Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive memory loss. Suffering from Alzheimer's disease not only reduces the quality of life, but also places a great burden on families and society. Can we move the threshold to prevent AD and intervene

2024/06/3010:28:33 regimen 1382

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive memory loss. Suffering from Alzheimer's disease not only reduces the quality of life, but also places a great burden on families and society. Can the prevention of AD be moved forward and intervene in the disease in advance? On July 15, reporters learned from the Drum Tower Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing University School of Medicine that the project "Research on the New Mechanism of Transformation of SCD into Alzheimer's Disease and Its Early Warning and Intervention System" was led by Professor Xu Yun from the Department of Neurology of the hospital. The project was successfully approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology with a funding of 59.551 million yuan.

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive memory loss. Suffering from Alzheimer's disease not only reduces the quality of life, but also places a great burden on families and society. Can we move the threshold to prevent AD and intervene - DayDayNews

Professor Xu Yun was interviewed

Before Alzheimer’s disease, there are still these two stages

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive memory loss. Professor Xu Yun introduced that relevant statistics show that there are currently close to 10 million Alzheimer's disease patients in my country, accounting for 25% to 30% of AD patients worldwide, and the lack of effective treatments has become the biggest problem at the moment.

Suffering from Alzheimer's disease does not happen overnight. It is understood that there are two stages before subjective cognitive impairment (SCD) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI). "Subjective cognitive impairment means that patients themselves can feel memory loss , such as forgetting what they said before speaking, losing their keys and not knowing where they are, and forgetting everything they ate in the morning." Professor Xu Yun said, due to As age increases, memory does gradually decline. After symptoms appear, it is difficult for patients to judge whether they have physiological or pathological changes. Therefore, it is also recommended that this group of people seek medical advice as soon as possible and make a judgment with the help of a doctor. Pathological subjective changes Cognitive impairment requires early intervention.

In addition to memory loss that you can feel, Professor Xu Yun reminded that hypertension , diabetes , apnea syndrome and other diseases are high-risk factors. "We found that at least 37% of people with subjective cognitive impairment will develop mild cognitive impairment every two years, and 38% of mild cognitive impairment will develop Alzheimer's disease." Professor Xu Yun It is pointed out that if early intervention for subjective cognitive impairment can be achieved, it is expected to slow or prevent the progression of Alzheimer's disease to this group of people.

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive memory loss. Suffering from Alzheimer's disease not only reduces the quality of life, but also places a great burden on families and society. Can we move the threshold to prevent AD and intervene - DayDayNews

Picture source Vision China

Multiple studies are trying to figure out the new mechanism by which subjective cognitive impairment transforms into Alzheimer's disease

If we want to capture the "early warning signal" of subjective cognitive impairment, figuring out its mechanism is actually the first step. It is also a very critical step. Professor Xu Yun told reporters that previous research mainly focused on the characteristic pathology of AD—β-amyloid (Aβ) deposition in the brain and Tau hyperphosphorylation in neurons and the mechanisms of its pathways. However, intervention targeting and Tau has been unsuccessful, and there is an urgent need to explore new mechanisms other than Aβ and Tau. "Our team found that before the classic pathological changes of Aβ and Tau, the degeneration of the 'neuron axonal synapse', the most basic unit of the neural circuit/network, is the earliest and most sensitive pathological change of AD, axon Damage to the structure and function of the initial node plays a leading role, and this abnormality can actually be changed. We are now trying to overcome this relationship. "

At the same time, Professor Xu Yun said that this research project is also expected to find out from the perspective of imaging. A new breakthrough. "We found that routine imaging examinations are normal in the early stages, but some special advanced imaging technologies can detect some abnormalities in the so-called ultra-early stage, when you feel cognitive decline yourself." Xu Yun The professor explained that such an abnormality is like a loop inside the brain like a telephone pole. When an abnormality in the loop is found, the point can be found in a certain part of the brain, and the nerves there can be activated through electrical stimulation or magnetic stimulation. Yuan to compensate for the damage. “This can also allow some patients to be in remission and avoid developing Alzheimer’s disease, which is very good."

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive memory loss. Suffering from Alzheimer's disease not only reduces the quality of life, but also places a great burden on families and society. Can we move the threshold to prevent AD and intervene - DayDayNews

Source Visual China

detection kits, target new drugs, and multiple studies are expected to bring hope to early diagnosis and early treatment of AD.

Reporters learned that the average 2-year conversion rate from SCD to MCI is 17 to 37%, and MCI to AD is 13.4-38%, which means that not all people with subjective cognitive impairment and mild cognitive impairment will transform into Alzheimer's disease. How to screen, diagnose and treat more accurately? Director Xu Yun introduced? , Based on the above research content, the team will prepare new molecular marker kits, develop new target drugs for the treatment of AD, and build an AD early warning and intervention system, including neuromodulation treatment, comprehensive treatment plans, etc. "Like detection kits with proven experience. There are blood tests and urine tests. For example, after the patient comes, we draw some blood and use different methods to test some related genetic molecules and risk factors that we think are high-risk, including poisons and metals, for example. of. "

It is reported that the project successfully received a funding of 59.551 million yuan from the Ministry of Science and Technology. In addition to Nanjing University , participating units include Peking University , Beijing Normal University , Capital Medical University , and Peking Union Medical College Hospital , Huazhong University of Science and Technology and many other units. In the future, the research results of AD new mechanisms, early warning and intervention systems and platforms will provide relevant new technologies and new theories for the major project of " Brain Science and Brain-inspired Research", and promote brain development. Scientific and brain-inspired research promotes the development of brain health, new drug research and development, big data and intelligent technology and other related industries.

Yangzi Evening News/Ziniu News trainee reporter Lu Yanlin

Proofreading by Tao Shanggong


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