Today I will share a small recipe with only three medicinal herbs. It is specially designed to treat leg pain and softness. It nourishes the liver and kidneys, nourishes the muscles and bones, and specializes in nourishing the hamstrings. Save it quickly! See if you often have le

2024/07/0213:38:33 regimen 1138

today shared a small recipe with only three herbs, which is specially used to treat leg pain and leg weakness. It nourishes the liver and kidneys, strengthens the muscles and bones, and specializes in nourishing the hamstrings. Hurry up and save it!

Today I will share a small recipe with only three medicinal herbs. It is specially designed to treat leg pain and softness. It nourishes the liver and kidneys, nourishes the muscles and bones, and specializes in nourishing the hamstrings. Save it quickly! See if you often have le - DayDayNews

See if you often suffer from leg pain and softness. You can't bear it after walking for a long time. Your legs feel bent when you stand, and you also have soreness and pain in your back. It will get better when it is warm or when you rub it, but it will happen again and again. More often than not, it attacks as soon as you are tired. This usually means that the liver and kidneys are insufficient, and the muscles and veins are not nourished.

Today I will share a small recipe with only three medicinal herbs. It is specially designed to treat leg pain and softness. It nourishes the liver and kidneys, nourishes the muscles and bones, and specializes in nourishing the hamstrings. Save it quickly! See if you often have le - DayDayNews

Traditional Chinese medicine teaches that the liver governs the tendons and the kidneys govern the bones. Therefore, if the liver and kidneys are insufficient and the muscles and bones are not nourished, the legs will be painful and the legs will be weak. Moreover, the waist is the home of the kidneys, so at the same time, there will be back pain and soreness. In addition, insufficient liver and kidneys will not only affect the muscles and bones, but also reduce the ability, shorten the time, and make you mentally exhausted and sluggish during the day. At this time, it is necessary to nourish the liver and kidneys and strengthen the muscles and bones.

The recipe I’m going to talk about today, although it only has three herbs, looks very simple, but it can treat the root cause and nourish the liver and kidneys, and it can treat the symptoms and strengthen the muscles and bones to relieve pain.

The first herb, Shu Rehmannia glutinosa, mainly enters the liver and kidney meridian, and can nourish blood and yin, replenish essence and replenish the marrow. According to traditional Chinese medicine, essence and blood come from the same source, and yin and blood come from the same source. The three of them are nourishing at the same time. They are the necessary medicine for liver and kidney yin deficiency . Modern scientific research shows that Rehmannia glutinosa can also lower blood sugar , prevent and treat osteoporosis , regulate immunity, resist aging, and enhance the ability of learning and memory.

Today I will share a small recipe with only three medicinal herbs. It is specially designed to treat leg pain and softness. It nourishes the liver and kidneys, nourishes the muscles and bones, and specializes in nourishing the hamstrings. Save it quickly! See if you often have le - DayDayNews

The second medicine, Achyranthes bidentata , Achyranthes bidentata , just like the knees of cows, they are always working in the fields and are also very powerful and strong. From here we can know how powerful it is in strengthening bones and muscles. , why not say Achyranthes bidentata, but say Achyranthes bidentata? Because Achyranthes bidentata is one of the four major Achyranthes bidentata in Henan, and only Achyranthes bidentata in Henan is the authentic Achyranthes bidentata.

Today I will share a small recipe with only three medicinal herbs. It is specially designed to treat leg pain and softness. It nourishes the liver and kidneys, nourishes the muscles and bones, and specializes in nourishing the hamstrings. Save it quickly! See if you often have le - DayDayNews

Achyranthes bidentata also belongs to the liver and kidney meridian. It can nourish the liver and kidneys and strengthen the muscles and bones. It is also a must-have medicine to nourish the liver and kidneys and strengthen the muscles and bones.

The third herb, Acanthopanax bark , is a medicine that dispels wind and dampness, nourishes the liver and kidneys, and strengthens the muscles and bones. It also returns to the liver and kidney meridian . It has pungent and warm properties and is good at dispersing. If the muscles and bones are weak, it is easy to I was attacked by rheumatism, so I added Acanthopanax bark which can not only strengthen the muscles and bones, but also remove rheumatism. This is the meaning of "prevention before illness occurs" in Chinese medicine.

Today I will share a small recipe with only three medicinal herbs. It is specially designed to treat leg pain and softness. It nourishes the liver and kidneys, nourishes the muscles and bones, and specializes in nourishing the hamstrings. Save it quickly! See if you often have le - DayDayNews

One thing you need to pay attention to is that the skin of Acanthopanax can be divided into north and south. What we recommend today is and the skin of southern eleuthero and , not the skin of northern eleuthero. The skin of Acanthopanax is poisonous, so don’t be confused.

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