The summer heat is coming, and many places have entered "barbecue mode": As of July 12, the high temperature has lasted for 30 days across the country, affecting more than 900 million people. Topics such as "Shanghai has reached 40 degrees", "Hangzhou is approaching 40 degrees",

2024/06/2923:28:33 regimen 1331

The summer heat is coming, and many places have entered "barbecue mode": As of July 12, the high temperature has lasted for 30 days across the country, affecting more than 900 million people. Topics such as "Shanghai has reached 40 degrees", "Hangzhou is approaching 40 degrees", "Hunan people are about to heat up" and other topics have flooded the screen one after another, and the high temperature killer " heat stroke " has also become a hot search.

What is heat stroke? Why is it fatal?

The summer heat is coming, and many places have entered

(Source: Xinhua News Agency )

1 Simply put, heat stroke is the most dangerous and serious form of heat stroke.

According to National Health Commission "Diagnosis of Occupational Heatstroke", heatstroke symptoms are divided into 4 types from mild to severe:

What people usually call heatstroke generally refers to premonitory heatstroke, accompanied by dizziness, headache, sweating, heart palpitations and other symptoms; more severe heatstroke will include muscle cramps heat cramps and heat exhaustion with lowered blood pressure, increased heart rate, excessive sweating and urination, and clammy skin; and the most serious one is heat stroke, with typical symptoms including Body temperature exceeding 40 degrees, unconsciousness or syncope, body convulsions, and even comprehensive failure of respiratory function, coagulation function , liver, kidney function, and cardiovascular function, ultimately endangering life. The mortality rate from heat stroke can be as high as 70%-80%.

There are two causes of death from this disease. One is that high temperature of the body directly damages various organ systems of the human body. The other is that high temperature triggers related diseases. For example, when the body temperature is high, heat stress and systemic inflammatory response syndrome are prone to occur, and then Causes multiple organ dysfunction.

So, how do ordinary people judge whether they have heat stroke? The most direct thing is to measure the body temperature: if the body temperature exceeds 40 degrees during activities in a high-temperature environment, it is generally a sign of heat stroke, and you must seek medical treatment in time.

In addition to the frail people, people who work in high temperatures and outdoors for a long time are also at high risk of heat stroke, such as delivery boys, construction workers, traffic police security guards, etc. There are also epidemic prevention personnel wearing protective clothing and busy outdoors who need to pay more attention.

To prevent heat stroke, you must not only avoid overexposure to high temperatures outdoors, but you must also take precautions indoors. Recently, a 70-year-old woman developed high fever and confusion after taking a nap at home without paying attention to preventing heatstroke. After being sent to the hospital, she found that her body temperature shot up to 42 degrees.

The summer heat is coming, and many places have entered

(Source: CCTV website )

Since this disease is caused by "heat", we must first prevent heatstroke. The most important and convenient thing is to drink more water. Regardless of the amount of exercise, you should increase your water intake in hot weather. Don't wait until you are thirsty before drinking. In terms of beverage selection, water, salt water, and beverages containing electrolytes such as potassium and sodium can be used to replenish water. High-sugar beverages and alcoholic beverages will cause people to lose more water and should not be consumed in hot weather.

Secondly, avoid high temperature environments. When indoors, you can wear light and loose clothes, open more windows for ventilation, and use fans and air conditioners to cool down; if you are doing outdoor activities on hot days, try to avoid the time around noon, and prepare sunscreen, parasols and other protective equipment and carry them with you. Heatstroke prevention and cooling medicines. Special groups such as the elderly and children should pay special attention to avoid wearing too many clothes in summer, or being reluctant to turn on the air conditioner and fan for fear of catching a cold, which could lead to illness from the heat.

People who work in high-temperature environments and are susceptible to this disease should dress lightly as much as possible and follow the "Management Measures for Heatstroke Prevention and Cooling Measures" to work reasonable shifts.. Recently, a netizen posted a photo. It was scorching hot outside, and the traffic police on duty were wearing blue protective suits used for hospital surgeries. Some medical staff pointed out that surgical protective clothing is of little significance for epidemic prevention. On the contrary, it is not breathable and can easily cause heat stroke to traffic policemen. Similar situations must be corrected and more scientific advice from medical staff should be listened to.

The summer heat is coming, and many places have entered

Traffic policemen are on duty under the scorching heat.Picture source: Weibo

What to do if you get heat stroke or heat stroke? Doctors remind you to take "five steps" in time:

stop activities and rest in a cool, ventilated environment;

take off excess or tight clothing;

physically cool down, put a wet cool towel on the head and trunk, and use Flush the wrist with cold water to lower the blood temperature, or place ice packs under the armpits, neck and groin;

If limb twitching occurs, do not put anything in the patient's mouth. If vomiting occurs, turn the patient's head to one side to ensure the respiratory tract. Unobstructed;

Regardless of the severity of your symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

Information synthesis/ Xinhuanet , CCTV, Health Times, Lilac Doctor , etc.

Source: Xiake Island

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