Recently, a piece of news about a #93-pound woman who skipped 4,000 times a day and tore her meniscus# rushed to the hot search list and triggered heated discussions among netizens. (Popular Science China) The client, Ms. Wu, responded that she saw many video bloggers skipping ro

2024/07/0109:31:32 regimen 1235

Recently, a piece of news about a #93-pound woman who skipped 4,000 times a day and tore her meniscus# rushed to the hot search list and triggered heated discussions among netizens. (Popular Science China) The client, Ms. Wu, responded that she saw many video bloggers skipping ro - DayDayNews

Recently, a piece of news about a 93-pound woman who skipped rope 4 thousand times a day, resulting in meniscus tear#, rushed to the hot search list and triggered heated discussions among netizens.

Recently, a piece of news about a #93-pound woman who skipped 4,000 times a day and tore her meniscus# rushed to the hot search list and triggered heated discussions among netizens. (Popular Science China) The client, Ms. Wu, responded that she saw many video bloggers skipping ro - DayDayNews

(Popular Science China)

Ms. Wu, the client, responded that she saw many video bloggers skipping rope every day to lose weight, so she also started skipping rope 4,000 times a day. A month later, Ms. Wu felt special pain in her legs. After going to the doctor for examination, she found that her meniscus and ligament were torn.

( visual China )


Do you know what factors may cause knee joint damage? What bad habits can aggravate knee injuries? How do we protect our knees and how to perform skipping exercises correctly?

1 What is the main cause of knee joint damage?

1.Acute injury. is caused by direct or indirect violent injuries, such as car accidents, falls from heights, falls, etc., resulting in patella fractures, , joint ligament tears, etc.

2. bacterial infection. is common in people with low immunity. In addition, acupuncture and dental caries may also cause joint infection.

3. meniscus injury. is often caused by strenuous work or exercise.

4. Senile bone disease. As elderly patients age, joint cartilage ages and wears out more.

5. other situations. includes autoimmune diseases , lumbar disc herniation , gout and other causes of knee joint pain .

(Visual China)

2 What bad habits will aggravate knee injuries?

1. Sitting for a long time: affects the circulation within the joints, and the articular cartilage cannot be fully lubricated and nourished.

2. Standing and walking for a long time: causes fatigue of muscles, ligaments and other soft tissues around the knee joint.

3. Obesity and overweight: increases joint pressure and accelerates joint wear.

4. Excessive amount of exercise or exercise intensity: muscle strain, decreased stability, resulting in injury.

5. Frequent activities such as climbing stairs and mountain climbing: repeatedly flexing and extending the knee joint, which increases the wear between the patella and the femur.

6. Frequent kneeling, squatting, bending the knees, and sitting on a low bench: increases the load on the knee joint.

7. Inappropriate shoes: For example, women often wear high heels, often wear pull-up boards, etc. The changes in posture and posture during activities will subsequently change the load line during knee joint activities, causing wear and tear on the knee joints.

(Visual China)

3 How to protect knee joints?

1. Control your diet and maintain a reasonable weight

Your knees are the largest load supporting the entire body weight, so you must maintain a normal weight to avoid increasing the weight on your knees. Therefore, your daily diet should be low in oil, fat, and calories, and eat more Fruits and vegetables, avoid high-calorie foods.

2. Reasonable use of knees

Regular exercise can exercise the strength of our knees, thereby increasing the pressure resistance of the knee joint and slowing down the wear and tear of the joint. However, strenuous exercise and excessive squatting and standing should be avoided as much as possible.

Warm up fully before exercise, move the knee joints, relax the muscles, and wear knee pads if necessary.

3. Exercise methods to enhance knee health

Reasonable strength training of the muscles around the knee joint can improve the stability of the knee joint, thereby slowing down degeneration and reducing the occurrence of knee joint injuries .

Squat jump, squat jump and then land to maintain balance; walk lunge, step forward with one foot, then squat, repeat the exercise for 3-5 groups continuously; side lunge step, step left and right feet to the left and right respectively, and then lower Squat, perform 3-5 groups continuously to strengthen body flexibility and muscle strength training.

4. If knee discomfort occurs, stop exercising immediately and seek medical attention.

When acute pain occurs in the knee, stop exercising immediately to avoid aggravating the injury and seek medical treatment promptly. During the recovery period, reduce the amount of exercise appropriately and avoid strenuous exercise.

(Visual China)

Source: National Emergency Broadcasting

Editor: Huang Yixin

Editor: Wang Hui

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