"Old man, don't lose weight anymore. A little fatter will help you live longer!" Uncle Su is 67 years old this year. He is usually in good health. However, some time ago, Uncle Su was diagnosed with fatty liver and high blood pressure during a physical examination. When Uncle Su

2024/06/3017:20:33 regimen 1424

"Old man, don't lose weight anymore. A little fatter will help you live longer!"

Uncle Su is 67 years old this year, and he is usually in good health. However, some time ago, during a physical examination, Uncle Su was found to have fatty liver disease and high blood pressure. When Uncle Su learned that his fatty liver was related to high blood pressure and obesity, he made up his mind to lose weight.

Uncle Su’s way of losing weight is relatively simple and rough, mainly controlling his diet and exercising regularly. However, a month has passed and Uncle Su's weight has not dropped significantly. He is confused about this. When Uncle Su was at a loss what to do, his wife told him the sentence at the beginning of the article. Uncle Su has always believed that older people can live longer if they lose weight. However, when he heard his wife's opinion, he became more confused.

Among the people, it has always been believed that the fatter a person is, the shorter his or her life span will be. This view is quite reasonable. After all, being overweight or obese can cause many health problems. Which one will live longer if the elderly are fatter or thinner? In order to let everyone have more knowledge and understanding of this issue, today the doctor Good Words will talk to you about the relevant knowledge.

1. If the elderly are too thin, the mortality rate will also increase:

Currently, to evaluate whether a person is thin or fat, we can judge it through some indicators or by observing it with the naked eye. Relatively speaking, the indicator fat and thin is more accurate.

In medicine, there is a term called body mass index (BMI). For normal people, their body mass index is between 18.5 and 23.9. If your body mass index (BMI) is less than 18.5, you are too thin. Body mass index = weight (kg) ÷ height (meters) ÷ height (meters). For example, if a person weighs 70kg and is 1.72 meters tall, then this person's body mass index = 70÷1.72÷1.72≈23.7, and the body mass index is within the normal range.

Currently, the number of obese people in our country is still relatively large. In addition to increasing the risk of diabetes , hypertension, coronary heart disease and other diseases, obesity is also a high-risk factor for cancer . However, for the elderly, if they are too thin, the mortality rate will increase. Before

, someone did a survey. Researchers surveyed 40,000 people over the age of 65 to determine the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and mortality. The results found that the mortality rate of elderly people who are too thin within 10 years is significantly higher than that of normal people.

Meanwhile, there is also a survey targeting Asians. This survey involved 77,000 elderly people over the age of 65, and divided these elderly people into three groups, namely the normal group (BMI between 18.5 and 23.9), the thin group (BMI between 15 and 18.4), and the overweight group ( BMI is between 25 and 30). The final study found that the mortality rate of the underweight group was 92% higher than that of the normal group, while the mortality rate of the overweight group was 20% lower.

2. Since being a little fatter leads to a longer life, which range of body mass index should be better controlled?

Having said this, many people may not understand why this is the case? In fact, this is mainly because as age increases, the risk of chronic diseases in the elderly increases. Without proper weight, it is difficult to fight these diseases. At the same time, compared with underweight people, the nutritional status of slightly obese elderly people will be relatively better.

In addition, if the elderly are too thin, their metabolism and various physiological functions will be lower than normal elderly people. In this case, their physical fitness will be poorer, and if they are too thin, they will also increase the risk of suffering from sarcopenia syndrome . This disease itself is a high-risk factor for osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

One thing to note here is that whether you are too fat or too thin, it is not good for your health. In this case, what is the best range for body mass index control? In fact, a previous study in the United States gave the answer. The study found a "U"-shaped relationship between longevity and weight in older adults. In other words, being underweight or overweight increases the risk of death.

For the elderly, the healthiest BMI should be maintained at a slightly higher than normal or slightly fat level, that is, 25 to 29.9.

3. How should the elderly maintain a healthy weight?

In real life, many elderly people are fat. For these obese elderly people, they should maintain a healthy weight. The specific measures are summarized as follows:

Keep exercising:

Exercise can increase energy consumption. If you insist on exercising for a long time, it can achieve the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort. .

In order to maintain a good weight, controlling diet is an important part.

The diet control mentioned here does not mean not eating this or that, but a nutritionally balanced diet. For obese people, the intake of carbohydrates should be appropriately reduced, and the daily intake of carbohydrates should be controlled to about 200g.

can appropriately increase the intake of high-quality protein, such as eggs, fish, shrimp, beef, etc. You can appropriately increase your vegetable intake. There is no limit to vegetables such as lettuce and cucumbers. Try to eat less or no fruits with high sweetness.

For most elderly people, they generally suffer from sleep disorders . Whether it is from a health perspective or a weight loss perspective, you should ensure adequate sleep.

When sleep disorders occur, you should first take certain measures to adjust, such as exercising properly before going to bed, soaking your feet before going to bed, adjusting the sound and brightness of the bedroom, and trying not to drink coffee and tea before going to bed.

After your own efforts, if the problem of insomnia is still not solved, you should seek help from a doctor.


If you want to maintain a good weight, you should also pay attention to quitting smoking and drinking, ensuring adequate intake of water (boiled water is preferred), regular physical examinations, etc. #True Knowledge New Coordinates#

The significance of physical examination is to detect certain diseases early, so that the situation of weight loss due to disease can be reduced.

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