This article is original to the Translational Medicine Network. Please indicate the source when reprinting. Author: Lily Introduction: The Y chromosome is a type of sex chromosome. Compared to the X chromosome, the Y chromosome is much smaller and carries fewer genes. Even so, it

2024/07/0100:32:32 regimen 1841
This article is original to the Translational Medicine Network. Please indicate the source when reprinting. Author: Lily Introduction: The Y chromosome is a type of sex chromosome. Compared to the X chromosome, the Y chromosome is much smaller and carries fewer genes. Even so, it - DayDayNewsThis article is original to the Translational Medicine Network. Please indicate the source when reprinting. Author: Lily Introduction: The Y chromosome is a type of sex chromosome. Compared to the X chromosome, the Y chromosome is much smaller and carries fewer genes. Even so, it - DayDayNews

This article is original to the Translational Medicine Network. Please indicate the source when reprinting.

Author: Lily

Introduction: Y chromosome is a type of sex chromosome . Compared with X chromosome , the Y chromosome is much smaller and carries fewer genes. Even so, its functionality is not yet fully understood. Recently, a study from the University of Virginia School of Medicine in the United States demonstrated the impact of Y chromosome function loss on male physical condition and lifespan, and proposed a class of potential therapeutic drugs.

Studies have found that as age increases, mosaic loss of the Y chromosome in blood cells also occurs more frequently, which will cause many changes in physical conditions - for example, a recent study from University of Virginia Studies have shown that men with impaired Y chromosome function are more likely to suffer from myocardial scarring and even heart failure. This finding also partly explains why the average life span of men is usually several years shorter than that of women. - In the United States, the average life span of men is 5 years shorter than that of women; researchers estimate that the findings of this study may explain these 5 years. 4 years in the year gap.

"Especially after the age of 60, men die faster than women; from a biological point of view, men seem to age faster than women." Professor Kenneth Walsh, director of the Hematovascular Biology Center at the University of Virginia, said , "In the United States alone, there are 160 million men; the number of years of life lost by men due to survival disadvantage is staggering. Our study provides some clues to understand why men live relatively short lives."

The study was published in July Published in the journal "Science" (Science) on the 14th.

This article is original to the Translational Medicine Network. Please indicate the source when reprinting. Author: Lily Introduction: The Y chromosome is a type of sex chromosome. Compared to the X chromosome, the Y chromosome is much smaller and carries fewer genes. Even so, it - DayDayNews

Impaired Y Chromosome Function and Heart Health


The two sex chromosomes in women are both X chromosomes, while in men they are X and Y chromosomes. As men age, some cells in their bodies begin to lose their Y chromosome—a condition that is particularly common in smokers. Impaired function of the Y chromosome mainly occurs in cells with rapid turnover, such as blood cells. (Y-chromosome damage does not occur in male reproductive cells, so men will not pass this Y-chromosome damage to the next generation.)

Previous research has shown that men with damaged Y chromosomes are more susceptible to Alzheimer's disease age-related diseases such as dementia and a relatively high risk of early death.

However, new research by Professor Kenneth Walsh provides the first conclusive evidence that damage to the Y chromosome will directly trigger a male health crisis. Using CRISPR technology, Professor Walsh and his team established a special mouse model to study the impact of damage to the Y chromosome in blood cells - researchers remodeled the bone marrow of mice with cells lacking the Y chromosome. Mice-like mice are more susceptible to fibrosis and decreased cardiac function, particularly under conditions of pressure overload.

Researchers found that damage to the Y chromosome accelerated age-related diseases, making mice more susceptible to heart scarring and earlier death. The scientists believe this is not just the result of inflammation - instead, the mice's immune systems suffered a complex series of reactions that led to fibrotic reactions throughout the body; this tug-of-war within the immune system may hasten the progression of the disease. develop.

The researchers also explored the impact of impaired Y staining on human males. They conducted three analyzes of data compiled from the UK Biobank and found that impaired Y chromosome function is associated with cardiovascular disease and heart failure. Scientists have found that when impairment of chromosome function becomes severe, the risk of death increases.

This article is original to the Translational Medicine Network. Please indicate the source when reprinting. Author: Lily Introduction: The Y chromosome is a type of sex chromosome. Compared to the X chromosome, the Y chromosome is much smaller and carries fewer genes. Even so, it - DayDayNews

Men gradually lose their Y chromosome as they age - which can cause damage to their health.

Image source: Katriel E. Cho.

Potential treatments


The findings suggest that targeting the effects of impaired Y chromosome function could help men live longer, healthier lives.Professor Walsh noted that one potential treatment option is the drug pirfenidone. The drug has been approved by the U.S. Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a form of lung scarring that is actually a form of lung scarring . The drug is also being tested as a treatment for heart failure and chronic kidney disease - tissue scarring is a common feature of both.

Based on Professor Walsh's research, he believes that men with Y chromosome loss may respond particularly well to this drug, as well as other classes of anti-fibrotic drugs in development, although more research is needed to determine this. Based on this study, Professor Walsh said that men with impaired Y chromosome function responded well to the drug. Additionally, other classes of antifibrotic drugs are in development and further studies are needed to demonstrate their effectiveness.

Currently, there is no simple way to detect functional impairment of the Y chromosome in a specific male. Professor Walsh's collaborator, Lars A. Forsberg of Uppsala University in Sweden, has developed an inexpensive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test (similar to the COVID-19 test) that can Detection of impaired Y chromosome function is limited to laboratory testing. However, Professor Walsh expressed his outlook: "If we continue to study this and prove that the test has a substantial impact on men's disease prognosis, leading to personalized treatment options, then this may become routine.

“As we age, DNA in all of our cells inevitably accumulate mutations. This involves the loss of the entire Y chromosome within a subpopulation of male cells. Understanding that our bodies are full of mutation possibilities can also help us better understand aging itself and age-related diseases. Research on impaired Y chromosome function and other acquired mutations holds great promise for the development of personalized medicines. ”


Note: The purpose of this article Medical research progress is introduced and cannot be used as a reference for treatment plans. If you need health guidance, please go to a regular hospital.

This article is original to the Translational Medicine Network. Please indicate the source when reprinting. Author: Lily Introduction: The Y chromosome is a type of sex chromosome. Compared to the X chromosome, the Y chromosome is much smaller and carries fewer genes. Even so, it - DayDayNews

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