Many times, people bury negative emotions in their hearts. Not only are they unable to resolve them, but they run the risk of falling into depression. According to user survey results, emotional stress and parent-child relationship are the main social environmental factors that c

2024/06/1811:39:32 psychological 1186

Many times, people bury negative emotions in their hearts. Not only are they unable to resolve them, but they run the risk of falling into depression. According to user survey results, emotional stress and parent-child relationship are the main social environmental factors that c - DayDayNews

Many times, people bury negative emotions in their hearts. Not only are they unable to resolve them, but they risk falling into depression. In fact, these emotions need to be faced and expressed, and we need to realize that the existence of negative emotions in is normal and common.

Behind the high incidence of depression is emotional suppression.

According to user survey results, emotional stress and parent-child relationship are the main social environmental factors that cause depression, followed by intimate relationships and career development.

"Depression in my heart is like a black dog that bites me every chance it gets." Former British Prime Minister Churchill once described depression in this way. Silently enduring the bullying of "black dogs"...

Many times, people bury negative emotions in their hearts. Not only are they unable to resolve them, but they run the risk of falling into depression. According to user survey results, emotional stress and parent-child relationship are the main social environmental factors that c - DayDayNews

With the stimulation of the epidemic, the development of science and technology and urbanization, the gap between the rich and the poor has widened, social pressure has been rising, and the general public's need for psychological relief is increasing.

In particular, the onset of depression is getting younger, and society urgently needs to pay attention to the mental health of teenagers.

Academic pressure has become a huge mountain that weighs on teenage depression patients. In 2020, the detection rate of depression among teenagers was 24.6%, of which the detection rate of severe depression was 7.4%.

Many children will experience pre-exam anxiety, which is manifested as: irritability, insomnia, loss of appetite, stomachachestomachache, dizziness, etc. In terms of learning, they are also tired of studying, have decreased concentration in learning, and lack of self-confidence in learning. Performance.

Many times, people bury negative emotions in their hearts. Not only are they unable to resolve them, but they run the risk of falling into depression. According to user survey results, emotional stress and parent-child relationship are the main social environmental factors that c - DayDayNews

Parents often have a question: Is psychological counseling and treatment useful for these adolescents with depression? Can it help children improve their academic performance?

A heart disease needs a heart medicine doctor, and to untie the heart disease, one needs to tie the ring.

Many adolescent depression is often misdiagnosed as autonomic nerve dysfunction, superficial gastritis, neurological headaches, etc. Many unnecessary examinations and treatments are performed, which not only wastes money and time, but also does not alleviate the symptoms. Increased the patient's ideological pressure burden.

Some parents will directly attribute their children's behavior to adolescent rebellion. They believe that the problem will naturally resolve with age, so they leave it alone, allowing the child's depression to persist, and eventually evolve into serious psychological problems.

Some parents will take their children directly to a well-known local mental hospital for medical treatment, which inadvertently plants the seeds in their children's minds that they mistakenly believe they are "mentally ill", and they will have a sense of shame and fear of being judged by friends or classmates around them. Discrimination, so they dare not talk and communicate in front of classmates, and avoid social interaction.

Many times, people bury negative emotions in their hearts. Not only are they unable to resolve them, but they run the risk of falling into depression. According to user survey results, emotional stress and parent-child relationship are the main social environmental factors that c - DayDayNews

Psychological illness,

is far more terrible than physical pain.

If it is a physical disease, it can be cured through modern science and medical technology. However, is there any way to save a person who has no desire to live and wants to die at any time?

In fact, this requires parents to detect their children's depression in a timely manner, actively look for professional and warm mental health consultation diagnosis and treatment institutions, and provide psychological treatment and guidance to their children through conversation and consultation.

Mental health counseling is not an after-school cram school, and of course it does not promise to improve children's test scores.

The main purpose of psychotherapy

is not to bring patients into an impossible state of happiness

but to help them establish a kind of

philosophical patience and determination in the face of suffering

This is like a person walking in the wind and rain, She accidentally fell down, and someone came over to help her up, but she still needed to face the road ahead bravely.

Don't listen to the sound of beating leaves in the forest, why not scream and walk slowly.

The bamboo stick and mango shoes beat the horse easily,

Who is afraid? A coop of mist and rain will last a lifetime.
The spring breeze blows away the drunkenness, it is slightly cold, but the mountain tops are shining slantingly.

Looking back at the desolate place,

returned, there was neither wind nor rain.

We hope that everyone can be like Su Dongpo, who has an optimistic and open-minded attitude towards life, and is still able to walk gracefully when it rains on the way. .

But this is difficult for children in their teenage years to do. Their minds are not yet fully developed. They are teenagers who are facing complex life and are in a critical period of growth. What they need most is to be understood, respected and recognized by others. What they need most is the care and love of their parents and teachers.

But in fact, in school and at home, most of what they encounter are forced orders, harsh requirements, strict management, and sometimes even scolding and reprimands, and inner loneliness and depression are bound to arise.

Many times, people bury negative emotions in their hearts. Not only are they unable to resolve them, but they run the risk of falling into depression. According to user survey results, emotional stress and parent-child relationship are the main social environmental factors that c - DayDayNews

Parents and teachers can’t enlighten their children.

Can a psychological counselor do it?

There are specialties in the academic field. Psychological counseling has developed into a professional discipline with strong scientific nature, practicality and clear professional standards in our country. At the same time, there are also psychology majors in major universities.

Psychological counselors use psychology and related knowledge, follow psychological principles, and help clients solve their psychological problems through psychological counseling techniques and methods.

Experienced psychological counselors will use systematic and scientific psychological methodology and professional knowledge such as supportive psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and interpersonal psychotherapy to conduct face-to-face interviews and consultations with children and conduct intimate empathic communications. , helps children to emotionally navigate, and then overcome obstacles. While healing their inner wounds, they can accept themselves and achieve self-growth.

Although psychological counselors do not understand their children better than parents, they have professional technical knowledge and methods. With the help of certain symbols or props, they can help, inspire and educate children to improve their cognition, emotion and attitude. Make changes and solve their psychological problems in study, life, illness and rehabilitation, so as to better adapt to the environment and maintain physical and mental health.

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