#新农人creation contest# Today is July 16th, which is the beginning of the first day of the dog days. It is the first day of the entire dog days. The temperature is getting higher and higher day by day, and the heat is getting stronger and stronger day by day. There are heat waves r

2024/07/0211:00:32 regimen 1277

#新农人creation contest# Today is July 16th, which is the beginning of the first day of the dog days. It is the first day of the entire dog days. The temperature is getting higher and higher day by day, and the heat is getting stronger and stronger day by day. There are heat waves r - DayDayNews

Therefore, in this hot summer day, I would like to remind everyone to take a good break from the heat and cool down, and take care of your health. In the hot weather, as long as you do "five things", you can safely spend this hot summer.

①Don’t wear too little. In the dog days, the weather is extremely hot. If you wear too many clothes, you will be sweating profusely and very uncomfortable. Therefore, many people are accustomed to wearing less clothes or going shirtless.

But you must know that the weather is very hot and people wear too few clothes. In air-conditioned rooms or under electric fans, it is easy to catch a cold and catch a cold.

If you stay outdoors for a long time, wear too few clothes, and are exposed to strong sunlight, you will easily get heat stroke and suffer burns on your body. Therefore, although the temperature is high in Futian, it is still too hot, so you still need to wear appropriate clothes. Don't wear too little, which is not good for your health.

#新农人creation contest# Today is July 16th, which is the beginning of the first day of the dog days. It is the first day of the entire dog days. The temperature is getting higher and higher day by day, and the heat is getting stronger and stronger day by day. There are heat waves r - DayDayNews

② Don’t sleep too little. The nights of the dog days are very sultry. Since July, the night temperature in most areas of our country has generally been above 27℃, and in some places it has been higher than 30℃. With such a high temperature, it is not easy to fall asleep at night.

Therefore, everyone sleeps with the air conditioner on or fan, watching TV, checking their mobile phones or chatting. As a result, I unconsciously fell asleep at 11 or 12 o'clock in the middle of the night.

Generally, summer nights are very short. The sky does not get dark until after 7:30 in the evening, and it becomes bright at 4 o'clock in the morning the next day. If you go to bed too late at night, go to bed after 12 o'clock, and get up at 4 o'clock in the morning, you only sleep for more than 4 hours a night and cannot guarantee 7 to 8 hours of sleep. This is very bad for your health and can lead to Many high-risk diseases occur.

#新农人creation contest# Today is July 16th, which is the beginning of the first day of the dog days. It is the first day of the entire dog days. The temperature is getting higher and higher day by day, and the heat is getting stronger and stronger day by day. There are heat waves r - DayDayNews

Therefore, it is recommended that everyone go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning. You may use the low temperature period in the morning to deal with things that need to be dealt with at home during this time, which is of great benefit to the body. Therefore, everyone must develop a good living habit of going to bed early and getting up early during the summer weather.

③Don’t eat it too cold. The weather in Dog Days is extremely hot. When eating or drinking boiled water, be sure not to eat or drink too cool to avoid inconsistency between the temperature of the food and the temperature of the human gastrointestinal tract, which may cause physiological reactions and digestive diseases, which may affect In good health.

In addition, if food and tea are left too cold for too long, some mosquitoes and flies will fly around, contaminating the food and tea, and infecting them with germs and insect eggs, which is very harmful to the human body. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone should not eat too cold during the dog days to avoid affecting their health.

#新农人creation contest# Today is July 16th, which is the beginning of the first day of the dog days. It is the first day of the entire dog days. The temperature is getting higher and higher day by day, and the heat is getting stronger and stronger day by day. There are heat waves r - DayDayNews

④Don’t drink too little. During the hot summer days, the weather is extremely hot and the human body consumes too much water. At this time, some people have not developed good living habits, are not good at drinking water to replenish water in time, or drink too much water. These living habits are all bad symptoms. Under normal circumstances, it is recommended to drink water in time to replenish water when thirsty to ensure the body's need for water. However, drinking too much water can also affect people's health.

⑤Don’t bask in the sun for too long. When working outdoors during the dog days, try to work in a cool place, or use the cooler time in the morning and evening to do the work. Try not to be exposed to strong sunlight to avoid strong sunlight causing heat stroke, sunburn, or heat stroke.

[The above are my own opinions. If there is anything wrong, please leave your valuable opinions in the message area and actively participate in the comments. We specially invite everyone to pay attention to rural areas and farmers in eastern Hubei and discuss rural issues together. The picture is from the Internet. Infringement delete. 】

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