Today is the hottest period of the year. As the saying goes, "The heat comes in the third volt." We are about to usher in the hottest period of the year. Unless the heat reaches the extreme, it will not really cool down. You can also take advantage of the heat of Futian to take g

2024/07/0208:49:33 regimen 1669

Today is the hottest period of the year. As the saying goes, "The heat comes in the third volt". We are about to enter the hottest period of the year. Unless the heat reaches the extreme, it will not really cool down. You can also take advantage of the heat of Futian to take good care of yourself. This is also the greatest blessing for your body.

022 Dog days of dog days schedule

Solar terms experienced in the first 10 days of summer: minor summer, major summer

July 16~July 25

Solar terms experienced in the 20 days of middle period: major summer, beginning of autumn

July 26~August 14

End of summer The solar terms experienced in the 10 days of Dog Day: Beginning of Autumn

8 15th to August 24

"Those who lurk, hide in hiding to avoid the heat." The ancients wanted to lurk in the Dog Day. We do not have a "long holiday" to hide, so we are faced with all kinds of things between heaven and earth. You need to be even more careful about unhealthy tendencies, and this is also the most dangerous time.

is the most dangerous. There are dangers but also opportunities. If you use them well, it is also an opportunity to take good care of yourself.

It’s really hot this year. If you don’t keep it well, you’ll get fever. . If you keep it well, you’ll get Yang.

It’s really too hot this year! The temperature continued to be high in many places, and everything except the ice cream was melted by the sun. Extreme heat is a form of extreme heatstroke. Heat stroke. If you spend most of the day outdoors, be careful:

  • Replenish water in time, such as sour plum soup and other astringent water.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise.
  • Don’t worry.
  • Sun protection. Don't be too exposed to the sun
  • Make sure to have a good sleep the day before going outdoors
  • Eat a light diet and avoid greasy and spicy food

Why is it so hot this year?

This year, the qi of , wind, wood, is relatively strong, and strong wind brings strong fire, so the heat comes early, the temperature is high, the summer qi is heavy, and the fire qi is strong. It is still in the Xiaoshu solar term, and it is the "three Qi" of the year. According to traditional Chinese medicine, this is the three superpositions of "Shao Yang phase fire" that only occurs once in six years, causing the damp heat and turbid fire in the body to be more obvious and serious than in previous years. After the minor summer heat and the severe summer heat, the four qi will improve, but the spleen and stomach are still under great test.

Such good solar energy can nourish your body when used properly!

The most uncomfortable thing about Sanfu is its heat, and this is precisely its most precious part. If you can seize these 40 days and make good use of the gifts of the sun, you will have a better body in autumn. If you can persist for 3 years, your body will also change for the better.

The sun in the dog days of summer is full of yang energy, and our back is also the place with the most yang energy. When it is fully charged, the whole body will accumulate energy

The Du Vein governs the 6 yang meridians in the body. With the help of the sun with the most yang energy in , summer and days, it also injects energy into the main line of the body. When it is heated, the yang energy will naturally sneak into the tributaries, and the whole body will It's very comfortable and energy accumulates throughout the body.

Today is the hottest period of the year. As the saying goes,

The ancients had long played with the sun.

During the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty, there was a mysterious man "Tianxiuzi". He wrote a special "explanation" in "Cultivation of Kunlun Verification":

Every man and woman head wind , cerebral leakage, toothache , ear swelling, athlete's foot , ecthyma, hands, feet, waist and back muscles and bones Pain , wind-cold, damp-heat, weakness, soreness and other symptoms, if you expose yourself naked to the scorching sun at the end, noon or midnight of the third day of the third lunar month, regardless of whether the symptoms are old or new, they can be cured and eradicated. Even if a woman is having menstruation, she can also be exposed to the sun and relieve the symptoms. The divine work of heaven and earth transforming and nurturing is difficult to describe.

. Do not cover yourself with clothing, as this may cause you to get hot. Some people teach you how to bask in the sun. If you are naked in the scorching sun on a hot day, you will sweat like water and be cooled by the wind, but you will not feel the heat. However, if you are exposed to the sun for the first time, the skin will peel off, and the thickness will depend on the disease, and it may even cause blisters. The skin will heal very quickly and will not take more than two days. This is true chemical engineering.

To put it simply, by taking advantage of the doggy sun, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. (9:00-11:00 si, 11:00-13:00 noon, 13:00-15:00 noon), Naked in the sun, regardless of men or women, all kinds of headaches, itching, rheumatism, sores, old and new diseases, major illnesses and minor pains can be cured.

I take it off as much as I want to bask in the sun at home, and I can also show it elegantly outside. I also bought a backless skirt, specially used to bask in my back:)

Today is the hottest period of the year. As the saying goes,

I really feel that it is not hot at all. Even after eating at home, it is too hot. You will be sweating profusely, and the heat will dissipate outward.

Today is the hottest period of the year. As the saying goes,

When you are basking in the back, the heat of the sun goes into your body, and your body is cold, so it is warmed, which is very comfortable. The moment my back was exposed to the sun, my heart suddenly felt at peace. I was not bored or distracted.

I was basking in the sun at noon. There was no one downstairs. I closed my eyes slightly and heard the sound of wind and birds in the sky. Wu Jian, I feel like I have disappeared, it feels so good.

Leave it in the sun for a while and touch it with your backhand. The back and vertebrae will feel warm, which will last for a long time after you return home. If you live in an air-conditioned room for a long time, come out and bask in the sun. It will really feel like a refreshing and comfortable feeling after a long drought!

Note: basking in the sun at this time is completely different from basking in the sun outdoors due to heatstroke. If you find time to bask in the sun, your heart will be quiet. You have nothing to worry about and nothing to run around. The sun is positive to you at this time. energy of.

Note: Bask your back, not your head, and do not bask on an empty stomach. Leave it on for 20 minutes at first, then increase as appropriate. My experience is that you can go out in the sun at 9 o'clock, 11 o'clock, and 13 o'clock on different days. Because the angle of the sun is different, the position of your warm body will be slightly different.

Pregnant women should not expose themselves to the sun, and the elderly should be cautious. Do not blow cool air immediately after sun exposure. Remember to replenish water, especially the kind that nourishes yin, preferably warm water, otherwise your stomach will feel uncomfortable.

Some friends said that nothing they drink recently can quench their thirst. You can drink some black plum and three bean drinks before and after sun exposure.

Black plum and three bean drinks are especially suitable for this summer. The weather is hot, and the whole person is very angry, dissipating a lot of energy, and is short of breath. The mouth is dry and bitter. Be sure to add the sour black plum to converge the heart qi and body fluids. .

is especially suitable for you who:

  • always have a fire of ignorance
  • and feel that is heavy with moisture and feel dry mouth and body
  • can’t sleep well at night
  • oral ulcers
  • poor appetite
  • acne
  • fatigue and shortness of breath, Lack of energy
  • Yin deficiency and constipation
  • I have an inexplicable small rash on my body

  • Recently I drank three-bean drink and my body and mind are cool. Although the air conditioner is still on (not facing people), my mouth and body are always cool. The thought of eating popsicles makes me feel cooler. I come less and less, and any ice cream coldness won’t hurt me.
  • Today is the hottest period of the year. As the saying goes,

    The amount for me: black beans , 10 grams each of soybeans, mung beans, and black plums, 600ml water, bring to a boil over high heat, and cook over medium heat for another 15 minutes.

    The hotter the dog days are, the more important it is to protect yourself from cold, cold, and cold. It’s hot in the summer, where does the cold evil come from?

    Cold evil is really everywhere. The hotter it is, the more you need to turn on the air conditioner, and the hotter it is, the more you need to eat cold drinks. Our skin is in a state of leakage and pores are open, making it easy for cold evil to invade.

    Our spleen and stomach are also at their weakest time of the year. Cold and cold foods eaten can easily invade the spleen and stomach.

    For the weak, protection from cold is even more important than protection from heatstroke.

    "Eat radish in winter and eat ginger in summer." In summer, if the abdomen is weak and cold, eat some lukewarm ginger to enter the body and balance it. Confucius also understood the secret of "not withdrawing from ginger food". During the year, only the hot autumn is not suitable for eating ginger, but you can eat ginger at other times of the year. Especially in summer.

    Ginger is pungent in taste and slightly warm in nature. It enters the spleen, stomach and lung meridian, and has the effects of sweating, relieving the surface, warming the middle and dispelling cold. The morning is the time when yang qi is generated, and the stomach meridian is in season from 7 to 9 o'clock, and the spleen meridian is in season from 9 to 11 o'clock. Eating ginger at this time can better stimulate the spleen and stomach yang qi, and can also strengthen the spleen and stomach. When it’s time to rest at night, the energy should be restrained. Eating too much ginger will activate the yang energy, which is harmful to health.

    Therefore, people with cold body, especially those with weak spleen and stomach and prone to diarrhea, can drink a cup of light ginger water in the morning during the dog days. Cut the ginger into thin slices. If you are afraid of getting angry, do not peel it. Boil four or five slices in water. Drink a few sips of the ginger water first, then put the ginger slices in your mouth and chew them for 36 times, and then swallow them slowly. This will have a better effect.

    Dog days are not just about taking advantage of these steaming days to expel the bad things from our bodies and add in the good things. Don’t forget that the Beginning of Autumn has not yet come out, and we are in the hot and humid long summer. At the same time, if there is no disease in the summer and three points of deficiency, it is also necessary to replenish qi and blood, nourish the lungs and calm the heart, reduce consumption, and prepare for the autumn harvest and winter storage of qi and blood.

    I pay attention to your health problems, your diet and daily life, and your lifestyle. I send you a piece of fresh health information every day. Let’s pursue a better life and health together. Thanks for reading, see you tomorrow!

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