First of all, it starts from liver stagnation. If liver stagnation is not treated in time, it will bring many diseases to the body, such as: blood stagnation, food stagnation, phlegm stagnation, fire stagnation, and dampness stagnation, which are all caused by this. .

2024/07/0307:50:33 regimen 1979

When mentioning "stagnation syndrome", the first thing that may come to everyone's mind is liver qi stagnation. Nowadays, there are many people with liver qi stagnation. They are often either depressed and unhappy; or they have a bad temper and get angry..

First of all, it starts from liver stagnation. If liver stagnation is not treated in time, it will bring many diseases to the body, such as: blood stagnation, food stagnation, phlegm stagnation, fire stagnation, and dampness stagnation, which are all caused by this. . - DayDayNews

But did you know? All diseases arise from depression! The first is liver stagnation. If liver stagnation is not treated in time, it will bring many diseases to the body, such as: blood stagnation, food stagnation, phlegm stagnation, fire stagnation, and dampness stagnation, all of which are caused by this. And hair.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the liver governs dispersion and regulates qi throughout the body. The liver is like the commander of the human body. Through the movement of liver qi, it guides the gas, blood, body fluids, and fluids in the body, and delivers them to the body in an orderly manner. All parts.

First of all, it starts from liver stagnation. If liver stagnation is not treated in time, it will bring many diseases to the body, such as: blood stagnation, food stagnation, phlegm stagnation, fire stagnation, and dampness stagnation, which are all caused by this. . - DayDayNews

Therefore, if a person's Qi is disordered, the functions of the entire internal organs will be out of balance.

First of all, when there is a problem with the movement of Qi in the body, such as weakness of movement or stasis of Liver Qi, resulting in stagnant blood flow, congestion will occur; if body fluids stop gathering, will they accumulate and produce dampness? ; Also, if affects the digestion of food, will it cause food accumulation? On the other hand, blood stasis, phlegm-dampness, and food accumulation will accumulate in the body, which will also increase the obstruction of the movement of qi and blood, which will become a vicious cycle and blockage. It is easy to generate heat and fire when they are together, and brings many harms to the body.

First of all, it starts from liver stagnation. If liver stagnation is not treated in time, it will bring many diseases to the body, such as: blood stagnation, food stagnation, phlegm stagnation, fire stagnation, and dampness stagnation, which are all caused by this. . - DayDayNews

Moreover, many people nowadays basically have all five poisons in their bodies, including phlegm and dampness, congestion, qi stagnation, , food accumulation, etc. What should we do?

Next, I will share with you a famous prescription Yueju Pills to teach you to open up the upper and lower parts and skillfully resolve Qi stagnation , phlegm stagnation, dampness stagnation, food stagnation, blood stagnation, fire stagnation .

And the composition of the whole prescription is relatively simple, with only 5 herbs, namely: Cyperus rotundus, Ligusticum chuanxiong , Shenqu, Atractylodes, Gardenia . But each medicine is very purposeful, pointing directly to one of the depression syndromes.

1. Cyperus rotunda relieves qi depression

First of all, it starts from liver stagnation. If liver stagnation is not treated in time, it will bring many diseases to the body, such as: blood stagnation, food stagnation, phlegm stagnation, fire stagnation, and dampness stagnation, which are all caused by this. . - DayDayNews

Cyperus cyperus

People with depressed qi often have abnormal emotions, either irritable or irritable, or sighing and depressed, and one of the most obvious characteristics is that swelling occurs in various parts of the body. , full, stuffy, painful feeling. For example, chest tightness , stomach bloating, distending pain in both sides, abdominal distension and abdominal pain and so on. Then Cyperus can return and straighten the qi of the whole body, and evacuate qi stagnation, and can reduce the qi inverse . At the same time, it can also regulate blood and solve the problem of qi stagnation and blood stasis .

2. Chuanxiong relieves blood stagnation

First of all, it starts from liver stagnation. If liver stagnation is not treated in time, it will bring many diseases to the body, such as: blood stagnation, food stagnation, phlegm stagnation, fire stagnation, and dampness stagnation, which are all caused by this. . - DayDayNews

Ligusticum chuanxiong

People with blood stagnation often experience pain in fixed parts of the body, and most of them are dark and purple lips. The two veins under the tongue are also thick and large. Look at the face , there will also be a lot of color spots . Then Ligusticum chuanxiong is "blood Qi medicine", which can not only promote qi but also activate blood circulation. It can open up blood vessels and prevent qi stagnation from causing blood stasis again.

3. Shenqu explains food depression

First of all, it starts from liver stagnation. If liver stagnation is not treated in time, it will bring many diseases to the body, such as: blood stagnation, food stagnation, phlegm stagnation, fire stagnation, and dampness stagnation, which are all caused by this. . - DayDayNews

People with food depression often have a loss of appetite. After eating a little, they will feel stomach bloating, abdominal distension, and even experience acid reflux, nausea, vomiting and other problems, then Shenqu , is an important medicine for digestion and accumulation. Once the gastrointestinal tract is clear, there will be no more accumulation.

4. Atractylodes can relieve dampness and stagnation

First of all, it starts from liver stagnation. If liver stagnation is not treated in time, it will bring many diseases to the body, such as: blood stagnation, food stagnation, phlegm stagnation, fire stagnation, and dampness stagnation, which are all caused by this. . - DayDayNews


Dampness is heavy and sticky, so people like will feel sleepy and weak all over their body and limbs, do not want to move, and have dizziness, sore joints and discomfort, and sticky stools that stick to the toilet, then Atractylodes has a very strong ability to remove dampness and strengthen the spleen. It has a strong fragrance, which can refresh the spleen and strengthen the spleen. At the same time, it can remove dampness.. And as long as the damp stagnation is resolved, there will naturally be no phlegm.

5. Gardenia relieves fire depression

First of all, it starts from liver stagnation. If liver stagnation is not treated in time, it will bring many diseases to the body, such as: blood stagnation, food stagnation, phlegm stagnation, fire stagnation, and dampness stagnation, which are all caused by this. . - DayDayNews


The most common manifestations of people with fire in the body are prone to oral ulcers, gum swelling and pain, dry mouth thirst, and are also easily agitated and upset, and have insomnia when sleeping at night Dreamy . Then gardenia is a seed, so its medicinal properties are all the way down, and it can clean up all the fire in the internal organs and the triple burner floating fire.

To sum up, this is the Yueju Pill created by Zhu Danxi. It can clean up all your qi stagnation, food stagnation, dampness stagnation, phlegm stagnation, blood stagnation and fire stagnation in one go, and give it to your body. Come for a general cleaning, remove the six depressions of , and eliminate all diseases.

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