Friends who live in rural areas must be familiar with this plant. In the hot summer, the fields are covered with green green foxtail grass. The fluffy foxtail grass is not only beautiful but also very fun. It is a childhood memory of many people. Children love this plant very muc

2024/07/0203:24:33 regimen 1087

Friends who live in rural areas must be familiar with the plant Setaria . In the hot summer, the fields are covered with green Setaria. The fluffy Setaria is not only beautiful but also very fun. It is the favorite of many people. In my childhood memories, children liked this plant very much and often turned it into a bunny or puppy for fun. #ēˆ±ä¹Health#

In the eyes of traditional Chinese medicine, Setariae is a rare medicinal and edible plant. Picking Setariae and drying it in the courtyard, soaking it in water and drinking it can also cleanse the liver. It has the effects of improving eyesight, diuresis and edema, eliminating wind and pain, dispelling cold and dissipating warmth. It is also very effective in relieving eye fatigue and treating colds.

Friends who live in rural areas must be familiar with this plant. In the hot summer, the fields are covered with green green foxtail grass. The fluffy foxtail grass is not only beautiful but also very fun. It is a childhood memory of many people. Children love this plant very muc - DayDayNews

With the improvement of national health awareness, many people will go to the fields to pick foxtail grass in order to achieve the purpose of health care. What benefits will the persistent drinking of foxtail grass water bring to the body?

Friends who live in rural areas must be familiar with this plant. In the hot summer, the fields are covered with green green foxtail grass. The fluffy foxtail grass is not only beautiful but also very fun. It is a childhood memory of many people. Children love this plant very muc - DayDayNews1

"Tail grass" is a treasure. Boiling water with it to drink may help solve these four problems

1. Clearing the liver and improving eyesight

The liver is an important organ for metabolism and detoxification. Liver health has a great impact on human health. In recent years, More and more people are suffering from liver disease due to poor eating habits or unhealthy work and rest problems.

People with liver disease who want to delay the onset of the disease can insist on drinking Setaria greengrass water under the advice and guidance of doctors. The drugs in Setariae grass can only repair damaged liver disease cells, improve liver regeneration function, and achieve It has the effect of clearing the liver and improving eyesight, and relieves eye fatigue.

Friends who live in rural areas must be familiar with this plant. In the hot summer, the fields are covered with green green foxtail grass. The fluffy foxtail grass is not only beautiful but also very fun. It is a childhood memory of many people. Children love this plant very muc - DayDayNews

2, clearing away heat and reducing fire

As the pace of life accelerates, people are becoming more and more stressed. Being in a high-pressure environment for a long time can easily lead to sub-health conditions in the human body, especially now that the weather is getting hotter and hotter. If you are in normal times, If you donā€™t pay attention to precautions and drink less water, it is very easy to get angry.

When there are problems such as strong liver fire, oral ulcers, etc., you can use dogtail grass to soak in water and drink it, which can effectively clear dry heat, effectively reduce fire, and has a certain effect of clearing away heat and reducing fire.

Friends who live in rural areas must be familiar with this plant. In the hot summer, the fields are covered with green green foxtail grass. The fluffy foxtail grass is not only beautiful but also very fun. It is a childhood memory of many people. Children love this plant very muc - DayDayNews

3. Promote wound healing

In life, it is inevitable that many small wounds will appear on the skin surface due to accidental bumps. Under normal circumstances, if the wound area is small, most people will not care, because the body itself is powerful The coagulation function of and can also stop the wound from bleeding in the short term and promote the healing of the wound. If the wound is larger, it may take more time to heal.

If there are obvious ulcers on the skin surface, you can insist on drinking foxtail grass water at this time. Drinking foxtail grass water regularly can improve your own anticoagulant ability, promote wound healing, and better protect skin health.

4, qi and stomach

With the improvement of living standards, people's dietary concepts have undergone earth-shaking changes. Nowadays, the food on people's tables is becoming more and more abundant and diverse.

If you eat and drink without restraint in life, do not pay attention to dietary health, eat too fast or often wolf down, it will bring huge burden and damage to the gastrointestinal tract. If your gastrointestinal function itself is not very good, you can take appropriate measures at this time. Drinking a little green foxtail water can reduce the secretion of gastric acid, protect gastrointestinal health, achieve the effect of replenishing qi and stomach, and can also effectively improve constipation and promote the discharge of feces.

Friends who live in rural areas must be familiar with this plant. In the hot summer, the fields are covered with green green foxtail grass. The fluffy foxtail grass is not only beautiful but also very fun. It is a childhood memory of many people. Children love this plant very muc - DayDayNews

Friends who live in rural areas must be familiar with this plant. In the hot summer, the fields are covered with green green foxtail grass. The fluffy foxtail grass is not only beautiful but also very fun. It is a childhood memory of many people. Children love this plant very muc - DayDayNews2

What should you pay attention to when drinking dogtail grass water?

(1) People with a damp and hot constitution are prohibited to use

Setaria paris is a cold plant. Although it has health care effects, it is not suitable for people with weak and cold constitutions, women during menstruation and pregnant women during pregnancy. It is not suitable for drinking, otherwise it will aggravate the cold and dampness in the body, which is not good for health.

(2) People with allergies should stay away from

People who are severely allergic to foxtail grass should not drink this water. Everyoneā€™s body is different, and their reactions to different plants will also be different. Many people drink it Severe allergic reactions may occur after using green foxtail in water. If this is the case for you, you must stay away as much as possible to avoid inducing anaphylactic shock and causing local skin redness, swelling, heat and pain.

Friends who live in rural areas must be familiar with this plant. In the hot summer, the fields are covered with green green foxtail grass. The fluffy foxtail grass is not only beautiful but also very fun. It is a childhood memory of many people. Children love this plant very muc - DayDayNews

(3) Pay attention to the cooking method

It is recommended that when cooking medicinal materials such as foxtail grass, you must control the water temperature within a reasonable standard range, and the cooking time is best controlled at about 20 to 30 minutes. Insufficient, it is difficult to kill bacteria and toxic substances on the surface of foxtail grass, because foxtail grass is a plant that grows in the wild, and many wild animals will leave their feces on foxtail grass, so you must clean it in advance before drinking.

Friends who live in rural areas must be familiar with this plant. In the hot summer, the fields are covered with green green foxtail grass. The fluffy foxtail grass is not only beautiful but also very fun. It is a childhood memory of many people. Children love this plant very muc - DayDayNews3

There are traditional Chinese medicines everywhere in life. These three kinds of wild grasses are also traditional Chinese medicines.


Purslane is also known as horse grass, purslane , and purslane often grows on roadsides, fields and pastoral ruins where there is sunshine. place. Purslane can not only be eaten but also used as a medicinal material. When used as a medicinal material, purslane can clear away heat, remove dampness, detoxify, eliminate edema, promote urination, etc.

Purslane is rich in malic acid , potassium salt , vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and other nutrients. It is a veritable "natural antibiotic". Purslane can inhibit Escherichia coli and Typhoid bacillus , Shigella dysenteriae and other bacteriocins, which have good effects on treating acute gastroenteritis, diarrhea and other diseases.

Friends who live in rural areas must be familiar with this plant. In the hot summer, the fields are covered with green green foxtail grass. The fluffy foxtail grass is not only beautiful but also very fun. It is a childhood memory of many people. Children love this plant very muc - DayDayNews


Dandelion is also a very common green plant. In summer, dandelions are in full bloom all over the mountains and plains. The white and hairy seeds of dandelion will be blown around by the breeze. It is home all over the world and takes root in the ground. It is very tenacious, whether in acidic soil or alkaline soil. They can survive tenaciously in the land.

Dandelion is the most common green plant in the grass. It has high nutritional value and is rich in dandelion, dandelion alcohol, choline and organic acids and inulin . It contains a large amount of carbohydrates , protein, trace elements and vitamins. , these substances can very well promote physical health after entering the body, and can also have the effect of dissipating nodules and treating stasis.

Friends who live in rural areas must be familiar with this plant. In the hot summer, the fields are covered with green green foxtail grass. The fluffy foxtail grass is not only beautiful but also very fun. It is a childhood memory of many people. Children love this plant very muc - DayDayNews

Dendrobium officinale

The main effective indicator ingredient in Dendrobium officinale is Dendrobium officinale polysaccharide. Modern research shows that Dendrobium officinale polysaccharide is not only a non-specific immune enhancer, but soaking it in water and drinking it can enhance your own immunity and resistance. Ability to effectively resist the toxicity of viruses and bacteria.

also has lowering blood sugar , lowering blood lipids, lowering serum lipid peroxide, etc., which can significantly reduce blood sugar levels, reduce blood cholesterol and triglycerides , promote blood flow, and maintain cardiovascular health.

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