Uremia is actually a late manifestation of chronic renal insufficiency. When chronic renal insufficiency occurs, the human body cannot produce urine through the kidneys, resulting in waste, toxins, and excess water in the human body not being excreted in time, ultimately causing

2024/07/0216:29:32 regimen 1845

Uremia is actually a late manifestation of chronic renal insufficiency .

When chronic renal insufficiency occurs, the human body cannot produce urine through the kidneys, resulting in waste, toxins, and excess water in the human body not being excreted in time, ultimately causing damage to the body. Uremia is undoubtedly a serious kidney disease, but its incidence is not low. Moreover, the number of new cases every year is still increasing at a rate of about 20%. Therefore, it is very important to understand uremia as early as possible, take good care of the kidneys, and prevent the occurrence of uremia. Five signals appear in the morning, indicating the onset of uremia

1 and hair loss on pillows

Traditional Chinese medicine believes: The kidneys store essence , and the essence is developing. This means that the root of hair growth lies in the kidneys. The kidneys produce blood, and the blood nourishes the hair. If the kidneys suffer "deficiency", problems such as premature graying of hair, hair loss , and boredom are likely to occur. Therefore, if you find a lot of hair falling on the pillow after getting up in the morning, this is often a sign of kidney qi deficiency.

2. Fatigue in the morning

Whether it is physical or mental fatigue, the body will return to normal after a night of adequate sleep. Healthy people should be energetic and mentally active after getting up in the morning. However, it is different when uremia occurs. Even after a long period of rest, the patient will still feel weak and tired. This is caused by impaired kidney function, resulting in reduced metabolic capacity and accumulation of large amounts of metabolic waste in the body.

3. Abnormal urine

As the name suggests, if you accidentally suffer from uremia, your urine will definitely change. This change is visible to the naked eye, especially the first urine in the morning. The color of the urine will turn yellow, like strong tea. There will be more foam in the urine, not because of the impact of peeing in the morning, but because it will persist for a long time, and the urine will smell more pungent.

4. Loss of appetite

Although the kidneys and the intestines and stomach are two systems, kidney disease will affect the operation of the intestines and stomach. When glomerulus is damaged, the kidney's filtering function will gradually decrease or even be completely lost, which will lead to abnormal waste metabolism. The accumulation of , creatinine, , uric acid, and ammonia substances in the body will further irritate the gastrointestinal tract, thereby affecting the digestive function and causing symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite.

5. Swollen eyes and legs

Some people have swollen eyes when they wake up in the morning. They think it is caused by drinking too much water at night or not getting enough rest. It is normal to have this phenomenon occasionally, but if the eye swelling occurs for a period of time and is accompanied by swollen feet, it should be taken seriously. Because of kidney damage caused by uremia, water in the body cannot be excreted from the body in time. When water is retained in the body, the body is prone to swelling, especially the ankles and eyelids.

In order to avoid the damage of uremia, everyone must increase their awareness of protecting the kidneys. If chronic kidney disease occurs, do not delay and go to the hospital for active treatment in time.

Uremia is actually a late manifestation of chronic renal insufficiency. When chronic renal insufficiency occurs, the human body cannot produce urine through the kidneys, resulting in waste, toxins, and excess water in the human body not being excreted in time, ultimately causing  - DayDayNews

Uremia is actually a late manifestation of chronic renal insufficiency. When chronic renal insufficiency occurs, the human body cannot produce urine through the kidneys, resulting in waste, toxins, and excess water in the human body not being excreted in time, ultimately causing  - DayDayNews

Uremia is actually a late manifestation of chronic renal insufficiency. When chronic renal insufficiency occurs, the human body cannot produce urine through the kidneys, resulting in waste, toxins, and excess water in the human body not being excreted in time, ultimately causing  - DayDayNews

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