"Nine" is a symbol of beauty and perfection. "Nine Flavors Diet Therapy" first expresses and conveys the concept that the project is the supreme representative. At the same time, it also introduces the connotation that people have nine kinds of physiques and medicines are steamed

2024/07/0106:15:33 regimen 1955

Revealing the topics and stories behind the "Nine Flavors Diet Therapy"

In the five thousand years of Chinese civilization, in the process of traditional Chinese medicine culture , many, many topics related to the number "nine" have occurred, and there are countless The story connected with "Nine"...

The birth of "Nine Flavors Diet Therapy" has once again opened up the topic of the origin of medicine and food in the motherland and the story of medical saint Zhang Zhongjing using dumplings to treat people...

"Nine Flavors Diet Therapy" "Is a symbol of beauty and perfection, "Nine Flavors Diet Therapy" first expresses and conveys the concept that the project is a supreme representative, and at the same time it also introduces the concept that people have nine physical constitutions, and medicine has , nine steaming and nine sunburning .

Ancient medicine teaches: There are six or six in heaven and nine or nine in earth. "Nine" is the origin of syndrome differentiation of traditional Chinese medicine, and "nine" is the basis of the eight principles of traditional Chinese medicine. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the medical sage Zhang Zhongjing introduced the "Nine Classical Prescriptions", which are still in use today.

The place where the story of Zhongjing’s dumplings took place is where today’s Jiuwei Dietotherapy prepared dishes were launched. The story of dumplings’ treatment of diseases took place here 1800 years ago. Today, 1800 years later, Jiuwei Dietotherapy puts many aspects of human health into one place. For three meals a day, use the method of eating to solve problems. "Nine" conveys the ultimate meaning. Taste represents taste. The meaning of "jiuwei" is to first make the taste so that everyone likes to eat it, so that everyone can eat healthily, establish the righteousness of the body, and prevent the enemies of health from infringing. Diet therapy itself means that patients will be cured after eating it, and patients will be healthier after eating it. Jiuwei diet therapy conveys not only a method and concept, but also an attitude of greatest concern, care and blessing to the public.

The people of Nanyang located in the southwest of Henan have maintained the tradition of "believing in, learning, loving, and using Chinese medicine" for thousands of years... They have even greater trust in the medical saint .

Today, with the high incidence of chronic diseases, the hometown of medical saint Zhongjing , the vice-president unit of Nanyang Zhongjing Health Medicinal Diet Association, Huayu Central Kitchen, takes health as the core, food as the carrier, and the origin of medicine and food. Guided by theory and using the concept of nine as the tripod, we worked with a team of famous doctors and chefs to create the "Nine Flavors Diet Therapy Project", using modern technology to combine medicinal and edible ingredients with traditional foods in a reasonable and scientific manner. Make prepared dishes, prepared noodles, and prepared soups that are both delicious and helpful to people with high blood pressure and insomnia. It has truly transformed "good medicine that tastes bitter" into "good medicine that tastes delicious".

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