Apple is a fruit that can be seen all year round, with a sweet taste, high quality and low price. Whether it is a high-end fruit shop or a roadside stall at a rural market, there will be apples. Even though apples are so common, they contain a lot of nutrients! There has always b

2024/07/0113:59:32 regimen 1727

Apple is a fruit that can be seen all year round. It tastes sweet and is of high quality and low price. Whether it is a high-end fruit shop or a roadside stall at a rural market, there will be apples. Even though apples are so common, they contain a lot of nutrients!

There has always been a saying about apples, "Golden apples in the morning", which means that eating apples in the morning is good for your health, but how to eat them is still a question.

Apple is a fruit that can be seen all year round, with a sweet taste, high quality and low price. Whether it is a high-end fruit shop or a roadside stall at a rural market, there will be apples. Even though apples are so common, they contain a lot of nutrients! There has always b - DayDayNews

"Golden apple in the morning", should you eat it on an empty stomach or after a meal?

Regarding this topic, many people must be thinking that as a kind of fruit, apples should of course be eaten as a "dessert" after a meal.

Apples also contain tannic acid and protein . After entering the body, tannic acid protein will be formed, which is not conducive to digestion. In addition, there is already food to be digested in the intestines and stomach. If a fruit as rich in nutrients as apples is eaten into the body at this time, the intestines and stomach will not be able to digest and absorb it. It will waste the nutrients of apples and increase the burden on the intestines and stomach. Apples Together with the food, it will accumulate in the intestines and stomach, which may cause abdominal bloating.

Apple is a fruit that can be seen all year round, with a sweet taste, high quality and low price. Whether it is a high-end fruit shop or a roadside stall at a rural market, there will be apples. Even though apples are so common, they contain a lot of nutrients! There has always b - DayDayNews

More importantly, apples have calories. Eating apples when you are already full after a meal may make you gain weight.

If you want to eat an apple after a meal, it is recommended to choose it after 2 hours. At this time, the food in the stomach has been almost digested, and it is suitable to eat apples.

Is it okay to eat apples on an empty stomach?

People who usually do not have gastrointestinal diseases or feel gastrointestinal discomfort can eat apples on an empty stomach in the morning.

Because the stomach is empty at this time, stomach acid is waiting for food to be digested. But people with diabetes and blood sugar that is not stable enough should avoid it, because apples contain fructose and sucrose. The body will fully absorb the sugar in apples, which may cause blood sugar fluctuations , which is not conducive for diabetic patients to control their condition.

People who want to be healthy can eat apples on an empty stomach to absorb the required sugar, maintain body vitality, and start the day energetically. It is said that drinking a cup of warm water in the morning can diuretic and detoxify. In fact, apples also have this effect. Apples contain galacturonic acid, which can help the body detoxify and prevent the body from producing gallstones. The dietary fiber in apples can promote intestinal peristalsis. After being fully digested and absorbed by the human body, it can prevent constipation.

and Don't eat apple cores . It's best to remove them when making juice, because apple cores contain hydrocyanic acid . This substance can cause the human body to feel dizzy and have difficulty breathing. Avoid eating it.

Apple is a fruit that can be seen all year round, with a sweet taste, high quality and low price. Whether it is a high-end fruit shop or a roadside stall at a rural market, there will be apples. Even though apples are so common, they contain a lot of nutrients! There has always b - DayDayNews

It can be seen from this that "eat golden apples in the morning", apples are rich in nutrients, but they cannot be eaten at any time in the morning, not everyone can eat them, and not all parts can be eaten.

Many people still have a question about eating apples. Can apples be eaten? Do you want to peel it?

Apple peels contain a lot of nutrients. Generally, those purchased through serious channels are basically pollution-free , which can be eaten after washing. However, for ordinary small fruit stalls, most farmers grow their own crops and have little experience in management and pest control. Most of them will just spray pesticides and get rid of the problem. It is recommended to peel them.

If you insist on eating apples on an empty stomach every day, what changes will happen to your body after a month?

Apple is a fruit that can be seen all year round, with a sweet taste, high quality and low price. Whether it is a high-end fruit shop or a roadside stall at a rural market, there will be apples. Even though apples are so common, they contain a lot of nutrients! There has always b - DayDayNews. The skin will get more nutrients and is expected to get better

Apples are rich in vitamins, among which vitamin C has the effect of whitening skin.There are also polyphenols which have antioxidant effects, can remove free radicals in the body that will accelerate the aging of the body. It delays the occurrence of wrinkles on the face, increases the body's hemoglobin , and makes the skin more rosy. It is a good anti-aging product.

Apple is a fruit that can be seen all year round, with a sweet taste, high quality and low price. Whether it is a high-end fruit shop or a roadside stall at a rural market, there will be apples. Even though apples are so common, they contain a lot of nutrients! There has always b - DayDayNews

Apple is a fruit that can be seen all year round, with a sweet taste, high quality and low price. Whether it is a high-end fruit shop or a roadside stall at a rural market, there will be apples. Even though apples are so common, they contain a lot of nutrients! There has always b - DayDayNews. The body gets more potassium

Apples not only have the effect of clearing the intestines and moisturizing the bowels, but also stop diarrhea. The calories contained in them are not many . You can also try it if you want to lose weight. The malic acid it contains enters the blood vessels to achieve the effect of lowering blood lipids. The potassium contained in it can be combined with the sodium element in the human body and excreted out of the body, maintaining the body's electrolyte balance and preventing hyperlipidemia, hypertension, etc. disease.

. Sleep and memory are expected to be improved

Apples contain zinc. The substances that have a positive effect on human memory are nucleic acids and proteins , and zinc is one of the essential components of these two substances. The iron and phosphorus in apples are easily absorbed and have a calming effect.

Apples can be eaten on an empty stomach, but these foods are not recommended to be eaten on an empty stomach

Apple is a fruit that can be seen all year round, with a sweet taste, high quality and low price. Whether it is a high-end fruit shop or a roadside stall at a rural market, there will be apples. Even though apples are so common, they contain a lot of nutrients! There has always b - DayDayNews. Hawthorn: Hawthorn has the effect of strengthening the stomach, digesting food, and increasing appetite. There is a lot of gastric acid in the stomach on an empty stomach. Hawthorn is an acidic food. Eating it on an empty stomach will irritate the stomach wall and cause gastrointestinal discomfort . People with stomach problems will aggravate their stomach problems if they eat .

Apple is a fruit that can be seen all year round, with a sweet taste, high quality and low price. Whether it is a high-end fruit shop or a roadside stall at a rural market, there will be apples. Even though apples are so common, they contain a lot of nutrients! There has always b - DayDayNews

Apple is a fruit that can be seen all year round, with a sweet taste, high quality and low price. Whether it is a high-end fruit shop or a roadside stall at a rural market, there will be apples. Even though apples are so common, they contain a lot of nutrients! There has always b - DayDayNews. Tomatoes: This kind of food can be used as both a vegetable and a fruit. It contains a large amount of pectin, persimmon phenol and other substances. If eaten on an empty stomach, it will synthesize with gastric acid to produce substances that are not easily digested and absorbed, which will blocks the connection between the stomach and the intestines, causing gastrointestinal discomfort.

. Bananas: contain magnesium. If eaten on an empty stomach, the magnesium will be fully absorbed into the body, causing a sudden increase in magnesium in the body. It is not good for blood vessel health.

To sum up, apples are very nutritious, sweet and delicious, but they cannot be eaten casually and must be eaten with caution.


1. "Reminder" If you eat it on an empty stomach in the morning, you can easily pass "poop"? The answer is all here 2019-09-10 10:05 · People's Daily

2. There are also times to eat apples, in these two When is the best time to eat apples? Many people eat them wrong. Original 2019-09-11 08:54 · Popular Science Lecture Hall

3. When is the best time to eat apples? (The answer is shocking!) 2015-11-18 15:19 ·Tonight newspaper cultural tourism

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