Introduction: A 62-year-old man from Hebei has been drinking for 30 years, drinking two taels a day. How is his health now? Wine is a very strange thing. People who like it can’t even finish a meal, and people who don’t like it can’t take a sip. We can always meet all kinds of pe

2024/07/0311:15:33 regimen 1095

Introduction: A 62-year-old man from Hebei has been drinking for 30 years, drinking two taels a day. How is his health now?

Wine is a very strange thing. People who like to drink can't even finish a meal, and people who don't like to drink can't even take a sip. In life, we can always meet all kinds of people who like to drink. Some people drink four times a day. Five meals. Some people drink a lot in one meal. They drink enough. They drink one meal a day. Even though they have been told not to drink, they still can't quit drinking and just crave this drink.

Introduction: A 62-year-old man from Hebei has been drinking for 30 years, drinking two taels a day. How is his health now? Wine is a very strange thing. People who like it can’t even finish a meal, and people who don’t like it can’t take a sip. We can always meet all kinds of pe - DayDayNews

It is okay to drink moderately, but if you drink too much for a long time, you will definitely have problems. The author has a friend’s father in Hebei, who is 62 years old. He loved drinking when he was young, but when he was old, he still drank without stopping. Before I have been drinking for almost 30 years. I drink two ounces almost every day. When I was in my early sixties, I was told that I could no longer drink, but I continued to drink every day.

Introduction: A 62-year-old man from Hebei has been drinking for 30 years, drinking two taels a day. How is his health now? Wine is a very strange thing. People who like it can’t even finish a meal, and people who don’t like it can’t take a sip. We can always meet all kinds of pe - DayDayNews

After learning more about it, I found out that the his father usually drank was the kind of bulk Sanwu wine, and most of the wine was blended with alcohol. It was very low-quality, spicy and irritating, and it was easy to cause problems if he drank it for a long time.

But not everyone will have problems after drinking for decades. For example, one time we happened to meet a local uncle from Hebei who was also in his sixties.

Introduction: A 62-year-old man from Hebei has been drinking for 30 years, drinking two taels a day. How is his health now? Wine is a very strange thing. People who like it can’t even finish a meal, and people who don’t like it can’t take a sip. We can always meet all kinds of pe - DayDayNews

The two of them are about the same size, but the old man has no problem at all. We can't help but curiously ask the old man if he doesn't smoke or drink.

The uncle quickly waved his hand, "I drink two taels every day, and I have been drinking for forty or fifty years. I never drink on an empty stomach. As long as I drink, I will prepare a few side dishes for myself, a combination of meat and vegetables, and finish the wine every day. I also drink some cool and boiled in moderation, and occasionally exercise, and my body is very good now. The most important thing is that I only drink grain wine, and I don’t drink blended wine for free.”

Introduction: A 62-year-old man from Hebei has been drinking for 30 years, drinking two taels a day. How is his health now? Wine is a very strange thing. People who like it can’t even finish a meal, and people who don’t like it can’t take a sip. We can always meet all kinds of pe - DayDayNews

My uncle’s drinking habits are indeed very good. Drinking on an empty stomach is what many experienced drinkers do. Needless to say, the general intention is that at least it is not easy to get drunk.

Especially if you drink food and wine, the harm will be much smaller.

Introduction: A 62-year-old man from Hebei has been drinking for 30 years, drinking two taels a day. How is his health now? Wine is a very strange thing. People who like it can’t even finish a meal, and people who don’t like it can’t take a sip. We can always meet all kinds of pe - DayDayNews

Everyone knows that whether it is alcohol-blended wine or flavor-blended wine, a large number of chemical substances will be added to it. These chemical substances have complex structures and disappear very slowly, so they are easy to get on the head after drinking.

If things continue like this, the consequences can be imagined.

Introduction: A 62-year-old man from Hebei has been drinking for 30 years, drinking two taels a day. How is his health now? Wine is a very strange thing. People who like it can’t even finish a meal, and people who don’t like it can’t take a sip. We can always meet all kinds of pe - DayDayNews

In fact, as the older generation said, "Don't be greedy for small gains when drinking, and don't just look at expensive wines. Many major manufacturers have brewed ration wine suitable for daily drinking for the common people."

For example, Gudao Jianghu 1800, Luzhou Laojiao Tequ , many old wine lovers drink it by themselves, have guests at home, or invite relatives and friends to banquets. They are of high quality and good taste.

Introduction: A 62-year-old man from Hebei has been drinking for 30 years, drinking two taels a day. How is his health now? Wine is a very strange thing. People who like it can’t even finish a meal, and people who don’t like it can’t take a sip. We can always meet all kinds of pe - DayDayNews

The former Gudao Jianghu 1800 is produced in Qionglai City, Sichuan. Many people may not know much about Qionglai. The local climate and environment are pleasant, the temperature is relatively high all year round, and the geographical environment is relatively advantageous. It is also backed by the Tianshan Mountains and has advantages in water sources. , this wine is brewed using underground spring water from the Tianshan Mountains.

Introduction: A 62-year-old man from Hebei has been drinking for 30 years, drinking two taels a day. How is his health now? Wine is a very strange thing. People who like it can’t even finish a meal, and people who don’t like it can’t take a sip. We can always meet all kinds of pe - DayDayNews

This wine has a faint sweetness when you first drink it. It stimulates the mouth and tongue, and the sweetness is obvious. It is very thirst-quenching. I use it to make wine. The wine is sweet and sweet, especially delicious. Moreover, this is another concentrated wine. Flavor liquor has a fragrant aroma. As soon as you open the bottle, you can smell a light aroma, which is long-lasting, mild and non-irritating.

Introduction: A 62-year-old man from Hebei has been drinking for 30 years, drinking two taels a day. How is his health now? Wine is a very strange thing. People who like it can’t even finish a meal, and people who don’t like it can’t take a sip. We can always meet all kinds of pe - DayDayNews

It is worth noting that it is a 52-degree strong-flavor liquor with a high alcohol content. Friends who like to drink low-alcohol liquor may not be used to it at the beginning. They need to sober up in advance before drinking, so as to better absorb the alcohol in the liquor. The aroma substances are fully expressed. It is very comfortable to sip it little by little while eating, and to eat some cold dishes to fill your stomach.

Because it is blended with old base wine that has been stored for 1800 days, the aroma is very rich and the taste is very good.

Introduction: A 62-year-old man from Hebei has been drinking for 30 years, drinking two taels a day. How is his health now? Wine is a very strange thing. People who like it can’t even finish a meal, and people who don’t like it can’t take a sip. We can always meet all kinds of pe - DayDayNews

Selected sorghum, wheat, rice, glutinous rice and corn are used as raw materials. After solid-state fermentation without a drop of additives, the wine is very full-bodied, thus reaching the superior standard.

Let’s talk about Luzhou Laojiao’s special song. has the special name of strong aroma type boss. It is very well-known in Luzhou . It is a must-drink for local wine drinkers to entertain relatives and friends. The wine is rich in aroma and soft. It is delicate and has a light refreshing and dry taste in the middle, leaving a lingering fragrance in your mouth after drinking a glass.

Introduction: A 62-year-old man from Hebei has been drinking for 30 years, drinking two taels a day. How is his health now? Wine is a very strange thing. People who like it can’t even finish a meal, and people who don’t like it can’t take a sip. We can always meet all kinds of pe - DayDayNews

The winery is located in the south of the "Land of Abundance", surrounded by mountains and rivers, with a mild and pleasant climate, which is very suitable for wine making. As soon as you enter the local area and get off the car, you can smell the faint aroma of the cellar, which will make you drunk before you drink.

uses local high-quality glutinous sorghum as raw material, and wheat is used to make koji at high temperature. The water sources used for brewing are Longquan well water and Tuojiang water. The water quality is very good, and it also has its own sweetness. The wine brewed with it is not only wine It is fragrant and has the sweetness of mountain spring water, and the taste is particularly good.

Introduction: A 62-year-old man from Hebei has been drinking for 30 years, drinking two taels a day. How is his health now? Wine is a very strange thing. People who like it can’t even finish a meal, and people who don’t like it can’t take a sip. We can always meet all kinds of pe - DayDayNews

The brewing process uses the traditional mixed steaming and fermentation method, and the distilled wine will be stored for one or two years to allow the wine to settle better, and then carefully blended by the master master, finally forming the Laojiao special song The unique flavor of .

Finally, the author has something to say:

It is okay to drink moderately, especially after a day of work and the body is relatively tired, but excessive drinking is very harmful to the body. Even excessive drinking of food and alcohol for a long time will not work. Drinking friends, remember not to be greedy for drinking. If you have a long-term drinking habit and want to stop drinking, you need to do it step by step. You cannot stop drinking all at once, as your body may easily develop problems such as discomfort.

Introduction: A 62-year-old man from Hebei has been drinking for 30 years, drinking two taels a day. How is his health now? Wine is a very strange thing. People who like it can’t even finish a meal, and people who don’t like it can’t take a sip. We can always meet all kinds of pe - DayDayNews

In addition, there are also skills when choosing to drink. In addition to not drinking Sanwusanjiu as mentioned above, and eating some food before drinking, drinking should not be mixed with drinking, otherwise it is easy to get drunk, and drinking cannot be finished in one go. Drink slowly, little by little.

As for choosing wine, of course it is grain wine. The ingredient list only has grain and water, both of which are superior.

Introduction: A 62-year-old man from Hebei has been drinking for 30 years, drinking two taels a day. How is his health now? Wine is a very strange thing. People who like it can’t even finish a meal, and people who don’t like it can’t take a sip. We can always meet all kinds of pe - DayDayNews

This article comes to an end. Readers are welcome to share any other drinking tips.

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