The idiom "beating the chest and stamping the feet" means hitting the chest with fists and stamping the ground with the feet. It is used to describe a person who is very anxious, frustrated or extremely sad. The medical "beating the chest and stamping the feet strengthens the kid

2024/05/2613:50:33 regimen 1460

The idiom "beating the chest and stamping the feet" means to hit the chest with fists and stamping on the ground with the feet. It is used to describe a person who is very anxious, frustrated or extremely sad. The medical "beating the chest, stamping the feet to strengthen the kidney and regulate the heart"

Why do people do this when they are anxious or sad? Is there any performance of beating one's chest? In fact, it is because the qi, blood, and meridians of our body are blocked at this time, and we will feel stuffy in the chest, short of breath, and weak in the hands and feet. Therefore, at this time, people's instinctive reaction will naturally be through beating the chest and stamping the feet. Movements to clear the meridians.

Many people may think that this method is too simple and cannot be called a health care skill at all. I can only say that people who hold this view think that spiritual practice is too complicated and do not realize the principle of simplicity. Is it Kung Fu? Kung Fu is the result of persistence, the accumulation of time and endurance. For example, if we ask someone to help us do something, and he or she says that I don’t have the skills, this time will tell.

The idiom

For another example, beef sellers know how to cut the meat. Is it easy to cut the meat? But how many people can achieve the level of a cook and a cow? If we can reach the level of a cook by cutting meat, this is kung fu.

Next, there is a story in ancient times. It is said that an oil seller scooped up a ladle of oil and was able to pass the oil through the holes of the copper coins. He was precise and did not get even a drop on the money. Isn't this simple? Is it called Kung Fu? Therefore, the essence of kung fu is not the number and complexity of styles, but whether you have enough time, energy, and endurance to do one thing to the extreme.

In fact, there are simpler kung fu than chest-beating and stamping, such as sitting quietly, standing in a stance, etc. One of the basic kung fu for martial arts practitioners is also a simple posture: squatting horse stance. Almost everyone can squat, but few can persist, right? Therefore, skill does not lie in the complexity of the style, but in persistence.

Some people say, isn’t it just stamping your feet? It's too simple to talk about effort. Let’s look at the two kung fu works of Taoist , " Baduanjin" and "Vajra Kung Fu". Is it simple? There are only eight postures. The last move of "Ba Duan Jin" and "Longevity Kung" is the action of stamping the feet. The last move of "Ba Duan Jin" is called "Qijianbai Baijie" on the back, and the last move of "Vajra Kung" is called: "Stamp the feet with both feet to eliminate cravings." Therefore, stamping your feet is also a skill that requires persistence.

Why is stamping your feet so important? Because there are six meridians passing through our feet. The kidney meridian and the liver meridian and gallbladder meridian pass through the soles of the feet. Some doctors believe that "the soles of the feet are the second heart." Therefore, stimulating the soles and toes of the feet can cure diseases and keep the human body healthy. healthy.

The idiom

Many people nowadays have heart and kidney incompatibility , water and fire are not good, kidney qi is insufficient , and symptoms such as cold feet, cold hands, heel pain, calf cramps and other symptoms occur. Stomping the feet can stimulate our energy and promote the qi and blood in the soles of the feet. For circulation, as long as you insist on stamping your feet and using the trembling action to stir up the stagnant areas of evil energy, dredge the meridians, open up the circulation of qi and blood, stimulate the body's potential to the maximum extent, and play the role of strengthening the kidneys and strengthening the foundation.

In addition, there is another phenomenon that many girls often like to wear high heels, which prevents the heels from touching the ground. Over time, it will not only cause stasis of blood and blood meridians in the feet, but also cause problems along the entire meridians. In addition, when walking in high heels, the mobility of the knee and ankle joints are affected to a certain extent and the force is uneven, which makes it more likely to occur ankle sprains than when wearing flat shoes, which will increase the load and pressure on the knee joint. Causes joint disease, and over time, it will also affect the lumbar spine, causing problems such as lumbar soreness, pain, and joint dislocation. Therefore, female friends who often wear high heels should exercise more on their feet. By stamping their feet, they can play a role in health care of our feet.

Why do you beat your chest? Our chest is also where the Ren meridian and the kidney meridian pass through. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the pericardial meridian ’s acupoint is also the Tanzhong acupoint , which is right in the middle of our chest and breasts. The character for the acupoint is means to gather.

"Huangdi Neijing" said: "The heart hides the spirit", and also said: "Those who are in the Tanzhong are happy." The Tanzhong point is related to our emotions. In addition, there are also points like Shenfeng on the chest. , Shenzang point, Lingxu point, pylorus and other acupoints related to mind and emotion. When the mind is distracted, depressed, depressed, anxious, or sad, Qi and blood tend to gather in this area and become stagnate here, disturbing our mind. We are prone to uncomfortable symptoms such as palpitation, palpitations, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. At this time, as soon as we tap this area, we can achieve a dredging effect through the deep tremor waves layer by layer. The location of Shenzang point: It is located on the chest of the human body, at the second intercostal space, 2 inches away from the front midline. That is: 2 inches beside the midline of the chest (Purple Palace), in the depression of the second intercostal space. "Compilation of Examination of Acupoints Along the Meridians": "Open two inches each side of Hezi Palace."

The idiom

Acupoint selection method: Take a supine position, press in the intercostal space of the flat nipple (the 4th intercostal space), then count 2 vertebrae upwards (the 2nd intercostal space), and press at the midpoint of the line between the midline of the sternum and the midline of the clavicle. There is an obvious feeling of soreness and swelling. The location of Shenfeng point: It is located on the chest of the human body, at the fourth intercostal space, 2 inches away from the front midline.

Acupoint selection method 1: In the supine position, in the intercostal space of the flat nipple (the 4th intercostal space), at the midpoint of the line connecting the midline of the sternum and the midclavicular line, press and feel soreness and swelling.

Acupoint selection method 2: Lie on your back. The Tanzhong acupoint is in the center of the line connecting the left and right nipples. The Shenfeng acupoint is about three finger widths from the left and right sides of the Tanzhong.

The location of the pylorus point: It is located on the upper abdomen of the human body, five minutes apart from the upper six inches of the umbilicus (Juque). "Acupuncture Jia Yi Jing": "Among those who are depressed by five points on each side of the giant palace."

Quick acupoint selection: Take a supine position, measure about 2 transverse fingers from the chest-sword joint downward, and then 0.5 inches (half a transverse finger) from the front midline. If you feel soreness and swelling when pressing, this is the acupoint.

The idiom

In addition, we often say the word "filled with righteous indignation". There is an acupuncture point above our nipples called "Yingchuang Point", which means that when our anger rises, it will stagnate in this acupoint. The location of Yingchuang point: It is located on the chest, in the third intercostal space, 4 inches away from the front midline.

Acupoint selection method: 2 fingers away from the nipple on the center line of the nipple. In the supine position, select a point in the third intercostal space on the midbreast line.

Also, women will experience breast swelling and pain before menstruation, which is also related to the resentment or restless emotions in their hearts during normal times or pain. The breast is where the liver meridian passes. If a woman is often angry, or often holds back her anger, it will cause the liver meridian to be blocked by blood stasis, which will be blocked in the breast, and gradually form nodules and hyperplasia, which can be serious. It develops into breast cancer .

There are also many girls who often wear bras with steel rings in order to show off their beautiful lines. The steel rings of the bra tightly press the breasts, which also causes the meridians and blood to be blocked and the breasts to develop lesions.

The idiom

Therefore, we often beat our chests and tap the Yingchuang point, Tanzhong point, Shenfeng point, Shenzang point and other positions of the breast. Through the power of tremor, we can dredge our Qi and blood meridians, which is a simple and effective way. self-care methods.

The above is a brief introduction to the importance of chest beating and foot beating. So, how should we practice it in daily life? We can practice this method in the morning, or after sitting in the office for a long time, to improve the circulation of Qi and blood meridians.

The specific method is that you can first move your left hand and right foot at the same time. When doing it, you can count while doing it, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, two, two, three, four, five, six, seven... Nine two three four five six seven eight, and then the right hand and left foot move at the same time, counting from one two three four five six seven eight to nine two three four five six seven eight. After this cycle, your legs and feet will feel warm. I feel a lot better, my mood is much more relaxed, and my whole body feels relaxed.

Note that when doing it, don’t use too much force, just use moderate strength. You can insist on doing 1-3 cycles every day. If you keep practicing like this, over time, you will find that our body will have a significant improvement. .

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