Frequent nocturia refers to a significant increase in the number of urinations and urine output at night, and the urine output exceeds half of the total urine output throughout the day. If nocturia increases, it will affect the quality of life and sleep. In severe cases, it can l

2024/07/0105:01:33 regimen 1728

What are you most afraid of after falling asleep?

is a non-stop nightmare?

Or do you get up at night to go to the toilet?

Some people go to the toilet many times a night

Some people never go to the toilet at night

What is the reason for frequent nocturnal urination?

Let’s take a look today!

Frequent nocturia refers to a significant increase in the number of urinations and urine output at night, and the urine output exceeds half of the total urine output throughout the day. If nocturia increases, it will affect the quality of life and sleep. In severe cases, it can l - DayDayNews

What is the cause of frequent urination at night?

Frequent urination at night means that the number of urinations and urine output at night increase significantly, and the urine output also exceeds half of the total urine output throughout the day.

If nocturia increases, it will affect the quality of life and sleep. In severe cases, it can lead to fatigue, decreased concentration, decreased energy, etc. Especially for older people, increased nocturia can increase the risk of accidents.


How to tell if you have increased urine?

Frequent nocturia refers to a significant increase in the number of urinations and urine output at night, and the urine output exceeds half of the total urine output throughout the day. If nocturia increases, it will affect the quality of life and sleep. In severe cases, it can l - DayDayNews

The simplest way is to look at the number of times you get up after going to bed. After falling asleep, getting up more than twice, and if the condition persists for many days, it means that the frequency of nocturia is high. Frequent waking up at night is partly caused by physiological reasons. For example, the quality of sleep in the elderly has declined, and they are easily awakened by the slight urge to urinate and increase the number of toilet visits. Some elderly people have reduced kidney function in concentrating urine, and a small amount of water can produce a certain amount of urine. urine.

Frequent urination

Although I get up to go to the toilet every night due to urgency to urinate, my urine output is not large. The total urine output in one night is less than 500 ml. The lesions are mostly in the lower nephron (renal pelvis, , ureter, , bladder, urethra) or reproductive system diseases. If it is caused by inflammation, it is often accompanied by painful urination. Urine test It is generally easier to find clues to disease.


Real polyuria is when the amount of urine increases and exceeds the capacity of the bladder and requires getting up to urinate. It is characterized by clear and long urination, with a total urine output of more than 700 ml in one night. Some people drink a lot of water before going to bed, especially strong tea, coffee, etc. In addition to water, they also contain diuretic tea juice or caffeine . That is, the amount of drinking increases that night, and then returns to normal.

Psychogenic polyuria

Most of the time it is due to nervousness, poor sleep or insomnia, which leads to frequent nocturnal urination. Over time, it seems to have become a habit. Its characteristic is that although nocturia increases, all examinations are normal.


What are the reasons for frequent urination at night?

Frequent nocturia refers to a significant increase in the number of urinations and urine output at night, and the urine output exceeds half of the total urine output throughout the day. If nocturia increases, it will affect the quality of life and sleep. In severe cases, it can l - DayDayNews

01 Prostatic hyperplasia

Prostatic hyperplasia is one of the diseases that causes increased nocturia in men.

Prostatic hyperplasia will directly affect the normal function of the prostate, leading to overactive bladder syndrome, frequent urination, urgent urination, and incomplete urination, which will lead to an increase in the number of nocturia.

02 Physiological increase in nocturia

The most common physiological increase in nocturia is due to drinking too much water during the day, including eating foods with high water content, etc., which will cause an increase in urine output, which is a normal phenomenon.

03 Mental factors

Mental factors can also affect the increase in nocturia. If you often feel too much mental stress or have difficulty falling asleep due to emotional stress, it may cause an increase in the number of nocturia.

04 Kidney disease

Glomerulonephritis can also lead to increased nocturia. People of any age will be affected by glomerulonephritis. The main incidence of chronic glomerulonephritis is young and middle-aged people.

Hypertensive kidney damage will also cause symptoms of increased nocturia. Hypertensive kidney damage is one of the complications caused by hypertension and must be treated promptly and effectively.

05 Urinary system diseases

Chronic renal failure cumulative damage to multiple systems and tissues, resulting in increased frequency of nocturia.


How to treat frequent nocturnal urination?

Frequent nocturia refers to a significant increase in the number of urinations and urine output at night, and the urine output exceeds half of the total urine output throughout the day. If nocturia increases, it will affect the quality of life and sleep. In severe cases, it can l - DayDayNews

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, frequent urination, polyuria at night, are all caused by physical weakness, weak kidney qi, inability to restrain the bladder, and lack of qi transformation. In addition, the kidney governs water and can regulate the production and excretion of urine, and is related to the exterior and interior of the bladder. The bladder relies on the warmth and nourishment of kidney yang in order to vaporize body fluids and regulate urine. Once kidney yang is insufficient , the bladder will become inactive, This will lead to the problem of excessive nocturia.

Many middle-aged and elderly people often suffer from nocturia in winter. This is because the yin increases and the yang disappears in winter, and the yang energy becomes more deficient at night. As a result, the water in the body cannot evaporate and vaporize, and the amount of urine produced will naturally increase. To cure the problem of excessive nocturia, the key is to nourish the kidneys.

Tips for Traditional Chinese Medicine

1, Tea tree mushroom Pork belly soup

Ingredients: 50 grams of fresh tea tree mushroom, 215 grams of Gorgon fruit, 21 pieces of pork belly, 100 grams of lean meat, and appropriate condiments.

Method: Wash the tea tree mushrooms and cut them into small pieces. Wash the pig belly with salt water or cornstarch. Put it into a casserole with the tea tree mushrooms, gorgon seeds and lean meat. Boil it over high heat for 10 minutes, then simmer over low heat for 1 minute. Hours, season and serve with the soup and residue. Take this soup 3 to 5 times a week and it will be effective for a month.

2, Schisandra Pork Belly Soup

Ingredients: 6 grams of Schisandra chinensis, fresh Pork belly one

Method: Wash the schisandra chinensis, wash the fresh pork belly and stew them together, eat several times a week for a month, it also has kidney-tonifying and astringent properties It has the effects of fixing astringency, replenishing qi and promoting fluid production, and is effective in treating nocturia, frequent urination, and enuresis.

Nocturia can be a big or small thing

Although many people suffer from nocturia

, they still do not take it seriously

Especially older people always think that increased nocturia is normal

So, suspicion arises Patients with symptoms should be treated as soon as possible

Don’t let yourself live so uncomfortable!

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