An old man who was diagnosed with lung cancer never thought that his lung cancer was related to insufficient Yang Qi. He had never paid attention to the issue of Yang Qi before, and he knew very little about Yang Qi. Why is Yang Qi still related to lung cancer?

2024/07/0115:31:32 regimen 1150

An old man who was diagnosed with lung cancer never thought that his lung cancer was related to Yang Qi deficiency . He had never paid attention to the issue of Yang Qi before, and he knew very little about Yang Qi.

Why is Yang Qi still related to lung cancer?

This old man is over 60 years old. He has nothing to do at home every day. He occasionally goes down to play chess and cards with his old friends, and does morning exercises in the morning. It stands to reason that his lifestyle is quite healthy and he should be in good health. right.

I don’t know what’s going on. Since last month, I’ve been feeling difficulty breathing . Sometimes I’m sleeping well, but I’m suddenly woken up by chest tightness or chest pain. Once, the pain was so unbearable. I went to the hospital for a checkup the next day.

Unexpectedly, the test result turned out to be late-stage lung cancer . Although I couldn't accept it in my heart, I was not too old and still wanted to live longer. Moreover, my children were not willing to give up, and they all urged themselves to actively cooperate with the treatment. .

An old man who was diagnosed with lung cancer never thought that his lung cancer was related to insufficient Yang Qi. He had never paid attention to the issue of Yang Qi before, and he knew very little about Yang Qi. Why is Yang Qi still related to lung cancer? - DayDayNews

underwent chemotherapy , but after the chemotherapy, the effect was not very good. I don’t know where my wife knew that seeing traditional Chinese medicine might be a better way to help with treatment. I was a little reluctant to believe it at first, but I couldn’t stand my wife’s nagging.

After learning about it, traditional Chinese medicine said that the reason why the old man suffered from lung cancer was related to long-term insufficient Yang Qi. cancer creates opportunities.

Insufficient yang energy can really cause cancer?

Regarding this issue, well-known domestic traditional Chinese medicine oncology experts said that according to the existing cancer clinical data, nearly 70% of cancer patients actually have cold constitution, and people with cold constitution have a proportion of cold air in their bodies. will be higher.

Cold Qi and Yang Qi are opposites. If one of the two has a higher proportion, the other will be weaker. The two compete with each other. Only when a balance is reached can the human body be healthier.

An old man who was diagnosed with lung cancer never thought that his lung cancer was related to insufficient Yang Qi. He had never paid attention to the issue of Yang Qi before, and he knew very little about Yang Qi. Why is Yang Qi still related to lung cancer? - DayDayNews

If the cold energy is too strong, it will inevitably consume more Yang energy. Therefore, if the Yang energy is not replenished, a large amount of Yang energy will be consumed, resulting in insufficient Yang energy. If Yang Qi is insufficient for a long time, the internal environment will change, the cold will be too strong, and the immune system will become worse, resulting in low immunity.

In addition, even if the cold is too strong, blood circulation will be hindered, which will affect the movement and production of qi and blood. If there are problems with blood circulation, congestion will occur more easily, and it will also be easily infected by poisonous evil. Over time, tumors will develop. It may also be growing and developing quietly.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, yang energy is more important than immunity. It is the driving force in the human body and is related to various organs, systems and tissues of the human body. It is human essence . Excessive deficiency can easily lead to disease. Various diseases, including cancer may be included. As for the extent of the correlation, more evidence is needed to verify.

An old man who was diagnosed with lung cancer never thought that his lung cancer was related to insufficient Yang Qi. He had never paid attention to the issue of Yang Qi before, and he knew very little about Yang Qi. Why is Yang Qi still related to lung cancer? - DayDayNews

How is Yang Qi missing? If you correct the four behaviors as soon as possible, you will be in ambush. If you can change one of them, it will be better.


Overworking is mainly reflected in over-thinking and not knowing how to let go. Some things should not be too entangled, but because of over-thinking, they make themselves too tired. Sometimes they worry too much, but they will It's exhausting both physically and mentally, both mentally and physically, and consumes a lot of Yang Qi.

said in "Suwen, Qi Tongtian Lun": Labor will consume Qi . The labor here includes physical labor and psychological labor. If there are both, it will consume Yang Qi. More.

You should pay attention to the balance between work and rest, know how to relax mentally, and take appropriate rest at work. Working day and night is too much for the body, and the work will never be finished, so why rush it.

Excessive greed for coolness

This summer is extremely hot, with the highest temperature reaching 40°C in many places. In this kind of weather, whoever wants to go out wants to stay in an air-conditioned room and eat some iced food, so that they will feel better Comfortable.

An old man who was diagnosed with lung cancer never thought that his lung cancer was related to insufficient Yang Qi. He had never paid attention to the issue of Yang Qi before, and he knew very little about Yang Qi. Why is Yang Qi still related to lung cancer? - DayDayNews

It’s not that you can’t stay in an air-conditioned room or eat iced food, but that you should exercise moderation and don’t be too greedy for coldness. The temperature of the air conditioner should not be too low. It is better to control it at 26 degrees. Eat less iced food to enjoy it. That's good, shouldn't eat too much at one time, let alone eat frequently.

Excessive staying up late

For modern people, staying up late is nothing at all. Going to bed after early morning every day has become a habit. However, according to the ancients, Yin energy is strongest in the early morning hours, and Yin and Yang contradict each other. If the Yin energy is too strong, it will easily consume more Yang energy.

Therefore, people who often stay up late, especially those who don't go to bed until two or three o'clock every night, will easily have problems with insufficient Yang Qi in the long run. Qi and blood, human metabolism, endocrine , and internal organs will all be prone to problems. , it will excessively consume Yang Qi.

An old man who was diagnosed with lung cancer never thought that his lung cancer was related to insufficient Yang Qi. He had never paid attention to the issue of Yang Qi before, and he knew very little about Yang Qi. Why is Yang Qi still related to lung cancer? - DayDayNews

Get up early and take a cold shower, and go to bed wet at night

When the temperature is high, it is not cool after getting up in the morning. It may be that when you brush your teeth, wash your face, and have breakfast, you will be sweating and the whole person will not feel refreshed. Some people just want to take a shower. A cold shower can make you feel better, but you don’t know that this kind of behavior can easily deplete Yang Qi.

Some people go to bed at night after washing their hair without blow-drying it. They go to sleep with wet hair. What’s more important is that the air conditioner is still blowing. This can easily bring more cold air to the body, and the Yang Qi will also Being gradually forced away by the cold air, in the long run, the Yang energy will naturally be consumed more and more.

reminds me again and again that the temperature is high in summer, and if you are not careful, you may consume too much Yang Qi. Once the Yang Qi is insufficient, your body is prone to many problems. Don’t pay attention. If problems come to your door, you will be guilty.


1. "On Yang Deficiency and Malignant Tumors", Liu Chuanbo Hu Kaiwen

2. "Bad habits can easily damage the human body's Yang Qi"·Shenzhen Overseas Chinese News, Pu Songyan, Liu Zaigao, Song Jianhua

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