When it comes to fatty liver, what comes to mind first: drinking or obesity? Can you imagine that an 11-year-old child would suffer from severe liver cirrhosis? Xiaoliang, who is only 11 years old, has been in good health since he was a child. He can eat three bowls of rice at a

2024/06/3005:37:33 regimen 1275

mentioned fatty liver , what comes to mind first: drinking or obesity?

Can you imagine that an 11-year-old child would suffer from severe liver cirrhosis?

Xiaoliang, who is only 11 years old, has been in good health since he was a child. He can eat three bowls of rice at a meal. He always eats all the meaty dishes such as braised pork made at home. He thought that the child was in good health. Xiaoliang Parents don't care much. However, during the school physical examination a year ago, the doctor found that Xiaoliang's transaminase was too high. B-ultrasound examination found that the maximum oblique diameter of the right lobe of the child's liver was as high as 148 mm, which was a typical moderate fatty liver disease.

When it comes to fatty liver, what comes to mind first: drinking or obesity? Can you imagine that an 11-year-old child would suffer from severe liver cirrhosis? Xiaoliang, who is only 11 years old, has been in good health since he was a child. He can eat three bowls of rice at a  - DayDayNews

After the incident, Xiao Liang actively treated him. A year later, he was found to be much better during a review, but his weight had increased significantly and he was visibly obese. This alarmed the doctor, who arranged liver puncture and found that Xiao Liang was non-positive. Alcoholic steatohepatitis, also accompanied by severe cirrhosis of S3-4.

However, this is not an isolated case. Xiaofeng weighed over 250 kilograms at the age of 12. Due to her picky eating habits, she rarely saw any fruits or vegetables in her diet, and rarely exercised. In addition, Xiaofeng's mother was very worried because her entrance exams were approaching. She was afraid of delaying the exams. So I took Xiaofeng for a physical examination.

You wouldn’t know if you didn’t check, but you were shocked when you checked. Children’s HospitalThe doctor arranged various examinations and found that Xiaofeng actually suffered from severe fatty liver, and because his liver function was severely damaged, he was directly admitted to the hospital for treatment.

When it comes to fatty liver, what comes to mind first: drinking or obesity? Can you imagine that an 11-year-old child would suffer from severe liver cirrhosis? Xiaoliang, who is only 11 years old, has been in good health since he was a child. He can eat three bowls of rice at a  - DayDayNews

The Mood for Love at the age of 11 or 2 is the age of running around. Why do children suffer from liver disease?

1. Why do you suffer from fatty liver at a young age?

Tian Mingda, a pediatrician at Peking University Shougang Hospital, said that the incidence of fatty liver disease among obese children around the world is as high as 23-27%, and there is a clear upward trend. Domestic data also shows that 10% of children are obese, and the growth rate is rising at an 8% rate. This shows that children are increasingly facing the threat of fatty liver, and the situation is not optimistic.

Tian Mingda said: Obesity is the main "culprit" leading to the increased incidence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in children. It not only causes

  • type 12 diabetes, but also cardiovascular disease, low bone density, vitamin D deficiency, retinopathy , obstructive sleep apnea and other diseases are closely related.

    When it comes to fatty liver, what comes to mind first: drinking or obesity? Can you imagine that an 11-year-old child would suffer from severe liver cirrhosis? Xiaoliang, who is only 11 years old, has been in good health since he was a child. He can eat three bowls of rice at a  - DayDayNews

    When it comes to obesity, one of the main risk factors is diet. What many parents consider to be “good habits” may be the source of diseases for their children.

    • Habit 1: Do not restrict children’s diet

    Many people think that children are in a critical period of body growth and are energetic and active every day, so they are not afraid of eating more and can eat as much as they can. In fact, this is a mistake cognition. Parents are happy when their children eat more, but children's bodies are limited and the nutrients they can digest and utilize are also limited. If you over-supplement, excess nutrients will accumulate in the body and be converted into fat, causing obesity.

    When it comes to fatty liver, what comes to mind first: drinking or obesity? Can you imagine that an 11-year-old child would suffer from severe liver cirrhosis? Xiaoliang, who is only 11 years old, has been in good health since he was a child. He can eat three bowls of rice at a  - DayDayNews

    • Habit 2: Love to feed your children fried foods

    Children prefer fried foods, drinks and other foods with strong and unique taste, but these foods are usually highly irritating, have high oil content and high calories, and are the most likely to lead to obesity. food. Eating too much fried food not only causes obesity, but the introduction of large amounts of fat can also lead to endocrine disorders and oxidative degeneration of cooking oil, which are all risk factors for precocious puberty.

    • Habit 3: Love to "replenish the body" of children

    Some people think that children need to replenish their body and nutrition. Eating more is not enough, and they have to take additional supplements, such as bird's nest, American ginseng , protein powder , Niu Chu Breasts, etc. If this is done, the child may become fat and full of diseases.

    Random and excessive supplementation can lead to obesity, and the hormones contained in some supplements may also cause precocious puberty in children. Even some children who are in poor health and really need to regulate their bodies should take scientific supplements under the guidance of professional doctors.

    It is not a good thing for children to be fat for nothing. Obesity is often caused by "fatting the liver first and then the waist" , and once the liver becomes ill, it will harm the health of the child. There is also precocious puberty caused by excessive obesity, which will promote the development of children's secondary sexual characteristics, affect the growth of children's height, and easily cause a double blow to physical and psychological aspects.

    When it comes to fatty liver, what comes to mind first: drinking or obesity? Can you imagine that an 11-year-old child would suffer from severe liver cirrhosis? Xiaoliang, who is only 11 years old, has been in good health since he was a child. He can eat three bowls of rice at a  - DayDayNews

    2. There are 6 changes in the body, Liver cirrhosis has quietly taken hold

    Although the liver is hidden deep in the human body, it will also send out some signals once cirrhosis occurs. Pay attention to 6 changes.

    Abdominal distension is obvious: Liver cirrhosis sometimes leads to portal hypertension , forming ascites and causing abdominal distension. It may also cause intestinal congestion . The digestion and absorption function becomes worse, and food that cannot be digested will accumulate in the intestines and stomach, causing bloating.

    Loss of appetite: Liver cirrhosis leads to impaired liver function and the inability to secrete sufficient digestive juices , resulting in insufficient digestion and absorption of food, thus causing loss of appetite.

    Physical fatigue: Liver cirrhosis patients Insufficient liver function will affect nutrient absorption and may also affect other organs and tissues, causing fatigue.

    When it comes to fatty liver, what comes to mind first: drinking or obesity? Can you imagine that an 11-year-old child would suffer from severe liver cirrhosis? Xiaoliang, who is only 11 years old, has been in good health since he was a child. He can eat three bowls of rice at a  - DayDayNews

    Nausea and vomiting: Patients with liver cirrhosis After the esophageal mucosa is damaged , they are prone to nausea and vomiting when stimulated, and the risk of digestive system diseases also increases.

    spider nevi , liver palms : Liver cirrhosis can cause endocrine disorders , The abnormal increase in estrogen can stimulate capillaries, resulting in liver palms or spider nevi.

    Dull pain in the liver area: The hematoma that occurs after the liver tissue is congested will pull the outer envelope and cause pain.

    When it comes to fatty liver, what comes to mind first: drinking or obesity? Can you imagine that an 11-year-old child would suffer from severe liver cirrhosis? Xiaoliang, who is only 11 years old, has been in good health since he was a child. He can eat three bowls of rice at a  - DayDayNews

    3. Don’t delay when you suffer from liver cirrhosis, or you may develop cancer

    The symptoms caused by liver cirrhosis may not seem very serious, but once it is delayed to the later stages, it may become the "vanguard" of cancer , so it must be treated in time.

    Dr. Jin Yisheng of Sichuan West China Liver Disease Research Institute said: The development of liver cancer will go through a process "fatty liver - steatohepatitis - cirrhosis - liver cancer" . Cirrhosis of the liver is a critical link. There is still hope that this process can be reversed if treated in time. Unfortunately, many patients do not pay enough attention to it and only seek to protect the liver and take conservative medications to relieve symptoms. Little do they know that this is an indulgence of tumors.

    When it comes to fatty liver, what comes to mind first: drinking or obesity? Can you imagine that an 11-year-old child would suffer from severe liver cirrhosis? Xiaoliang, who is only 11 years old, has been in good health since he was a child. He can eat three bowls of rice at a  - DayDayNews

    4. How to prevent cirrhosis of the liver? Keep in mind 3 points

    The occurrence of liver cirrhosis is the accumulation of long-term lesions. If you can take defensive measures, you can still minimize the risk and protect your liver health. You must do these 3 things well.

    First of all, treat the disease as early as possible . Preventing cirrhosis must start with preventing liver disease. You must be vigilant about any discomfort in the liver and actively treat and alleviate liver conditions.

    Secondly, exercise reasonably Whether it is children or adults, moderate exercise brings many benefits. It can help the body digest more fat and reduce the risk of obesity.

    Finally, a healthy diet is best. To prevent liver cirrhosis, it is best to follow the "less oil, less salt, less fat" diet, and a light diet is best.

    It is recommended that preschool and adolescent children adopt the "traffic light diet" . The secret is to ensure the supply of green foods such as vegetables, fruits, shrimps and fish, limited intake of yellow foods such as rice, noodles, steamed buns and animal offal, and strict management of high sugar, high Foods high in fat and salt.

    When it comes to fatty liver, what comes to mind first: drinking or obesity? Can you imagine that an 11-year-old child would suffer from severe liver cirrhosis? Xiaoliang, who is only 11 years old, has been in good health since he was a child. He can eat three bowls of rice at a  - DayDayNews

    Ignorant eating is harmful to health, and the harm caused by excessive obesity to children cannot be ignored. I hope everyone can understand the importance of planning a reasonable diet, prevent obesity and liver disease, and protect the health of themselves and their families.


    [1] "These seven "minor illnesses" can easily turn into cancer and should not be taken seriously! 》. Health Times .2022-06-09

    [2]《These 8 eating habits will cause precocious puberty and sneak up on your children! 》.Health Times.2019-11-12

    [3]《11-year-old with liver cirrhosis and 12-year-old with fatty liver, doctor reminds: Eating children until they are fat is actually harming them! 》.Health Times.2021-04-20

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