Xu Jingshi was born in a medical family in Anhui in 1933. His grandfather Xu Shufu was a scholar in the late Qing Dynasty and a famous doctor in Jianghuai during the Republic of China. Under the influence and strict requirements of his grandfather, Xu Jingshi began to read and pr

2024/07/0222:09:32 regimen 1853

Xu Jingshi was born in a medical family in Anhui in 1933. His grandfather Xu Shufu was a scholar in the late Qing Dynasty and a famous doctor in Jianghuai during the Republic of China. Under the influence and strict requirements of his grandfather, Xu Jingshi began to read and practice calligraphy since he was a child, and read various classics. After laying a solid cultural foundation, in 1951, 18-year-old Xu Jingshi officially started studying medicine at the request of his grandfather. In this way, Xu Jingshi embarked on the path of studying medicine, and he continued to do so for the rest of his life.

Xu Jingshi was born in a medical family in Anhui in 1933. His grandfather Xu Shufu was a scholar in the late Qing Dynasty and a famous doctor in Jianghuai during the Republic of China. Under the influence and strict requirements of his grandfather, Xu Jingshi began to read and pr - DayDayNews

In 1956, his grandfather was invited to teach at the Anhui Provincial College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, so Xu Jingshi came to the school with his grandfather for further studies and began systematic traditional Chinese medicine theory study. In 1959, after eight years of study, he began clinical practice. Influenced by his grandfather's words and deeds and a strong academic atmosphere, coupled with his diligence and studiousness, he now has a profound understanding of the theory of traditional Chinese medicine and can basically master it. After years of clinical practice experience, he has a thorough understanding and clinical understanding of the theory of traditional Chinese medicine. He is very mature in his careful grasp of symptoms and application of treatment prescriptions, and has formed his own unique style, becoming a leader in the traditional Chinese medicine field in Anhui Province.

In more than 60 years of clinical practice and teaching, he has made in-depth research on digestive system diseases and proposed his own unique diagnosis and treatment methods. Because of his superb medical skills and noble medical ethics, he was deeply loved by people. He later became the academic heir of the senior Chinese medicine expert of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the first master of traditional Chinese medicine.

Xu Jingshi was born in a medical family in Anhui in 1933. His grandfather Xu Shufu was a scholar in the late Qing Dynasty and a famous doctor in Jianghuai during the Republic of China. Under the influence and strict requirements of his grandfather, Xu Jingshi began to read and pr - DayDayNews

Mr. Xu Jingshi not only has good medical skills, but also has in-depth research on traditional Chinese medicine health care. He believes that it is better to prevent disease than to cure it, and it is best to nip the disease in the bud. Therefore, he pays special attention to traditional Chinese medicine health care and has developed his own unique health care method. Today, Mr. Xu is 90 years old, but he is still energetic and healthy, and his thinking is very clear.

Professor Xu Jingshi believes that the key to maintaining good health is to adjust your mentality. Especially now that material desires are rampant, there are many temptations, and people's hearts are lacking, many people have an impetuous mentality and cannot control their desires well, which leads to imbalances in the body and diseases over time. Therefore, a person's mentality must be good and remain in a peaceful state, which is as important as maintaining a constant body temperature.

Xu Jingshi was born in a medical family in Anhui in 1933. His grandfather Xu Shufu was a scholar in the late Qing Dynasty and a famous doctor in Jianghuai during the Republic of China. Under the influence and strict requirements of his grandfather, Xu Jingshi began to read and pr - DayDayNews

Therefore, keeping in good health first lies in nourishing the heart. " Nei Jing " says: "The heart is the foundation of the five internal organs. When the heart beats, all the internal organs shake." This means that the heart is the foundation of the human body. If the heart is not restful, it is easy to get sick. Therefore, the key to nourishing the mind is not to be easily seduced by the noisy external environment, and to be indifferent or even pure in heart, so as to maintain good health. When a person's mind is calm, he can maintain abundant energy, thereby improving the body's immunity, thus forming a virtuous cycle, and the body will naturally become healthier.

Mr. Xu thinks and does this. He has always maintained a "happy and busy" mentality in work and life. Consulting, teaching, and writing books are the "three major parts" of his daily life. He has adhered to this model for his whole life. Mr. Xu believes that giving is more meaningful than receiving, so he often participates in free clinics whenever he has time.

Xu Jingshi was born in a medical family in Anhui in 1933. His grandfather Xu Shufu was a scholar in the late Qing Dynasty and a famous doctor in Jianghuai during the Republic of China. Under the influence and strict requirements of his grandfather, Xu Jingshi began to read and pr - DayDayNews

Mr. Xu believes that staying busy happily can not only keep yourself "young", but also keep yourself "motivated" and give your "heart" the greatest satisfaction.

Mr. Xu Jingshi believes that doctors should be benevolent and have great love in their hearts. This is also a secret to health care. For patients, he not only heals the body, but also heals the "heart". He always puts himself in the patients' shoes and considers them. He also makes friends with the patients, helps them analyze their conditions, provides encouragement, and uses psychological comfort and spiritual encouragement to patients. Brings great confidence in defeating the disease. As a result, his patients recover extremely quickly.

Xu Jingshi was born in a medical family in Anhui in 1933. His grandfather Xu Shufu was a scholar in the late Qing Dynasty and a famous doctor in Jianghuai during the Republic of China. Under the influence and strict requirements of his grandfather, Xu Jingshi began to read and pr - DayDayNews

Although Mr. Xu is an authentic Chinese medicine doctor, he views Chinese medicine and Western medicine very objectively. He believes, “When encountering tumors, surgery should be performed when surgery is needed, and chemotherapy should be performed when chemotherapy is needed. Western medicine has advantages in this area, but the curative effect of traditional Chinese medicine is more prominent after surgery."One of the patients he treated had no money for chemotherapy after esophageal cancer surgery, so Xu Jingshi asked him to drink 15 grams of ordinary Ganoderma boiled water every day, and he received very good results. Now, 15 years later, The patient has recovered as usual.

In addition to treating diseases and maintaining health, Xu Jingshi also pays special attention to the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese medicine. In 2014, he took the lead in organizing the first "Traditional Chinese Medicine Salon" in our province to provide a platform for cultivating high-level traditional Chinese medicine talents. A very good academic exchange platform. He believes that the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine requires teacher-to-teacher education in addition to higher education, and clinical experience is also extremely important. He never reserves the experience he has accumulated over decades and treats his students very well. It’s always been a blessing.

Xu Jingshi was born in a medical family in Anhui in 1933. His grandfather Xu Shufu was a scholar in the late Qing Dynasty and a famous doctor in Jianghuai during the Republic of China. Under the influence and strict requirements of his grandfather, Xu Jingshi began to read and pr - DayDayNews

Note: The picture comes from the Internet


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