The holy product to cool down in the hot summer - "cold drinks" has made its grand debut. But what should you pay attention to when eating cold drinks? Which groups of people should not eat it? Let’s take a look at the health risks of eating cold drinks 1. Acute gastric mucosal l

2024/07/0304:57:33 regimen 1767

In the hot summer

The holy product to relieve the heat - "cold drinks" makes a grand debut

But what should you pay attention to when eating cold drinks?

Which people should not eat it?

Let’s take a look ↓

The holy product to cool down in the hot summer -

The health risks of eating cold drinks

1. Acute gastric mucosal lesions

Regular consumption of large amounts of raw and cold food can irritate the gastric mucosa and leave it in a state of congestion for a long time, which can cause acute gastric mucosal lesions. It manifests as epigastric pain, rapid onset, black stools, and occasional vomiting symptoms. In severe cases, sudden vomiting of blood may occur.

It has a quick onset and a quick remission. Sometimes the pain can be relieved by slightly controlling the diet. Therefore, it is easily ignored and treatment is delayed.

2.Gastric ulcer

In daily life, gastric ulcer mainly manifests as pain in the abdomen or around the umbilicus, with intermittent recurrence and regular pain, such as after meals and when seasons change, and symptoms of abdominal distension, accompanied by indigestion, Poor appetite.

3.Intestinal spasm

Among acute abdominal pain, the most common is intestinal spasm (also known as spastic colic). Eating a lot of cold food often triggers this disease.

This kind of abdominal pain occurs suddenly. The pain is more obvious around the belly button and can last for several minutes or dozens of minutes. It comes and goes. If the pain persists, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

4. Intestinal obstruction

Things in the intestines such as food and feces accumulate in the intestines, causing intestinal colic, vomiting, and abdominal distension. This is called intestinal obstruction, and it mostly occurs in children, but adults can also suffer from it.

The holy product to cool down in the hot summer -

Which group of people should not consume cold drinks?

1. Infants and young children:

The digestive system is not fully developed. Eating too much cold drinks will cause a loss of appetite and cause nutritional imbalance. In severe cases, it will cause abdominal pain, diarrhea and other digestive tract symptoms.

2. Menstruating women

may easily suffer from dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, and other gynecological diseases.

3. For high-fat and obese people

cold drinks are high-calorie foods that contain a lot of sugar and fat, which are not conducive to controlling weight, blood lipids , blood sugar and blood pressure.

4. Patients suffering from gastrointestinal diseases

increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract and induce or aggravate gastrointestinal diseases.

5. For people with cardiovascular system diseases,

the gastrointestinal tract is suddenly stimulated by cold drinks, which will cause vasoconstriction and increase blood pressure, causing myocardial ischemia, angina pectoris and other symptoms. In severe cases, it may even induce cerebral hemorrhage.

Can children have cold drinks?

Children under 1 year old cannot eat!

Most commercially available ice creams contain sugar, and a small number of them add salt during processing. It is recommended that babies under 1 year old be fed with breast milk or formula milk and use natural foods as complementary foods. The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents recommend that no sugar be added to complementary foods for children under 2 years old.

Therefore, when the baby is 1 to 2 years old, do not give commercially available ice cream to your child. After the child is 2 years old, try to pay attention to the principle of occasional and small amounts, and do not offer it proactively.

The holy product to cool down in the hot summer -

The health concerns of ice cream are high in sugar, oil and calories. It is best for babies over 2 years old to have a daily free sugar intake of no more than 25g.

From the perspective of diet or nutrition, any health risks or benefits are a long-term accumulation process. If the child only eats it once in a while, parents do not need to be particularly entangled.

How to choose a qualified cold drink?


Look at the ingredient list

Pay attention to the order in the ingredient list. Generally, food ingredients are arranged in order from most to least, with the higher the content at the front.

If milk or dairy products are listed first in the ingredient list, then the milk content in the ice cream is more guaranteed.

Look at the nutritional content

Mainly look at the protein content in the nutrition facts table. Ice cream and ice cream with high protein content are generally of higher quality.

If ice cream contains more than 3 grams of protein per 100 grams, it means that its protein content is comparable to that of milk!



Buy regular products

The most important thing is to buy regular products.It is best to go to the supermarket to buy. When buying, pay attention to the production date and shelf life. Unqualified cold drinks may have microbial contamination problems and affect the health of your family.

Information: Human Health, China Education News

Editor: Wu Xingting

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