There are three days of summer in a year. After the fall, some areas in China will enter the hottest time of the year. It is not only sultry, but also very humid, and the body feeling will be very bad. At this time, facing the scorching sun, people just want to lie down in an air

2024/07/0100:07:32 regimen 1658

There are three volts in a year. After the volts come, some areas in China will enter the hottest time of the year. It is not only sultry, but also very humid, and the body feeling will be very bad. At this time, facing the scorching sun, people just want to lie down in an air-conditioned room, connect to WiFi, eat watermelon, and watch TV shows, not to mention being cool.

The time of entering the ambush in 2022 is July 16, the first ambush begins, and it officially enters the ambush today!

As the saying goes, "It's freezing in the cold and hot in the summer." For more than 40 days, facing the furnace-like environment, people often feel weak, easily tired, sleepy, and lose interest in anything. It is a state of "decavation". However, people also have countermeasures to the dog days of summer , such as the customs of " eating new foods", "sunfu", and "three good things to eat when the head is down" to help everyone spend the summer safely!

There are three days of summer in a year. After the fall, some areas in China will enter the hottest time of the year. It is not only sultry, but also very humid, and the body feeling will be very bad. At this time, facing the scorching sun, people just want to lie down in an air - DayDayNews

What 3 is good to eat when the head is down, not Go to the hospital and your body is croaking?

A good idea: Mung bean sprouts

It’s so hot in the dog days of summer. At this time, blanch the mung bean sprouts with water and the cold dish is simply a delicacy that dispels heat, clears away heat and detoxifies. Mung bean sprouts contain fiber and water, do not have too many calories and will not cause obesity. At the same time, they will promote gastrointestinal motility and usually moisten the stool, increase appetite, and prevent constipation, which is common in the dry and hot days of summer. People with oral ulcers , mouth and nose sores can take some.

Second best: duck meat

Meat is greasy compared to vegetables. In summer, there is no appetite, and many people will feel more irritable. But what kind of meat should be distinguished? Duck meat is a kind of cool meat. "Eat duck after the bitter summer", "Bitter summer" means people whose body is prone to getting angry in summer and whose body is hot .

Duck meat is rich in protein and unsaturated fatty acids, which are beneficial to blood vessel health. The elderly have slow blood circulation and do less exercise in summer, which is also a period of high incidence of cardiovascular diseases. Duck meat can avoid this risk, because duck meat is tender and can be easily bitten. The meat has short fiber content and will not increase the digestive burden of the elderly.

Three good things: Tofu

Tofu contains protein and amino acids that the human body needs. It maintains muscle strength, can lower blood fat, and is beneficial to blood vessel health. It is a good thing to prevent cardiovascular disease. The soybean saponins contained in can also inhibit the formation and accumulation of body fat, promote body metabolism, and achieve the effect of weight loss. Eating it in summer has the functions of promoting body fluids, moistening dryness, clearing away heat and detoxifying.

Eating more of the above 3 foods in summer is good for your health, relieves physical discomfort, and helps you spend the summer safely. But if you want to be healthy in summer, you can't just rely on food. You also need to exercise. Nowadays, people's lifestyle is mostly about mental work. Most of them are indoors. They often sit for long periods of time and lack physical activity. The air conditioner is blowing all day long. It is difficult to sweat. Sweat is also one of the ways for the body to detoxify. If the body is often inactive, it will easily lead to lack of energy, drowsiness, backache, etc. In the words of traditional Chinese medicine, this is yang deficiency.

In the dog days of summer, it is necessary to exercise. When is the right time to exercise?

"Do exercises in the winter and practice in the summer." If you want to prevent yang deficiency, it is best to choose outdoor exercise . During exercise, the blood circulation of the body is accelerated. With high metabolism, you can also exercise your heart and lungs and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

However, avoid high-intensity exercise. It is recommended walking, gentle square dancing, Tai Chi, Baduanjin, outdoor yoga etc. Although the pores are cleaner when the body sweats too much, it is still water in the body after all. Always pay attention to replenishing water, drink water every 20 minutes, drink it in small sips, but it can also be mung bean soup , which can clear away heat and relieve summer heat, promote body fluids and quench thirst. To avoid the sticky discomfort of sweating, it is recommended to wear sweat-absorbent and breathable clothes, such as pure cotton or cotton and linen. Shoes should also be breathable and have thick, soft soles.

There are three days of summer in a year. After the fall, some areas in China will enter the hottest time of the year. It is not only sultry, but also very humid, and the body feeling will be very bad. At this time, facing the scorching sun, people just want to lie down in an air - DayDayNews

The days are long in summer. It is recommended to exercise between 5 and 7 o'clock in the morning or around 5 o'clock in the evening. There is sufficient light, the sun is not dazzling, and the weather is not hot.

Summer weather is hot, so people who work indoors are fine, but people who work outdoors need to pay attention to heatstroke. Generally, mild heatstroke will have some physical manifestations, but many people will think it is a normal manifestation of hot weather and continue to work, causing the heatstroke to become more serious, leading to body shock, or even sudden death.

Pay attention to heat stroke. If your body has these symptoms, find a place to rest!

Before heat stroke, your body will sweat a lot, feel thirsty, dizzy, nauseous, tinnitus, numbness in hands and feet etc. At this time, there are still There is no heat stroke, but is about to get heat stroke . At this time, it is best to stop what you are doing, go to a cool and ventilated place, drink some water, and relax.

If the face is pale, the heartbeat is faster, but the pulse is weak it is a symptom of heat stroke. At this time, it is easy to fall. Go to a cool and ventilated place, lower your head and help the person with heat stroke untie the chest. Buttons, keep breathing smooth, ventilate the surroundings, do not surround people in a circle, go to a nearby store to buy some ice water and put it on the forehead of the person suffering from heatstroke to cool down and relieve the heat.

Severe heat stroke symptoms, the body temperature will rise, the consciousness will be confused, or even unconscious, the body will spasm, and there will be no response to speech . At this time, while helping the patient to cool down, he should also dial 120 to prevent the body from going into shock. Cause sudden death.

To sum up, it is hot and uncomfortable in the hot summer days. At this time, air conditioning alone is not enough. It is best to eat and exercise, learn how to deal with heat stroke, and spend the summer safely!

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