"Doctor, I have cancer, what can't I eat when I get home? Can I eat chicken, fish, crabs, and some are seafood? Are they all cancerous things that I can't eat?" Oncologists can recite these words. Out. Cancer is a disease that makes people's hair stand on end. Normal people are a

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"Doctor, I have cancer. What can't I eat when I get home? Can I eat chicken, fish, crabs, and some seafood? Are they all hairy things that I can't eat?"

These words make oncologists wonder. You can recite it. cancer is a disease that makes people's hair stand on end. Normal people are afraid of it, let alone people who have already suffered from cancer. Therefore, it is understandable that oncologists usually encounter patients who "ask all the questions."

Early detection of cancer, or cooperation with doctor's treatment, and control of daily routine and diet can also help. Therefore, many cancer patients can say that they are careful with every mouthful of food. I am afraid that if I accidentally eat something "fat", my cancer will be aggravated.

What is "hair food"? Are chicken, fish and crab hair food?

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "hair food" is a kind of food that can stimulate or induce diseases or symptoms corresponding to diseases. This means that you are not sick originally, but you become sick after eating "fat food". What’s more, the physical illness is already under control, or even almost cured, but eating “fat food” will aggravate the condition.

However, in modern medicine, there is no clear indication of which the food is, but it will be based on the characteristics of the food to see whether it will have any adverse effects on the patient's body. That is to say, Western medicine believes that "fawu" is a kind of food that is harmful to patients. For example, for asthma patients, seafood is a hairy food, because seafood is not conducive to disease control and can cause asthma. Therefore, it is necessary to determine whether a thing is a hairy thing based on the patient's condition.

However, the common physical symptoms caused by eating hair products are generally oral ulcers , body fever, body internal heat, phlegm in the throat, abdominal bloating, difficulty in defecation, frequent diarrhea and so on.

So for cancer patients, are chickens, fish, and crabs safe?

Although cancer is potentially curable, it also depends on the treatment method. The patient’s physique, lifestyle and diet. After all, it is cancer, so there are dietary taboos. 3.

However, many people think that "chicken, fish, and crab" are cancer-causing substances. Eating them will cause the spread of cancer cells and even lead to the recurrence of cured cancers. Let's not say whether these are cancer-causing substances for the time being. Just look at these foods. They are all rich in high-quality protein, which is one of the essential nutrients for the human body every day. The human body contains sufficient protein , which can improve the body's immunity and is beneficial to the repair of damaged organs of the body.

Isn't this just what cancer patients need for their "anti-cancer journey"?

Cancer patients often eat chicken, fish, and crabs to strengthen the body's immune cells so that they can fight against cancer cells in the body. Normal physiological functions also require the blessing of protein. If the patient is in good health, won't the chance of successful anti-cancer be greater? The survival time will soon be longer?

Many cancer patients did not ask their doctors clearly during the period of cancer, or listened to the words of people around them, blindly "taboo", and made a mistake Nutrition should be used as a "factor" , and the body's cancer condition will become worse and worse because of this.

The World Health Organization stated that cancer is actually a chronic disease that requires patients to deal with it for a long time, and it is necessary for the body to replenish nutrition.

So for cancer patients, what is the real cause of death? Of course it is something that is not good for health!

â‘  Barbecue and deep-frying

Summer is here, and the smell of barbecue and deep-frying is all over the street. Although I know it is unhealthy, I still do it. Attracted by their scent. When fresh food is subjected to high temperatures, benzopyrene and other substances that have been listed as first-level carcinogens by the World Health Organization will be produced.No matter how fresh the food in the store is or how clean and high-end the barbecue tools are, the production of carcinogens cannot be avoided.

In fact, grilled food is pretty good, like fried food. When food is put into high-temperature oil, a lot of carcinogens are produced, and high temperature will also destroy the nutrition of the food, such as the protein in chicken. Not only is it not good for cancer patients, it will also aggravate the condition!

② "Miraculous folk remedy"

The body is suffering from cancer, and it is urgent to control it, so it is best to cure it. Although the treatment in the hospital is expensive and slow, it is effective but has no obvious progress. At this time, some people use the gimmick of "folk doctor" and "anti-cancer miracle drug" to seize on your anxious mentality and deceive you. There are even "free health care products" delivered to your door. They say they contain velvet antler, ginseng, Angelica and other precious Chinese herbal medicines that can fight cancer. They are even better than the doctors at the hospital. Although some medicinal materials are indeed tonic, they may also cause hormonal imbalance in the body and be detrimental to the condition.

In addition to the above types of , there are also tobacco, alcohol, over-processed food, spicy, greasy, moldy food, etc. These foods, not only cancer patients, but also healthy people often eat, are not good for health and increase Risk of disease and cancer.

What can patients with cancer eat?

. Nut foods

such as cashews , pecans , pistachios , etc. These foods are rich in vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids . Good for cardiovascular health.

" Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents " recommends that the daily use of nuts should not exceed 10g. If you don’t know how much to eat, there are small bags of in the supermarket, and they contain not only nuts but also fruits, which are rich in nutrients and good for your health.

2. Mushroom foods

such as Hericium , enoki mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, etc. are very delicious whether they are made into soups or stir-fries. They are rich in trace elements and have inhibitory effects on cancer cells. Effect. Healthy people who eat 18g of mushrooms every day can reduce the chance of cancer by nearly half.

To sum up, cancer is not terrible. What is terrible is that cancer patients do not know how to prevent it, blindly avoid food, and get angry!


1. What exactly is "fading things" that Chinese medicine often talks about? Teach you how to make profits Avoid harm and eat good "fat foods" 2020-06-12 08:07·Shanxi Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

2. Understand and control cancer, starting from "taboos" 2020-01-17 01:41·Health News

3. After suffering from cancer , these foods can be eaten regularly to ensure nutrition and reduce hidden dangers. Original 2022-03-02 15:33·Health Times

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