Xiao Lin (pseudonym) lay on the operating table, his whole body shaking and sweating. In order to relieve his nervousness, he simply sang a song... The chief surgeon, Director Ma Fei, looked at Xiao Lin shaking like a little motor. He opened his eyelids and comforted patiently: "

2024/07/0201:25:33 regimen 1249

Xiao Lin (pseudonym) lay on the operating table, his whole body trembling and sweating. In order to relieve his nervousness, he simply sang a song... The chief surgeon, Director Ma Fei, looked at Xiao Lin shaking and shaking his little motor. The same eyelids, patiently comforted: "Don't be nervous, it's just a myopia correction surgery, it will be fine in a few minutes!"

Xiao Lin (pseudonym) lay on the operating table, his whole body shaking and sweating. In order to relieve his nervousness, he simply sang a song... The chief surgeon, Director Ma Fei, looked at Xiao Lin shaking like a little motor. He opened his eyelids and comforted patiently:

Many friends around me are like Xiao Lin. They desperately want to take off their glasses, but at the same time they have no idea about the myopia correction surgery. Feeling fear. After all, it is a knife on the eye, can it be done? Will there be sequels? Recently, "Li Live Broadcast·Famous Doctor Consultation" specially invited Ma Fei, director of the Optometry Center of Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital, to answer your questions.

Surgery cannot cure myopia!

Before undergoing myopia correction surgery, you must understand that although this surgery can help us improve naked eye vision and remove glasses, it does not mean that myopia is cured. The structural changes caused by myopia are irreversible, especially the risks of various complications caused by high myopia still exist. As far as the current medical level is concerned, myopia cannot be cured once it occurs, so the work of preventing and controlling myopia must not be slackened.

Xiao Lin (pseudonym) lay on the operating table, his whole body shaking and sweating. In order to relieve his nervousness, he simply sang a song... The chief surgeon, Director Ma Fei, looked at Xiao Lin shaking like a little motor. He opened his eyelids and comforted patiently:

Preoperative examination is very important!

Theoretically speaking, patients with myopia degree between 50 degrees and 1000 degrees, astigmatism degree between 50 degrees and 500 degrees, and patients aged 18-45 years old are eligible for myopia correction surgery. In addition, detailed preoperative examinations are required before myopia correction surgery, including comprehensive refraction, corneal morphology examination (including thickness), visual quality examination, fundus examination, and systemic disease screening. Only through comprehensive and meticulous preoperative screening can doctors accurately determine whether the patient can undergo myopia correction surgery and minimize surgical risks.

Contact lenses will have more or less impact on our ocular surface, and preoperative examination hopes to obtain the most original and true data. Therefore, before conducting preoperative examination, you must completely stop wearing these contact lenses. Including ordinary soft contact lenses, rigid oxygen permeable corneal contact lenses (RGP) or orthokeratology lenses . Among them, soft contact lenses need to be stopped for 1-2 weeks, RGP hard contact lenses need to be stopped for more than 1 month, and orthokeratology lenses need to be stopped for more than 3 months.

Which surgical method is better?

In terms of surgical location, myopia correction surgery can be roughly divided into two categories. One is corneal refractive surgery, which is what we usually call laser surgery; the other is crystal refractive surgery. Corneal refractive surgery mainly uses laser to flatten the central area of ​​the cornea, thereby changing the refraction path of light, to achieve the purpose of correcting myopia and astigmatism. The surgery usually takes 5-8 minutes to complete.

Corneal refractive surgery has high requirements on corneal thickness, curvature, shape, etc. Lens refractive surgery implants an ultra-thin lens between the iris and lens of the eye, just like wearing a contact lens inside the eye. Lens refractive surgery requires relatively high intraocular space, and is also an ideal choice for patients with higher powers or thin corneas. Which surgical method is suitable for a specific patient needs to be selected under the guidance of a professional doctor based on his or her own needs and preoperative examination results.

Xiao Lin (pseudonym) lay on the operating table, his whole body shaking and sweating. In order to relieve his nervousness, he simply sang a song... The chief surgeon, Director Ma Fei, looked at Xiao Lin shaking like a little motor. He opened his eyelids and comforted patiently:

Postoperative review is indispensable!

Most patients' vision will recover quickly after surgery, but a few patients may experience foreign body sensation, tearing, eye swelling, slow vision recovery, etc. in the early postoperative period. At this time, it is necessary to detect and deal with it as early as possible to avoid complications. Adverse consequences. Therefore, it is very important to review on time after surgery. Generally, at least three reviews are required after surgery. The first review is on the first or second day after surgery, the second review is one week after surgery, and the third review is It was one month after the surgery. Through these three re-examinations, doctors can basically understand the patient's response to surgery and postoperative recovery.

Another reminder is that you should use your eyes less for 3-5 days after the operation, try not to use electronic products, and let your eyes rest more.

Xiao Lin (pseudonym) lay on the operating table, his whole body shaking and sweating. In order to relieve his nervousness, he simply sang a song... The chief surgeon, Director Ma Fei, looked at Xiao Lin shaking like a little motor. He opened his eyelids and comforted patiently:

Will surgery cause dry eye syndrome ?

Taking corneal refractive surgery as an example, it will inevitably have a certain impact on the corneal epithelium during flushing, disinfection and surgical operations. Laser scanning will cut off part of the nerve endings , causing dry eye symptoms.For this type of patients, using artificial tears can help the ocular surface recover faster and better. Generally, dry eye symptoms will gradually disappear two to three months after surgery. It should be noted that patients who already have dry eye syndrome before surgery must undergo standardized treatment and review before surgery.

Xiao Lin (pseudonym) lay on the operating table, his whole body shaking and sweating. In order to relieve his nervousness, he simply sang a song... The chief surgeon, Director Ma Fei, looked at Xiao Lin shaking like a little motor. He opened his eyelids and comforted patiently:

Will surgery cause night blindness?

The decrease in night vision after myopia correction surgery may be related to the size of the surgical area and the unevenness of the corneal interlayer structure. It will slowly recover after a period of time. Night blindness is caused by underdevelopment or disease of the rod cells in the retina responsible for night vision. The two are completely different.

Photography/Shao Yicheng

Source: Jiangsu News

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