal vasoconstriction and easily lead to gastric disease. After entering the ambush, you should not eat cold drinks or ice cream without restraint. The human body has limited acceptance of cold food, and problems are more likely to occur if there is heat outside and cold inside. It is recommended to consume cold drinks in moderation and use warm water as the main source of hydration.

The north is

The fifth taboo: Take a cold shower

The stimulation of cold water can easily lead to accelerated heartbeat, increased blood pressure, muscle contraction, mental stress, etc. This is especially true in the hot dog days of summer. Never run to take a cold shower immediately while sweating profusely. Bathing is very harmful to the body. recommends: The bath water should be 35-40 degrees, and the bathing time should not be too long.

The north is

The sixth taboo: Emotional instability

High temperature can easily make people impatient and may induce related diseases. The hot climate makes people become restless, with more quarrels and fights. It is easy to get angry emotionally and physically. Paying attention to controlling your emotions is one of the things you need to do during the dog days of summer. recommends: Keep your mood calm. When you are emotional, you can eliminate bad emotions by diverting your attention.

The north is

- Lao Jing said -

These 6 taboos given by CCTV News are very timely and effective. If you follow them, they will help everyone get through the difficult dog days of summer smoothly. You should also pay attention to less spicy and greasy food. Supplement some warm ginger, mutton and other foods to avoid involuntary excessive intake of cold foods , which may cause external heat and internal cold.

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