Lung cancer is one of the most malignant tumors in my country, and it is a tumor that is difficult to cure. Once diagnosed, it comes later. This is because lung cancer has no clinical manifestations in its early stages. Most patients will not develop symptoms until their tumors m

2024/07/0213:47:32 regimen 1454

Lung cancer is one of the most malignant tumors in my country. It is a tumor that is difficult to cure. Once diagnosed, it comes later. This is because lung cancer has no clinical manifestations in its early stages. Most patients will not develop symptoms until their tumors metastasize in the intermediate to advanced stages.

Even if there are, most of them are common diseases such as cough, joint pain, etc., which are easily confused with respiratory diseases, rheumatism, bone and joint diseases and other diseases. Because of its secrecy, it is likely that opportunities for treatment will be missed.

Lung cancer is one of the most malignant tumors in my country, and it is a tumor that is difficult to cure. Once diagnosed, it comes later. This is because lung cancer has no clinical manifestations in its early stages. Most patients will not develop symptoms until their tumors m - DayDayNews

Ways of cancer cell metastasis

The first is direct spread: that is, cancer cells invade nearby organs. This method is the most common, with the continuous expansion of cancer lesions;

The second is lymphatic metastasis: This is also one of the common metastasis methods of cancer , because lymphatic vessels are spread throughout the body, and cancer cells can move along lymph System migrated to multiple nodes .

The third way is blood vessel metastasis: The third way for cancer cells to metastasize is to spread outward along blood vessels. Because cancer cells are loosely connected to each other, they can easily break off and spread to other organs through surrounding blood vessels. Among them, the brain is the most commonly affected organ.

Generally speaking, once cancer cells metastasize, it often becomes more difficult to treat. Since early-stage lung cancer does not metastasize, it can be clinically cured through surgical resection. Theoretically, after successful surgery, the patient's survival time will be almost unaffected. However, if they reach the advanced stage of lung cancer, the possibility of cure is very small, so they can only extend their life appropriately during treatment.

Lung cancer is one of the most malignant tumors in my country, and it is a tumor that is difficult to cure. Once diagnosed, it comes later. This is because lung cancer has no clinical manifestations in its early stages. Most patients will not develop symptoms until their tumors m - DayDayNews

  Ways to Prevent Lung Cancer

Step One: Block the Cause: Research shows that smoking and inhalation of harmful irritants are important causes of lung cancer. Therefore, in order to prevent lung cancer, the first priority is to quit smoking and stay away from harmful irritants such as air pollution.

Step 2: Adjust lifestyle: First, you need to adjust your diet. It is recommended to eat more vegetables to prevent lung cancer. Generally speaking, Cruciferous vegetables have certain anti-cancer effects, such as Chinese cabbage, cabbage, rapeseed, cauliflower , etc. The second is to develop regular exercise habits.

Research shows that consistent exercise can protect against many types of cancer, including lung cancer. It is recommended to perform appropriate aerobic exercise every day, such as jogging, brisk walking, swimming, etc.

Step 3: Regularly perform low-dose spiral CT : low-dose spiral CT can be said to be a powerful tool for screening lung cancer. This kind of CT has two advantages: one is low radiation and the other is clear.

For people at high risk of lung cancer, low-dose spiral CT scans can be performed regularly every year to detect early lung cancer in time. For early-stage pneumonia, the likelihood of cure is very high.

Lung cancer is one of the most malignant tumors in my country, and it is a tumor that is difficult to cure. Once diagnosed, it comes later. This is because lung cancer has no clinical manifestations in its early stages. Most patients will not develop symptoms until their tumors m - DayDayNews

In what situations should CT examination be carried out in time

1. The central axis of pain is larger

The pain caused by bone metastasis of lung cancer is mainly caused by the damage to the bone by the solvent secreted by the tumor cells. It occurs primarily in the spine and proximal parts of the body. This pain mainly occurs around the relatively stable axial bones.

Lung cancer is one of the most malignant tumors in my country, and it is a tumor that is difficult to cure. Once diagnosed, it comes later. This is because lung cancer has no clinical manifestations in its early stages. Most patients will not develop symptoms until their tumors m - DayDayNews

2. From mild to severe pain

Lung cancer bone metastasis generally has symptoms such as pain, tingling, and even dull pain, tearing pain and other symptoms. Moreover, as the tumor progresses, patients with lung cancer bone metastases will become more and more painful, often have more symptoms, and will continue to worsen, with persistent pain.

3. Prolonged pain

Pain caused by bone metastasis from lung cancer, no matter what type it is, will last for weeks or even months. If you find local persistent pain, you must go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible. In addition, the physical pain caused by bone metastasis of lung cancer cannot be relieved or eliminated by plaster, massage and other methods.

Lung cancer is one of the most malignant tumors in my country, and it is a tumor that is difficult to cure. Once diagnosed, it comes later. This is because lung cancer has no clinical manifestations in its early stages. Most patients will not develop symptoms until their tumors m - DayDayNews

Lung cancer has no symptoms before onset, which means it is often difficult to detect in the early stages. Therefore, we should divide prevention into two stages: the first is etiological prevention, such as quitting smoking and preventing inhalation of harmful substances; the second is early detection and early treatment. It is recommended that people at high risk of lung cancer develop the habit of regular physical examinations.

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