my country's drug market will usher in a new round of fluctuations! On July 12, the state once again organized centralized drug procurement, and the bids were officially opened in Nanjing. After multiple rounds of games and discussions, the centralized procurement of more than 60

2024/07/0115:29:33 regimen 1116

my country's drug market will usher in a new round of fluctuations!

On July 12, the state once again organized centralized drug procurement, and the bids were officially opened in Nanjing. After many rounds of games and discussions, html more than 160 kinds of drugs were purchased It will be successful and will flow into the domestic pharmaceutical market, enriching the product categories of my country's pharmaceutical market.

Calculating this, since the "centralized procurement of medicines" policy was launched in 2018, this is already the seventh batch of centralized procurement of drugs by the country. According to the "The Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for the National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China" The "Outline of Planning and Long-term Goals for 2035" clearly states that by 2025, China's provinces will collect more than 1,500 drugs in a centralized manner. From this, we can also see the country's determination to stick to the "centralized drug procurement" policy to the end.

However, many patients actually expressed that they did not understand: What is the purpose of the state’s efforts to centrally purchase drugs and then put them into the domestic market? In fact, you don’t have to worry, the state’s policy must be “people-oriented”, " The benefits of "centralized medical procurement" are also good news for the majority of patients.

my country's drug market will usher in a new round of fluctuations! On July 12, the state once again organized centralized drug procurement, and the bids were officially opened in Nanjing. After multiple rounds of games and discussions, the centralized procurement of more than 60 - DayDayNews

The country has organized "pharmaceutical centralized procurement" many times. What is the significance?

① It can effectively suppress drug prices

This is the most important role. In the past, problems such as expensive and difficult medical treatment were common in our country. Many drugs may not have national purchasing channels. After a series of costs such as tariffs, transportation, and publicity, the prices will also rise.

In addition, the inventory of some drugs may not be very large. "Things are rare but expensive", and the price will also increase accordingly. However, through the national "centralized medical procurement" policy, the state has personally suppressed the prices of various drugs, reducing the cost of medical treatment to a controllable range.

Not only that, the centralized medical procurement of large quantities of drugs, and a large number of drugs flowing into the market, will also help further reduce drug prices. For example, " acarbose ", which used to cost nearly 2 yuan a piece, was used to treat diabetes. However, after centralized procurement, it only costs 10 cents a piece, which can be said to be a very large drop.

my country's drug market will usher in a new round of fluctuations! On July 12, the state once again organized centralized drug procurement, and the bids were officially opened in Nanjing. After multiple rounds of games and discussions, the centralized procurement of more than 60 - DayDayNews

② Cut off unreasonable income channels

Before there was centralized medical procurement, some hospitals purchased medicines on their own, which gave some unscrupulous people room to "operate": through forced purchase or raising the price of medicines to sell them Although patients increase the profits of hospitals and doctors, they also further lower the threshold for patients to seek medical treatment.

After centralized procurement, in conjunction with the reform of the doctor's salary system, drug prices will become more affordable and transparent. The space for "operation" will become smaller, cutting off unreasonable income channels for hospitals, and everyone will also see a doctor when they see a doctor. More assured.

Of course, this is only for patients to buy medicines. The significance of the "centralized medical procurement" policy will have a considerable impact on hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, capital markets, etc..

Having said that, the sixth round of centralized medical procurement mainly focused on purchasing more than 200 million insulin, with a total amount of 17 billion yuan, which greatly reduced the cost and pressure of diabetes treatment; then on July 12, the seventh round What kind of "harvests" are there in the centralized pharmaceutical purchasing?

What good news is there for the people after the implementation of the seventh "centralized pharmaceutical purchasing"?

Obviously, what everyone is most concerned about is undoubtedly the price of drugs. changes. This round of drug procurement mainly focuses on more than 60 kinds of drugs. The average price reduction is close to 50%. The overall cost savings is 1.5 billion yuan more than last year.

Not only that, according to the detailed report of " Daily Economic News " , more than 10 well-known pharmaceutical companies bid for this purchase , which is also trustworthy in terms of the rich types of drugs and the generalization of diseases. . Especially patients with type 3 diseases benefit the most.

my country's drug market will usher in a new round of fluctuations! On July 12, the state once again organized centralized drug procurement, and the bids were officially opened in Nanjing. After multiple rounds of games and discussions, the centralized procurement of more than 60 - DayDayNews

After this "drug collection", these three types of patients will benefit, which is worthy of joy

The first type : Liver cancer patients

For liver cancer patients, lenvatinib capsules should be familiar, as a first-line liver cancer target Drugs, which once cost more than 100 yuan, gave many patients a headache.

However, after this round of centralized purchasing, the price of lenvatinib capsules may be reduced to about 18 yuan. The huge price reduction means that for liver cancer patients, the threshold for medication will be lowered, and the ingredients for treating cancer will also be reduced, and the anti- The success rate of cancer will also increase as a result.

The second type: Hypertension patients

In this drug collection, the price reduction of hypertension drugs is also very high, such as Diping class of drugs , with an average reduction of 58% , Metoprolol The price of is reduced by about 53%. . This is the first time that this type of sustained-release and controlled-release drugs have been included in the purchase process.

For patients with hypertension, long-term and continuous medication is the basis of treatment. The price reduction of drugs can also save a huge amount of expenses in the long-term medication process, which can be used to maintain other aspects of their own health.

my country's drug market will usher in a new round of fluctuations! On July 12, the state once again organized centralized drug procurement, and the bids were officially opened in Nanjing. After multiple rounds of games and discussions, the centralized procurement of more than 60 - DayDayNews

The third type: Susceptible influenza people

People who are usually in poor physical condition and frequently infected with influenza can also benefit from this centralized drug collection. According to reports, oseltamivir, known as the "magic flu drug", has dropped to about one yuan per tablet. If I accidentally catch the flu in the future, I will no longer feel distressed when taking medicine.

However, I still want to remind everyone that taking medicine is not the best treatment after all. Exercise more, maintain a good daily routine, and improve the body's immunity are the correct ways to reduce the risk of influenza.

In short, the new round of "centralized drug procurement" has brought many good news to the majority of patients. However, although the threshold for buying drugs has become lower and the cost of treating diseases has become smaller, this does not mean that we can abuse drugs and use them at will: only by treating the disease and prescribing the right medicine can it be truly beneficial to health.


[1]: "The average price of the seventh batch of national drug procurement has been reduced by 48%. The first-line targeted drug for liver cancer has been reduced from 108 yuan per pill to 18 yuan per pill. What changes will it bring?" Daily Economic News, 2022-7-12

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