When many people find that they have blood in their stools, they first think that they have hemorrhoids, but in fact, anal fissures may also cause blood in their stools. Today, let’s talk about why patients with anal fissure have bloody stools?

2024/07/0109:03:33 regimen 1962

Many people find that they have blood in their stools, they will immediately think that they have hemorrhoids, but in fact, anal fissures may also cause blood in their stools. Anal fissure refers to a crack in the anus. The patient will experience tearing pain in the anus during defecation, sometimes accompanied by blood in the stool, itching and other symptoms. Today, let’s talk about why patients with anal fissure have bloody stools?

When many people find that they have blood in their stools, they first think that they have hemorrhoids, but in fact, anal fissures may also cause blood in their stools. Today, let’s talk about why patients with anal fissure have bloody stools? - DayDayNews

1. Bad habits

Many people always take a book or a newspaper to read when defecating, which prolongs the time of defecation and induces blood in the stool.

2, constipation

Constipation is the main cause of anal fissures. Because patients with anal fissures are afraid of the pain caused by defecation, they subconsciously begin to endure the urge to defecate. As everyone knows, this will aggravate the impact of constipation on anal fissures, and the water in the body will be Complete absorption will cause the feces to become drier, and the dry and hard feces will scratch the anal skin, resulting in bloody stools.

3. Infection

When patients with anal fissure defecate, the bacteria in the feces will enter the body through the crack and become infected. After further aggravation, an abscess will form. When the abscess ruptures, symptoms of blood in the stool may occur.

4. Injury

When diarrhea occurs, too frequent defecation will cause the anal canal to be in a tight state and the tissue will become hard, which may lead to blood in the stool.

Warm reminder: For more information, please follow the hospital’s WeChat public account or official account. If you find relevant symptoms, go to a regular and professional hospital in time.

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