After the summer solstice, the weather falls, which can be divided into the first, middle and last days. The ground is heated intensely and the air convection is strong during the summer solstice. Thunderstorms often come and go quickly from afternoon to evening. The famous poem

2024/07/0201:22:33 regimen 1918
After the summer solstice, the weather falls, which can be divided into the first, middle and last days. The ground is heated intensely and the air convection is strong during the summer solstice. Thunderstorms often come and go quickly from afternoon to evening. The famous poem  - DayDayNews

One day of ham and two days of chicken, eat gold and silver hooves during the three days.

Days come after the summer solstice, which can be divided into the first, middle and last days. During the days of the three days, the ground is heated intensely, and air convection is strong. From the afternoon to the evening, sudden bursts are often formed. Thunderstorms come and go quickly, and the famous poem "The sun rises in the east and rains in the west, there is sunshine even though there is no sunshine" is the most incisive description of thunderstorms. There is also an old saying: "On the summer solstice, there will be thunder and three volts of heat; on the Double Ninth Festival, there will be no rain and the winter will be clear."

The dog days of summer are the most prosperous and hottest time of the year, and are also the period when the human body consumes the most. Some people suffer from the heat due to poor eating and sleeping, and suffer from and summer ; therefore, as the old saying goes, : "One summer without illness means three points of deficiency." Summer health care should comply with the characteristics of Yang Sheng, and pay attention to protecting Yang Qi; therefore, Dog days of summer are also one of the best times to take supplements.

After the summer solstice, the weather falls, which can be divided into the first, middle and last days. The ground is heated intensely and the air convection is strong during the summer solstice. Thunderstorms often come and go quickly from afternoon to evening. The famous poem  - DayDayNews

As the old saying goes: "One volt of ham and two volts of chicken, and three volts of gold and silver hooves." It is necessary to eat ham as a tonic in the early days. Ham is made through winter and summer. After fermentation and decomposition, various nutrients are more easily absorbed by the human body. Because ham has the function of accelerating wound healing, it can be used as an auxiliary food for postpartum women or post-operative patients. It has the functions of strengthening the spleen and appetizing, promoting body fluid and blood, nourishing the kidneys and strengthening yang, strengthening bone marrow, strengthening feet and healing wounds.

If you want to enjoy the delicious taste of ham, you must choose Jinhua Ham, which is well-known at home and abroad. It uses the famous "Jinhua Two-headed Black" thoroughbred pigs. The hind legs are fat and tender. After salting, shaping, turning the legs, washing and drying, It is made after several months of air-drying and other processes. It looks like a pipa, has bright yellow skin, rosy flesh, rich aroma, rich nutrition, and delicious taste. It is famous for its "four unique features" of color, aroma, taste, and shape.

After the summer solstice, the weather falls, which can be divided into the first, middle and last days. The ground is heated intensely and the air convection is strong during the summer solstice. Thunderstorms often come and go quickly from afternoon to evening. The famous poem  - DayDayNews

According to legend, the origin of ham was when the famous general Zongze of the Northern Song Dynasty returned home from victory. The villagers rushed to give pig legs to bring back to comfort the soldiers. Because of the long distance, they salted them for portability; the pickled pork legs are red in color. Like fire, it was called ham; Zongze selected a few of the best pig legs and presented them to the emperor. After the emperor and civil and military officials tasted them, they were full of praise; from then on, ham was listed as a tribute. Jinhua Ham won the gold medal at the Panama International Commodity Expo in 1915 and the National Gold Medal for High-Quality Products in 1981. In 1995, Jinhua, Zhejiang Province won the title of "Hometown of Chinese Ham".

Ham should be stored in a dry and ventilated place, not in the refrigerator. Because the ham is frozen in the refrigerator, the water in the meat will be analyzed, and the meat will become loose and more susceptible to deterioration. It is best to buy small pieces of ham that have been cut into pieces. To clean the ham, soak it in rice water , which can remove excess salt and greasy. You can also use a knife to peel off the dirty surface until you see the bright red meat color, fat meat Try to remove the yellowed part as much as possible, because eating rancid fat can cause throat discomfort and diarrhea in mild cases, and may even cause cancer in severe cases.

There are many ways to eat ham3

After the summer solstice, the weather falls, which can be divided into the first, middle and last days. The ground is heated intensely and the air convection is strong during the summer solstice. Thunderstorms often come and go quickly from afternoon to evening. The famous poem  - DayDayNews

There are many ways to eat ham. It is generally suitable to be stewed and steamed, and can also be made into soup or soup. Such as golden leg golden millet soup, ham yellow croaker soup, ham sea cucumber soup , ham pigeon soup, ham bamboo fungus soup, ham chicken feet soup, ham crabapple soup, ham winter melon soup, ham cabbage soup, etc., there are hundreds of kinds. Ham soup is easy to make, fragrant and elegant, and is known as "ham soup makes your mouth water".

"One volt of ham and two volts of chicken", In fact, it is better to eat duck than chicken for two volts. Because duck meat is particularly suitable for summer consumption, there is an old saying "To prevent the bitter summer, eat duck" . This old saying should replace chicken with duck: "One volt of ham, two volts of duck, and three volts of gold and silver claws."

Duck is a water bird with a cold nature. It is especially suitable for people with heat in the body, weak constitution, people with loss of appetite, fever, dry stools and edema. You can get much-needed protein and other nutrients in summer from duck meat, and Can prevent and treat diseases.

Duck meat has a moderate fat content, lower than pork, is easy to digest, and is evenly distributed throughout the body's tissues. Duck meat is meat that contains relatively high amounts of B vitamins and vitamin E. It has a certain protective effect on the heart and can resist athlete's foot , neuritis and various inflammations. Unlike livestock meat, duck meat has a high potassium content and also contains more trace elements such as copper, iron, and zinc.Eating duck can nourish yin, replenish deficiency, diuresis and reduce swelling. While satisfying the taste, it is also very beneficial to health. The World Health Organization announced the 2016 health food rankings, and duck meat was listed as the runner-up on the meat list.

There are many ways to cook duck. Home-made methods include braised in brown sauce, stewed in soup, steamed and so on. The roast duck, salted duck and salted duck are even more amazing. Peking duck , which is famous both at home and abroad for its "delicious food all over the world", is made from high-quality Peking duck and grilled over charcoal fire. It has a ruddy color, tender meat, and a mellow, fat but not greasy taste. Use chopsticks to pick out a little . Spread the sweet noodle sauce on the lotus leaf cake , put a few slices of roast duck on top, then add a few onion strips, cucumber strips or radish strips, roll up the lotus leaf cake, it is really delicious.

After the summer solstice, the weather falls, which can be divided into the first, middle and last days. The ground is heated intensely and the air convection is strong during the summer solstice. Thunderstorms often come and go quickly from afternoon to evening. The famous poem  - DayDayNewsAfter the summer solstice, the weather falls, which can be divided into the first, middle and last days. The ground is heated intensely and the air convection is strong during the summer solstice. Thunderstorms often come and go quickly from afternoon to evening. The famous poem  - DayDayNews

To prevent the bitter summer, eat duck

Eat duck during the dog days. Golden Silver Hoof refers to ham claws and fresh pig claws stewed together. It is a delicious nourishing dish with ruddy color, crispy and glutinous meat, fresh and salty aroma, and thick and mellow juice. Golden Silver Hoof is a traditional home-cooked dish spread among the people in Hangzhou. It was moved to high-end banquets in restaurants because of Emperor Qianlong's appreciation and became a famous dish in Hangzhou. When Emperor Qianlong went to the south of the Yangtze River, he once arrived in Hangzhou during the "dog days of summer". The heat wave was high and the heat was unbearable. Qianlong paid a private visit incognito. He walked through the streets and came to a street restaurant for a meal. He said to the waiter: "Bake your restaurant's specialty dishes." A few came out to taste it.” The waiter brought out a nourishing summer delicacy and said: "Eat a golden and silver hoof during the dog days." Qianlong ate the crispy, glutinous, fragrant, salty and stewed gold and silver hooves. He was full of praise and appetite. He ate one more bowl of rice than usual. After returning to the palace, Emperor Qianlong never forgot the golden and silver hoof he had eaten in Hangzhou. Every summer when the heat was unbearable, Emperor Qianlong would ask the imperial chef to stew gold and silver trotters for him. Therefore, the dish of gold and silver trotters became famous and served in high-end banquets.

Health Tips

Folks often use easy-to-digest wontons and noodles to improve their recipes and stimulate appetite during the Dog Day. Therefore, there are many old sayings: "Dumplings on the first day, noodles on the second day, eggs on the pancake stall on the third day", "dumplings on the winter solstice, noodles on the summer solstice" and "summer solstice" Eat wontons to avoid getting sick in hot weather ([zhù] a disease caused by inability to adapt to the climate and environment). "Eat more noodles and drink more soup to avoid prescribing" to guide summer health care.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that wheat is sweet in taste and cool in nature. It has the effects of nourishing the heart and calming the nerves, replenishing qi and removing heat, relieving irritability and quenching thirst, harmonizing the five internal organs, regulating meridians, and facilitating urination. Eating two bowls of noodle soup made from new wheat in the dog days of summer makes me sweat profusely. It is a taste of something new and can drive away the evil spirits of the plague. What a pleasure it is!

After the summer solstice, the weather falls, which can be divided into the first, middle and last days. The ground is heated intensely and the air convection is strong during the summer solstice. Thunderstorms often come and go quickly from afternoon to evening. The famous poem  - DayDayNews

Eat two bowls of noodle soup in the dog days of summer, and enjoy yourself

The "Dog Day" calendar in 2022

The "Dog Day" in 2022 lasts for 40 days

The first day of the dog day: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days.

Zhongfu: July 26th - August 14th, a total of 20 days.

Mofu: August 15th to August 24th, a total of 10 days.

Content source: "Health Proverbs for Four Seasons (2nd Edition)" published by People's Health Publishing House

Editor: Xu Chenhua

After the summer solstice, the weather falls, which can be divided into the first, middle and last days. The ground is heated intensely and the air convection is strong during the summer solstice. Thunderstorms often come and go quickly from afternoon to evening. The famous poem  - DayDayNewsAfter the summer solstice, the weather falls, which can be divided into the first, middle and last days. The ground is heated intensely and the air convection is strong during the summer solstice. Thunderstorms often come and go quickly from afternoon to evening. The famous poem  - DayDayNews

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