#summerlifecheck-in season# Things to pay attention to during the dog days, it is recommended to pay attention to the collection! ✍Remind you to start your health regimen [Sun] ☂Dog Days☂[Sun] first volts, July 16th to July 25th, middle volts from July 26th to August 14th, last v

2024/07/0213:23:32 regimen 1691

#summerlifecheck-in season# Things to pay attention to during the dog days, it is recommended to pay attention to the collection! ✍Remind you to start your health regimen [Sun] ☂Dog Days☂[Sun] first volts, July 16th to July 25th, middle volts from July 26th to August 14th, last v - DayDayNews

✍ Healthy foods for the dog days:

lotus root cools the blood,

duck eggs nourish summer,

bean sprouts clear away heat,

bitter melon reduces internal heat, and

mung beans detoxify.

✍ Pay attention to the dog days of summer:

1 Cervical spine is afraid of blowing.

2My hair is afraid of getting wet.

3 The stomach is most afraid of coldness.

4 I am afraid of drinking water too quickly.

5 is afraid of the sun when the weather is clear.

6 I am afraid of getting too early when doing morning exercises.

#summerlifecheck-in season# Things to pay attention to during the dog days, it is recommended to pay attention to the collection! ✍Remind you to start your health regimen [Sun] ☂Dog Days☂[Sun] first volts, July 16th to July 25th, middle volts from July 26th to August 14th, last v - DayDayNews

As the saying goes, "Winter training is three nine, and summer training is three days ." We must learn to enjoy this season and don't always stay in an air-conditioned room. Proper sweating and detoxification are very good for the body.

#summerlifecheck-in season# Things to pay attention to during the dog days, it is recommended to pay attention to the collection! ✍Remind you to start your health regimen [Sun] ☂Dog Days☂[Sun] first volts, July 16th to July 25th, middle volts from July 26th to August 14th, last v - DayDayNews

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