In the ancient times of our country, the country was in an era where the emperor was dominant. Starting from our first emperor, Qin Shihuang, he began to pursue the secret recipe of immortality. It was even said that he later exhausted his money while searching for the Penglai Im

2024/07/0109:50:32 regimen 1438

In ancient times in our country, the country was in an era where the emperor was dominant. Starting from our first emperor Qin Shihuang , he began to pursue the secret recipe of immortality. He even said that he later ran out of money searching for Penglai Xiandao and emptied his body in order to eat those ammunition. It really feels like It's a waste of money. Throughout history, not only Qin Shihuang, but basically every emperor wanted to live a long life, or even become immortal. Including in Journey to the West, those monsters also want to achieve immortality by eating Tang Monk's meat.

In the ancient times of our country, the country was in an era where the emperor was dominant. Starting from our first emperor, Qin Shihuang, he began to pursue the secret recipe of immortality. It was even said that he later exhausted his money while searching for the Penglai Im - DayDayNews

In today's society, many people have begun to use many methods to enhance their physical fitness in order to extend their lifespan. But now there are still many people who are doing their best to consume health while taking a large amount of so-called health products. It has to be said that such a method is really not worth the gain. Furthermore, today's medical level can be considered very high, so people's average life span has increased a lot compared to before. Naturally, many long-lived elderly people have appeared in the population, and many experts have begun to study methods of longevity from these long-lived elderly people. Today, the editor will tell you about a long-lived old man. She is the holder of the Guinness record for longevity, and her life spanned three centuries.

In the ancient times of our country, the country was in an era where the emperor was dominant. Starting from our first emperor, Qin Shihuang, he began to pursue the secret recipe of immortality. It was even said that he later exhausted his money while searching for the Penglai Im - DayDayNews

Everyone should know that Japan is now experiencing an aging population. One reason is that the birth rate in Japan continues to decline, and another reason is that the elderly in Japan really live very long lives. The longevity old man I want to introduce to you today is called Misao Okawa . She was born in 1898 and did not die until 2017. During her 119 years of life, she spanned three centuries. When Misao Okawa was 115 years old, she became the winner of the Guinness World Records because she was the oldest person in the world.

In the ancient times of our country, the country was in an era where the emperor was dominant. Starting from our first emperor, Qin Shihuang, he began to pursue the secret recipe of immortality. It was even said that he later exhausted his money while searching for the Penglai Im - DayDayNews

Many advanced scientists have suggested that if you want to live a long life, you must have good living and eating habits, because only in this way can you make your body healthy and extend your life. But Misao Okawa does not live such a regular life. Because she is a long-lived old man, people often ask her the secret of longevity, and Okawa's answer every time is only four words: eat well and sleep well. Mr. Dachuan has been living in a nursing home in his later years. He has no taboos about food. It can be said that his daily diet is also very rich. Speaking of sports, Ms. Okawa said that she usually doesn't like sports very much. She just likes to sit there and chat with others. However, the old man's character is very optimistic. No matter what difficulties she encounters, she will not let it affect her. Feeling.

In the ancient times of our country, the country was in an era where the emperor was dominant. Starting from our first emperor, Qin Shihuang, he began to pursue the secret recipe of immortality. It was even said that he later exhausted his money while searching for the Penglai Im - DayDayNews

Perhaps many people, after hearing what Old Man Okawa said, may think that such an old man may be one of the few in the world. But you can look back and see how long it has been since you were busy at work to have a healthy and delicious meal, and how long have you not fallen asleep after working until early in the morning? There are even those with bad personalities who will be sulky for several days if they are not satisfied with anything in life. Isn’t this a very unhealthy lifestyle? Therefore, the editor feels that there is no fixed secret to the so-called longevity. In fact, it is to find the balance point in your life. Sleep when you are tired and eat when you are hungry. At the same time, there is no need to criticize yourself for the eyes of others. Not pleased, not to have compassion. If this continues, I believe there will be more and more people in the world who live as long as Mr. Dachuan.

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