For patients with depression, they actually take medication at home most of the time, and only a very small number of patients require hospitalization.

2024/06/2704:33:32 psychological 1985

For depression patients , they actually take medication at home most of the time, and only a very small number of patients require hospitalization.

This is also because many patients have a certain degree of stability in the course of depression . Treatment in a familiar environment can stabilize the patient's mood on the one hand, and on the other hand, there is no requirement for special care during medication treatment. , the average patient’s family members can do it at home according to the doctor’s instructions.

Then, the question arises. For patients with depression treated at home, will the food they usually eat conflict with antidepressants ?

For patients with depression, they actually take medication at home most of the time, and only a very small number of patients require hospitalization. - DayDayNews

Patients with depression should have these dietary taboos

For today's antidepressants As for depressive drugs, most of them still have certain requirements for patients' daily diet, because for the patients themselves, some daily foods are actually "bad" for the treatment of depression.

is typically wine.

Among all the foods that people with depression cannot eat, alcohol is the strictest taboo. For patients with depression, it is best not to touch alcohol.

This is because drinking alcohol itself will suppress the patient's appetite, cause a certain degree of malnutrition, and directly aggravate the course of depression.

followed by tea and coffee.

Similar to alcohol, tea and coffee are also drinks that patients with depression should not drink. Studies have shown that if patients with depression consume too much caffeine . Drinking more than four cups of coffee or more than six cups of tea a day can directly worsen depression.

At the same time, tea and coffee are both things that can excite patients and can easily cause insomnia, which is even more detrimental to patients.

For patients with depression, they actually take medication at home most of the time, and only a very small number of patients require hospitalization. - DayDayNews

The diet of patients with depression should follow these principles

1. Supplement sugars according to the actual situation of the individual.

Sugars themselves can increase the content of tryptophan in the human brain and have a stabilizing effect on the human brain. At the same time, it should also be noted that , there is no limit to the intake of sugar. In many cases, eating more sugar will cause depression. This is because food containing too much sugar can cause the loss of 5-hydroxytryptamine, causing depression.

Therefore, taking in appropriate amounts of sugar can help inhibit depression, while eating too much can lead to addiction or directly cause depression.

2. Eat more calcium-containing foods

Many patients with depression often have a lack of appetite and poor digestion, so to a certain extent, patients with depression can eat more calcium-containing foods.

On the one hand, it can help patients increase their appetite. On the other hand, it can also help patients promote digestion and maintain a happy mood.

3. Eat more magnesium-containing foods

Studies have shown that when the human body is deficient in magnesium, it will cause depression, fatigue, and negative mood in patients. This is because magnesium has the effect of inhibiting nerve stress.

Therefore, for patients with depression, they can usually eat more magnesium-containing cereals, whole grains, preferably a combination of coarse and fine grains.

For patients with depression, they actually take medication at home most of the time, and only a very small number of patients require hospitalization. - DayDayNews

4. Supplement Vitamin B complex

Patients with depression can also supplement vitamin B complex according to their actual situation.

This is because for patients with depression, the B vitamins can very well help the metabolism of amino acids in the patient's body, and have a very good effect on the patient's nervous system .

At the same time, some studies have shown that if the blood of patients with depression contains more vitamin B12, it will be very helpful for the later treatment of depression.

A typical example is: if elderly patients contain more B1, B2 and B6 in their bodies, the treatment effect will be significantly better than that of ordinary patients with depression.

5. Supplement amino acids

For the human spiritual level, amino acids have an excellent invigorating effect. Many times our brains also need amino acids to produce a certain neurotransmitter , which directly affects the patient's thinking operation.

At the same time, for patients, supplementing amino acids can increase the synthesis of 5-hydroxytryptamine, and 5-hydroxytryptamine is very critical for the relief of patients with depression.

and above are some dietary principles that patients with depression need to pay attention to in their daily diet.

For patients with depression, it is very necessary to know what they can and cannot eat, and what they can eat that is good for their condition.

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