Reprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the

2024/07/0221:59:32 regimen 1290
Reprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNews

Reposted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone)

Reprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNews

The Dog Days of 2022:

The Dog Days of July: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days.

The middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days

The late dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days.

The dog days of summer are the days with the highest temperatures of the year.

The "volt" in the "three volts", some people say, refers to "subduing evil", while others say it refers to the hot weather, "it is better to stay down but not to move".

After the fall, how can we keep our bodies healthy in the face of hot and humid climate?

Reprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNews

Picture | It should be a sunny day - ©

Reprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNews

In summer, the surface is hot, but the ground is cool. The same applies to the body. Eat less cold food and more hot tonic. When frying eels, add more perilla . When eating dumplings, it is best to stuff them with mutton. When roasting duck, it is best to add a few pieces of old ginger. They are all hot spices, which can induce sweating and relieve heat without hurting the inside.

[ Eat eel ]

/ Summer eel is the first tonic/

Summer comes, which is a good time to eat eel for warming and tonic. It has the effect of treating winter diseases in summer ; in the old days, people who wandered around the world were called selling Daliwan Yes, it has a derogatory meaning. In fact, ancient books actually record the formula of Dali Pills, and one of the ingredients is eel.

Reprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNews

Picture | Hui running, jumping, eating and drinking - ©

The dog days of summer are here, and the eel is fat and delicious. There is a saying that "the eel in Xiaoshu is better than the ginseng". Eating eel at this time is the most nourishing, cooling blood, lowering cholesterol and preventing and treating arteriosclerosis.

Reprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNewsReprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNews

pictures|Hui taken while running, jumping, eating and drinking-©


eating dumplings

/ Mutton dumplings, sweating and detoxification/

As the saying goes, "The head is on the dumplings, the two are on the noodles, and the bottom is on the pancake rolls" egg".

As soon as the weather begins, many places have the custom of eating dumplings. According to historical records, as early as the Wei and Jin Dynasties, people chose to eat dumplings in Futian, such as "Futian eclipse soup cakes" and "June Futian eclipse soup cakes ".

Reprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNewshtml The reason why we eat dumplings with our heads down is because it is too hot in summer and long-term sweating leads to overdraft of the human body. Dumplings contain protein, which can provide people with as comprehensive nutrition as possible during the bad-tasting days.

In addition, people often use air conditioners in summer, and the body is very cold. At this time, it is best to eat mutton dumplings, and then drink a bowl of hot dumpling soup . Through sweating, it can help get rid of the "toxic fire" in midsummer.

Reprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNewsReprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNews

Pictures | Lanzhou Shanggu Photography-©

Eat Ginger Duck

/ Warm but not dry, replenishing Qi and calming the mind/

As the saying goes: "Eat radish in winter, eat ginger in summer."

is in hot and humid In summer, ducks are all famous for their fatness and tenderness, but ginger duck is an exception. It uses the uncommon red-faced Muscovy duck, which has strong blood and tenacious vitality and has good nourishing and medicinal functions.

Reprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNewsReprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNews

When eating duck in the dog days of summer, you can add more than ten kinds of Chinese herbal medicines such as Angelica , wolfberry, Codonopsis , Astragalus and old ginger as the base for cooking. Use black sesame oil as seasoning. The aroma is fragrant, the food is attractive, and the meat is crispy. Juicy.

Reprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNewsReprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNews

During the third lunar month, there is trouble and heat, so one likes to chase the cold. But we don’t advocate filling your stomach with tons of ice. The real coolness is not about cold or ice, but about balancing the body.

[ drink green tea ]

/ Reduce heat and internal heat, reduce dryness and promote fluid production /

Green tea produces coolness. But it must be hot tea. Sweating gently can take away the heat from the body. "Seven Bowls of Tea Song" says: "Five bowls of tea will clear your muscles and bones, and seven bowls of tea will make you feel the cool breeze blowing in your armpits."

Especially in the hot summer, people sweat a lot, and the body loses a lot of sodium. An imbalance of sodium and potassium can easily induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Reprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNewsReprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNews

Picture | Sanjay Yao-©

Picture|Creator 152808623147302-©

Tea contains more potassium ions . Drinking tea in summer can not only effectively reduce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular risks, but also reduce heat and reduce dryness. Shengjin.

When summer is hot and you feel sleepy, a cup of good tea can refresh you and wake you up.

Reprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNews

Drink green soup

/ Reduce swelling and reduce qi, clear away heat and quench thirst. /

There is a folk saying: "Drink mung bean soup in summer and cook white fungus soup in winter."

Yuan Mei's "Suiyuan Food List" said that when making porridge, you need to "make the water and rice harmonious, soft and greasy, and then call it porridge." In the bitter summer, there are waves of heat waves outside, and the pot The mung beans inside are also tumbling in the boiling water. The mung beans and the water have reached a certain tacit understanding in the constant running-in.

calms the mind and does not require too complicated taste.

Reprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNewsReprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNews

Picture | Wang Jun, Hefei, Anhui - ©

Picture | 1976-©

[Drink sour soup ]

/Remove heat and annoyance, relieve fatigue/

Sour plum soup can promote body fluids and quench thirst, converge lung qi , relieve irritation and calm the mind, it is a rare health drink in hot summer

. It is said that Zhu Yuanzhang was the founder of sour plum soup. He was a small vendor selling black plums. At that time, the summer was hot and humid, and diseases were rampant. Unfortunately, Zhu Yuanzhang was infected and couldn't afford to fall ill when he struggled to get the black plums from the warehouse. , suddenly smelled the sour smell of ebony, and immediately felt a lot more energetic.

Reprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNews

Picture | suika ©

So, he used ebony as the main ingredient, mixed with hawthorn and licorice and added water to make a soup, which he made every day. After taking it, the disease recovered after a few days. From then on, Zhu Yuanzhang switched to selling sour plum soup, which can get rid of the plague.

After Zhu Yuanzhang became emperor, he still had a special liking for sour plum soup. He often drank sour plum soup to remove oil from the body and replenish qi. Calming the mind.

Reprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNewsReprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNews

Picture 1|Ancestor ©

Picture 2|Lz Lai ©

Reprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNews

The dog days are coming, so you should retreat and seek inwardly, such as sitting quietly for even a quarter of an hour, when you can hear the leaves rustling outside the window and sweating on your body. When you are not upset, you are really at peace.

[It’s better to sit quietly ]

/ Meditate when you have nothing to do. For a long time, our life pace has been too fast.

We have to accept too much information every day, and our hearts have become dull. Impetuous. Faced with the erosion of Internet information and the spread and fluctuation of various emotions, it is particularly important to get along with oneself.

Spend an hour to half a day alone reading, writing, drawing, and even cooking. Listen to music and watch movies, and don’t worry about “What should I do later?” ”

Reprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNewsReprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNews

Picture | It should be a sunny day - ©

Picture | Shining day - ©

[ should be in a daze ]

/ Chinese people’s innocent thoughts/

In fact, all the prosperity cannot be worth a moment of inner peace.

For example, a person can sit quietly in a corner in a daze, without having to think about anything or do anything. There are no worries to disturb his mind and no foreign affairs to entangle him. The surroundings are so quiet that it is as if he is the only one left in the world, and there is no need to shed tears. Wipe it dry, and don’t force a smile.

Reprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNews

Picture | Superman and Aotuman - Photo by

In the hot summer days, after being in a daze, I feel like an empty bottle. After pouring out the bitter and dirty water in my heart, it is empty. Naturally, there will be no worries.

Just as the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng said: "There is nothing in the beginning, so how can it cause dust.

Reprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNews

Pictures | Looking for Fragrance in the Empty Valley-©

【It’s good to meditate

/ A calm mind is naturally cool/

People often say that the heat is in the third volts.

For the ancient Chinese, spending summer is the best way to eliminate fire, and being a good person is to nourish the mind. The superior state of spending summer , is to maintain a peaceful state of calmness, purity of mind, and relaxation, a state full of Zen.

Reprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNews

Picture | Lin Feng_-©

The ancients understood that it is better to enjoy the summer than to enjoy it, and appreciate the goodness, freshness, and whiteness of these ingredients. In exchange for a pure heart.

The heart is calm, no matter how hot the world is, it will not hinder the inner peace.

Reprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNewsReprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNews

Pictures | Watermelon King AK-©

Pictures | Hanjiang Water-©

The text is original by Wu Dao. For reprinting, please contact the author

for reading. Chinese and foreign masterpieces

" Madame Bovary "丨"Frog"丨"The Old Man and the Sea"丨"The Plague"丨"The Plum in the Golden Vase"丨"Love in the Time of Cholera"丨"Biography of Celebrities"丨"Little Women"丨" The Catcher in the Rye "丨"The Kite Runner"丨"Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea"

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Reprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNewsReprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNewsReprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNewsReprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNewsReprinted from: Wu Dao (ID: wudaoone) The Dog Days of 2022: The First Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days. Middle dog days: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days. Last dog days: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days. The dog days of summer are the days with the - DayDayNews

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(Correspondent Hu Meng, Wan Lingxiang and Fu Jian) ​​July 16, the first day of winter, was also the day when the "Winter Diseases and Summer Treatment" post was officially launched. The reporter learned from the Hubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine that the h - DayDayNews

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