In the past, I always thought that the previous generation was the main force in fortune telling and belief in Feng Shui, but looking around, this generation of young people are definitely more superstitious. But this generation of young people has a louder slogan: if young peopl

2024/06/2919:13:33 psychological 1435

In the past, I always thought that the previous generation was the main force in fortune telling and belief in Feng Shui, but looking around, this generation of young people are definitely more superstitious. But this generation of young people has a louder slogan: if young peopl - DayDayNews

In the past, I always thought that the previous generation was the main force in fortune telling, belief in Feng Shui, but looking around, this generation of young people are definitely more superstitious and wild.

In life, nine times out of ten things will go wrong.

But this generation of young people has a louder slogan: If young people don’t work hard, the boss will blame Mercury for retrograde.

Arguing with colleagues, being complained about by customers, falling ill and falling over, no matter how big or small, misfortune is caused by Mercury retrograde.

This generation of young people don’t know astrology and are too embarrassed to go out.

The previous generation went on a blind date and asked about their parents, family background, education, workplace, how many houses and cars they owned.

Today’s young people are much more simple, and they only ask you what your zodiac sign is.

In the past, 985 and 211 were the diamond kings and laos at job fairs. If they were to stay in foreign countries, they would be the glittering golden men.

Now the saying "I am a Virgo" means that I can dominate others and I am the only one who dominates.

In the past, I always thought that the previous generation was the main force in fortune telling and belief in Feng Shui, but looking around, this generation of young people are definitely more superstitious. But this generation of young people has a louder slogan: if young peopl - DayDayNews

From an astronomical perspective, constellations are an outdated thing.

If you tell me that you believe your birth date has any influence on your personality and fortune, or that today in the lunar calendar is not a good day for things to happen, even though I don’t agree, at least I don’t resent it.

But when it comes to the correspondence between zodiac signs and character fortune, I feel a little disgusted.

Of course, if you really study astrology instead of just following the trend and believing what an entertainment website says, I still respect it, but the vast majority of people who believe in horoscopes have never seriously studied astrology... ...

Research believes that people like Feng Shui and the Yijing are basically relatively professional, and they can tell what the name is, and have some basis for reasoning. Maybe they can become masters and hide their merits and fame.

But look at the people who are superstitious about zodiac signs. There is no threshold or knowledge required at all.

Most people who talk nonsense about constellations with me, I ask them where do these twelve constellations come from and how are they defined in astronomy?

They can't tell.

In the past, I always thought that the previous generation was the main force in fortune telling and belief in Feng Shui, but looking around, this generation of young people are definitely more superstitious. But this generation of young people has a louder slogan: if young peopl - DayDayNews

Superstitious behavior is not only caused by "poverty" and "foolishness", but has deeper psychological reasons.

Okay, let’s start talking about past lives. (Why are we talking about constellations?)

Buddha said:

It took five hundred times of looking back in the past life to get one chance to meet in this life, and it took one thousand years of practice in the previous life to get one chance to meet in this life.

In this world of karma and reincarnation, we never meet for no reason. Whoever you will meet in this life is determined by your previous life.

The encounters between people are all destined in the past life.

Sometimes when you meet someone on the roadside, you often feel like you are meeting again after years of separation. Sometimes it is clear that they are just strangers you have never met, but thousands of loving emotions arise from your heart, making you want to get closer.

In the past, I always thought that the previous generation was the main force in fortune telling and belief in Feng Shui, but looking around, this generation of young people are definitely more superstitious. But this generation of young people has a louder slogan: if young peopl - DayDayNews

When I read the information about past lives, there are roughly two theories.

One is the more traditional "soul theory", that is to say, in the previous life, we were ourselves in the previous life. Our souls have gone through countless migrations and experiences, and finally entered the current body and became who we are now.

Compared with the previous life, we just changed our bodies and our souls began to experience again.

One is the "subconscious theory" that has emerged recently with the development of philosophy. That is to say, there is a power hidden deep in our thoughts that we ourselves are not aware of.

In the subconscious world, we exist in a completely strange form. Sometimes or most of the time, we are even completely opposite to us in the conscious world.

When many friends chatted with me, they learned that one of my work areas is to help clients heal through hypnosis. They often wonder whether it is necessary to see past lives and just live in the present. Why? Look at the past. If the past you see is very disturbing, will it make you sink deeper?

In the past, I always thought that the previous generation was the main force in fortune telling and belief in Feng Shui, but looking around, this generation of young people are definitely more superstitious. But this generation of young people has a louder slogan: if young peopl - DayDayNews

Hypnotic past life - hypnotic regression

Perhaps the most well-known evidence about reincarnation, and also the easiest way to cause people to recall past lives, is hypnotic regression. How does this controversial technology


Research subjects will first be hypnotized, and then asked to go back in time, from the present point in time to their childhood, and then self-describe everything they saw and experienced.

The hypnotized person will recall very specific and precise private details about past lives, such as full name, past place of residence, occupation, spouse's name and family members' names, as well as some other information about so-called "past lives" (sometimes as precise as family addresses in previous lives), and this information is often confirmed to be consistent with historical, cultural and geographical information.

Unfortunately, although many cases appear to be detailed and credible, none of them has irrefutable evidence.

On the contrary, some information is usually mixed with some wrong information, making people doubt their authenticity.

In the past, I always thought that the previous generation was the main force in fortune telling and belief in Feng Shui, but looking around, this generation of young people are definitely more superstitious. But this generation of young people has a louder slogan: if young peopl - DayDayNews

There is also a proven phenomenon called "latent memory" - some people forget that they have done these things after reading or watching movies, and only remember the fictional storyline, which becomes what is later called "past life" "Memory - It seems that although hypnotic regression is the most popular method to obtain past life memories, it is still far from the most reliable method.

Do you believe that you have ever appeared in this world?

In the eyes of many people, the so-called reincarnation and past lives are superstitions. In fact, the modern scientific community is more inclined to believe that reincarnation is a combination of biological and psychological phenomena.

A lot of evidence shows that humans can recall something without experiencing it, and it is consistent with reality. This contradicts the only remaining theoretical basis for reality. Therefore, researchers try to accept the theory of past lives, and it seems that they use past lives. This theory can explain the causes of those problems.

Current science cannot directly prove the existence of past lives with stronger evidence.

In the past, I always thought that the previous generation was the main force in fortune telling and belief in Feng Shui, but looking around, this generation of young people are definitely more superstitious. But this generation of young people has a louder slogan: if young peopl - DayDayNews

Nowadays, various hypnotists and therapists claim to be able to help you see your past lives, and there is even a game circulating on the Internet that only requires you to enter your name or date of birth to tell you who you were in your previous life.

This is more like a game, and most of the participants are curious.

You can just laugh it off. If you believe it seriously, you will definitely fall into a trap that you don't know about.

has such a story.

There is a monkey king who has ruled the monkey group for many years.

When it grew old, it was defeated by another strong male monkey and took away the position of the monkey king. The old monkey king died tragically.

When its soul comes to the Hall of Yama, it is waiting for its fate and reincarnation. King Yama told it that in the next life, it could be reincarnated as a human being.

It was very happy. Then, King Yama said that you can realize a wish after you are reincarnated as a human. You can make a wish now.

The Monkey King immediately said, "I need a gun."

King Yama asked, "What do you want a gun for?"

It replied, "I want to kill that guy and take back the throne of the Monkey King!"

Judging from this story, if the mind and way of thinking do not change, it will be the same no matter how many lives are reincarnated.

In the same way, if you don’t adjust your mind well, the stories of past lives will only make your original arrogance more arrogant, your persistence more persistent, your worries more, and your vanity even greater.

But why is superstition not only not curbed, but spreading as fast as influenza ?

In the past, I always thought that the previous generation was the main force in fortune telling and belief in Feng Shui, but looking around, this generation of young people are definitely more superstitious. But this generation of young people has a louder slogan: if young peopl - DayDayNews

The truth is actually very simple: the last life-saving straw before collapse.

Psychologist Graham Tyson, as early as 1982, found that superstitious people usually respond to the pressure of life. The greater the pressure, the more superstitious, because science and rationality really cannot give us a sense of life. sense of control.

In the age of anxiety, no matter how far technology and the Internet have developed, they cannot stop young people from becoming superstitious.

Sense of control and personality factors can help us gain a sense of control at the same time.

In life, we have no control over many things:

We cannot control test scores, so we bring lucky charms to "bless" us;

We may not have much control over our weight, so we dare not not Repost content like "Don't lose 10 pounds";

We don't know what will happen in the future, so we believe in horoscopes to get a feeling that the dark road ahead is illuminated.

In the experiment, one group of subjects was asked to recall events that made them feel out of control, and the other group was asked to recall events in which they felt a strong sense of control. It was found that the group with a low sense of control was more likely to lose control than the group with a high sense of control. It is easy to make the mistake of "making something out of nothing" mentioned earlier, which makes it easier to be superstitious.

At the same time, a person's character also determines whether he is prone to superstition.

In the past, I always thought that the previous generation was the main force in fortune telling and belief in Feng Shui, but looking around, this generation of young people are definitely more superstitious. But this generation of young people has a louder slogan: if young peopl - DayDayNews

Psychologists believe that pessimistic "neurotic" characters are more likely to be superstitious, because superstition helps them build a defense system to distance themselves from reality and reduce their negative mental state.

In addition, people who are more receptive to other people's advice are also more likely to be superstitious, especially when it comes to practices like psychics.

The "superstition" defined in this article refers to "blind belief": a complete acceptance without thinking and without rational testing, especially for those supernatural "weird powers" or "magic powers" that obviously have no causal relationship.

From this perspective, those things that people are superstitious about can cover a wide range of things, from ghosts pressing on the body to aliens to mung beans curing all kinds of diseases. Everything can be superstitious.

Superstition does not even have to be related to religion. As long as something can fill people's unknowns and provide an explanation that can bring a sense of security, then it can become the object of superstition.

discusses the topic of superstition, not to label and blame people. We advocate science, and at the same time we can understand people's dilemmas and limitations.

In the past, I always thought that the previous generation was the main force in fortune telling and belief in Feng Shui, but looking around, this generation of young people are definitely more superstitious. But this generation of young people has a louder slogan: if young peopl - DayDayNews

What is superstition?

Superstition means being lost and believing randomly.

I said that poop can fill you up, do you believe it or not?

You don’t believe it. Because you know it! You saw it and you know it.

Sometimes some young scholars come and I ask him, are you married?

is not married.

Then I will introduce you to a wife, the most beautiful woman in the world. Do you believe it or not?

If you believe it, you are superstitious.

If you have no experience with a thing or a thing, have not personally touched it, or have not seen it, just casually drawing a firm conclusion is all superstition.——Mr. Nan Huaijin

In the past, I always thought that the previous generation was the main force in fortune telling and belief in Feng Shui, but looking around, this generation of young people are definitely more superstitious. But this generation of young people has a louder slogan: if young peopl - DayDayNews

Previous and present life

Whether you believe it or not,

In a deep and silent night, you must have asked:

Who am I, and what is my life about?

Do you believe in reincarnation in past lives, present lives and next lives?

The past life, this life and the next life are like a river with different styles. The pain and rocks in the past life are the troubles and lessons of this life. The next life is full of various possibilities. Do you want to turn to the twists and turns of the tributary?

or merge into the calm ocean?

Everything depends on the current choice.

There is a movie " Master of Hypnosis ". The story is full of twists and turns, but the effect of hypnosis is exaggerated.

In fact, only the last few sentences in it are of real help to people:

"They have forgiven you a long time ago, but you have not forgiven yourself!"

The final result depends on you.

is not destined! Important things don’t need to be said three times.

Nothing is destined, everything is changing, and your destiny is in your own hands.

In the past, I always thought that the previous generation was the main force in fortune telling and belief in Feng Shui, but looking around, this generation of young people are definitely more superstitious. But this generation of young people has a louder slogan: if young peopl - DayDayNews

In the past, I always thought that the previous generation was the main force in fortune telling and belief in Feng Shui, but looking around, this generation of young people are definitely more superstitious. But this generation of young people has a louder slogan: if young peopl - DayDayNews

In the past, I always thought that the previous generation was the main force in fortune telling and belief in Feng Shui, but looking around, this generation of young people are definitely more superstitious. But this generation of young people has a louder slogan: if young peopl - DayDayNews

About the author: Teacher Xianhong

psychological counselor, tarot card diviner , planetary energy singing bowl healer, freelance coder, and trainer.

Listening to people's warmth and warmth in a humble room, and being affectionate and comfortable are all fate.

The world of mortals comes and goes without a trace, cooking words heals people's hearts.

I met you, and then I met myself. Destiny is like a knife, let me learn from you together.

If you need psychological consultation, tarot card divination, or business cooperation, please send a private message.

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In the past, I always thought that the previous generation was the main force in fortune telling and belief in Feng Shui, but looking around, this generation of young people are definitely more superstitious. But this generation of young people has a louder slogan: if young peopl - DayDayNews

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